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Play Your Heart Productions

Play Your Heart Productions "Have a Heart, Play your Part"

About Me

24, activist, love being one, love helping save the world and owning play your heart productions.Attaris... finish you next album so we can book you! haha, thanks for everything.

My Interests

Thanks: Aquaman ~ Ocean Defender

This is a call to action for the whales. I ask each of you to take some time and and read the information and sign the petitions and send the letters to the contacts provided to date. Contact the companies and organizations listed and let them know your feelings about their support of the Japanese Whale Hunt.

I welcome feedback and interaction, so if you know of something I missed please forward it so I can keep this whale resource information as current as I can.

Dr. Harry Lillie, a ship's physician on an Antarctic whaling trip in the 1940's wrote:

"If we can imagine a horse having two or three explosive spears stuck in its stomach and being made to pull a butcher's truck through the streets of London while it pours blood into the gutter, we shall have an idea of the method of killing.

"The gunners themselves admit that if whales could scream the industry would stop, for nobody would be able to stand it."

Take some time and sign these petitions:

Encourage Greenpeace to work with
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society!

Sign the petition! Let your voice be heard for the whales!

If the countries that oppose whaling were putting one tenth of the effort into ending it that the Japanese government invests in maintaining a sham research program, whaling would have ended by now!

SEND! Tell Governments: Make the call for whales

The Japanese Government is about to send its whaling fleet into the protected waters of the Southern Ocean Sanctuary around Antarctica. And this year, Japan targeted 50 humpback whales!

SIGN! Stop Japan's Whaling Fleet From Killing Humpbacks!

Help stop this slaughter by voicing your opinion.

SIGN! Save The Whales!

Whales are still in danger. Since a global ban on whaling in 1985, Japan has continued to kill whales in the name of "scientific research." Yet legitimate scientists agree: there's no need to kill whales in order to study them when non-lethal methods already exist.

SIGN! Save Whales From a Cruel End: Stop Whaling Now!

Whale Call would appreciate your caring participation in signing this very important petition so it can be presented to the Australian Government.

SIGN! "Australian Prime Minister, and Environmental Minister must Protect Whales" petition!

Bush administration: Stop delaying right whale protections!

TAKE ACTION! Stop delaying right whale protections!

We are outraged by the annual brutal slaughter of dolphins and whales that takes place in Japan . The images of bloody red water clearly show the world that Japan has little respect for the state of the world's oceans and for the conservation of the marine resources it claims to support.

SIGN! Stop the dolphin and whale killings in Taiji

Article VIII of the International Whaling Commission's founding treaty, allows IWC participant governments to issue special 'permits' to themselves to conduct "scientific" whaling. This provision was not originally intended by the drafters, to allow for large scale lethal research or for the commercial use of whale products. However, several countries have exploited Article VIII to continue killing whales and marketing their meat, despite the fact that this is ILLEGAL under the current moratorium.


This year, the Japanese whaling fleet plans to kill more than 1,000 whales, including 50 endangered fin whales and (for the first time) 50 threatened humpback whales. This is the biggest hunt since the moratorium on commercial whaling began over twenty years ago.

SIGN! End Whaling NOW! Target: U.S. Government

After the 58th IWC (International Whaling Comission) the whaling-nations are for the first time in a majority. That could be the end for all whales! We can..t allow such a horrible thing! Let..s try to save the last beautiful and peaceful whales on this earth! Together WE can change things!


Teens Against Whaling! One of my personal favorite sites! In November of this year Japan's Jarpaa II program will include 50 Humpback and 50 Fin Whales. We ask that the Japanese Prime Minister hear our plea and Stop the Whaling.


Send a message to: The Delegates Of The International Whaling Commission!


Encourage Greenpeace to work with
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society!

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has requested that The Greenpeace Foundation and The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society cooperate towards the goal of ending illegal Japanese whaling operations in the Southern Oceans. For the full blog visit: HERE .

My plea to each of you is to contact Greenpeace and encourage them to "join forces" . It is my belief that for these two organizations to collaborate and function as a "joint direct action task force" can only benefit the whales. I personally commend The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for extending this invitation, it is now up to Greenpeace to "step it up" (as they ask us to do on a regular basis) for the whales and put internal politics aside and "do the right thing".

This is what Greenpeace says, so lets tell them to "step it up"! "It is the dedication and spirit of our supporters that makes this organization so strong. We appreciate your feedback and want you to share your thoughts and ideas with us".

Here is the contact information for Greenpeace :

U.S. Offices

1. Washington D.C. Location

702 H Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 462-1177

2. San Francisco Location

75 Arkansas St.
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 255-9221

Supporter Services:

E-mail: [email protected]
Or call our toll free number at (800) 326-0959
Monday - Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST

Greenpeace has national and regional offices in more than 40 countries. To find contact information for the office nearest you, visit our index of international contacts.

I do support most of the efforts and mission of Greenpeace, I do however disagree with the approach on some issues and the stance that is taken by not just Greenpeace but other organizations as well. There are no "perfect" organizations or individuals, but when the chance to make a larger impact for the protection and preservation of a sentient being you have to put aside political agendas and do what is best for the whales in this case. This is solely my opinion but the chance to do a "great good" is here, I hope that for the whales sake the effort is made. Thank you.

Meet The Players Behind The Japanese Whale Hunt

Kyodo Senpaku

Institute of Cetacean Research

Fisheries Agency

Let us begin by introducing the parties involved, directly or indirectly, in the Japanese research program. These are: Kyodo Senpaku, a private company; the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR); and the Fisheries Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries. In the most basic terms, Kyodo Senpaku catches the whales, the ICR conducts the research, and the Fisheries Agency gives its official seal of approval and partially funds the research.

For more informattion about the "Players" visit: HERE

Since this was published one major shareholder Nissui has withdrawn support of Kyodo Senpaku. You can read more about this HERE

In addition it is important to know that Walmart is a 37% shareholder in the largest grocery chain (Seiyu) in Japan that sells whale meat products. You can read more about this HERE and Walmart Japan.

Contact Information Of The Key Players.
Please take time to voice your opposition to their actions.

Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha, Ltd.
4-5 Toyomi-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0055 JAPAN
TEL +81-3-5547-1930 / FAX +81-3-5547-1931

Send them an email: Kyodo Senpaku Mobilize millions of people around the world to save whales

toyomi shinko bldg. 4-5 toyomi-cho chuo-ku tokyo104-0055 japan
PHONE: +81-3-3536-6521 FAX: +81-3-3536-6522
I found it amazing that this is one of their holdings! WHALESCI.ORG Please visit and let them know that we know!

Also you can contact them here: THE INSTITUTE OF CETACEAN RESEARCH

2-1, 1-Chome, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan TEL:03-3502-8111
You can also email them here:

Please contact your government officials:

United States:

In the UK: (thank you James) Alphabetical List of Members of Parliament

In Australia: Parliament of Australia Contacts

In addition please contact news agencies and encourage them to inform the public of the Japanese Whale Hunt! (great idea Mary)

I invite you to visit my BLOG for updates.
Thank you in advance for whatever action you take, no matter how small the effort the accumulative impact of many small actions can make all the difference.
I for one wish for future generations to experience the grace and beauty of whales and that they have the blessing of hearing a whale sing in the wild and not on a recording.

For The Whales ~ John (a.k.a Aquaman ~ Ocean Defender )

I'd like to meet:

my party --
From: Hingham Animal Defense
Date: Jan 8, 2008 3:15 AM

From: Real Men Dont Hurt Animals
Date: Jan 7, 2008 3:47 PM

From: Win Animal Rights
Date: Jan 7, 2008 10:12 AM

****please send this to all of your friends****

Hey friends - hit these 4 videos please and rate 'em 5's. Also please leave awesome comments and favorite some videos - we need to rock the search ratings and by doing this you can really help out.


Again, thanks guys.

Win Animal Rights
email: [email protected]


John Fieldman, Conflict, Goldfinger and any musician involved in Activism.


Behind The Mask


Free Speach TV - a TV channel funded by it's viewers.


Please advise.


Abby Hoffman.