"People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway." --Mother Theresa
A little bit about me. I live, work, and play in the New Jersey shore community of Ocean County. Anyone who is from New Jersey, or has visited here, may have been to Seaside Heights, NJ. Seaside Heights has a great boardwalk, excellent white sand beaches, and the club scene really ROCKS! Hemingways, Sawmill, Jack & Bill's, Beachcomber, and more.
I am a huge New York Giants fan! I love watching football.
I love graphic comments and invite anyone who is also a graphics junkie, like myself, to visit the best MySpace Graphic websites on the Internet; MUDTRAP.COM and MySpace Graphics and Animations!