My name’s Ciro I’m from Rosario, Argentina but I live in Barcelona. I want to share some of the music I’ve been working on for many years. I’m reworking this themes and planning to record them, and if it is likely with real musicians. At the moment is just what I have. This is a work in progress so I hope you enjoy listening!
My main interest is composition rather than guitar playing, but anyway I love the sound of guitars..
At the begging progressive rock was my fountain of inspiration, and that’s why I got involved in Robert Fripp’s school, called Guitar Craft. I learnt a lot from it, and I’m still applying some of it principles to music and life. Then I started to study Music Education and discovered tonal contemporary music and some ways to do my own compositions. My aim is just to play what I like to play, and of course being listen by someone. Also I suppose that my other profession as a Yoga teacher had an impact in the way I compose and play. At the moment I’m working towards being capable to do good home-recordings among with other musicians and friends. This music belongs to many different periods, so they show a little what I’ve been doing over the years. Also I like to credit the amazing and inspirational musicians I had the chance to listen trough myspace specially the work of London guitar-maestro Gus Isidore, check out my top friends, to listen what I like to listen at myspace;).
Hola a todos:
Mi Nombre es Ciro y mi objetivo es dar a conocer la música que estoy escribiendo y eventualmente encontrar gente con quien tocar, grabar y crear proyectos en Barcelona que es donde vivo. Lo que se puede escuchar pertenece a diferentes perÃodos, por lo tanto se puede escuchar un poco de lo que me interesa y me ha interesado a lo largo de los años. Estos temas están siendo reescritos asà que iré actualizándolos a medida que vuelva grabarlos.
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