About Me.
Andrew Garley Has been gifted since childhood and grown up with many visions and experiences. As a sensitive he very aware of peoples energies & vibrations including those in Haunted Locations. Feeling intuitively. A sensitivity greatly extending into higher spiritual planes. Whilst Andrew’s many gifts encompass evidential mediumship he specialises in the path of the soul, giving information on past lifetimes, who your guides are and channeling guidance from your own guide or from his own loving guides. Andrew Garley has spent the last 20 years in service, Helping many people find inner peace, rebalancing their life, correcting wrong thinking and giving spiritual advice in readings and channeling's. Helping trapped spirits in the etheric (ghosts) find there way back to the astral home. Also working In Television Productions, Stage a Theatres shows giving talks and demonstrations on aspects of mediumship. Radio Interviews and published articles. Many Articles trying to simplify spiritual teachings that people can follow. Andrew’s work covers the globe internationally.
Andrew is a natural born psychic which later with many years of training; as with all true mediums opened up higher aspects of connections, discipline and professional conduct.
Andrew has a passion and love for all things of a spiritual nature and has been studying and training for over 20 years. Learning never stops.
Andrew is better known for his work in the paranormal and paranormal TV. Many shows around the UK in well known places & is well respected for quality and honesty.
Much of Andrew's work is not in the spotlight and continues to work from the heart in helping many people to find comfort and inner healing.
Andrew frequently investigates private homes & public locations with haunting's, where he helps trapped spirits go back to where they should be, at the same time re balancing vibrations of the home back to harmony.
Some of the services:
Personal 1 to 1 Readings
Email Readings
Numerology Readings
Tarot Readings
Personal Healing
Remote Healing
Spiritual Guidance
House Clearance
Services and Inspired talking
Mediumship in Television
Radio Interviews and Chat
Articles for Magazines
Haunted Investigations
Many Blessings Andrew Garley
Vistit my website www.andrewgarley.org.uk for more information and teachings.