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...............................Mimesis (µ?µ?s?? from µ?µeîs?a?) in its simplest context means imitation or representation in Greek.In literature, reason is often opposed to emotions or feelings, and desires, drives or passions. Others see reason as the servant or tool of these things -- the means of sorting out our desires and then getting what we want. Some would say however that many of the key philosophers of history have combined both views - making rational thinking not only a tool of desires, but also something which is itself desired, not only because of its usefulness in satisfying other desires.Aristotle thought of drama as being "an imitation of an action", that of tragedy as of "falling from a higher to a lower estate", and so being removed to a less ideal situation in more tragic circumstances than before. He posited the characters in tragedy as being better than the average human being, and those of comedy as being worse.It is in diegesis that the author addresses the audience or the readership directly to express his freely creative art of the imagination, of fantasies and dreams in contrast to mimesis. Diegesis was thought of as telling, the author narrating action indirectly and describing what is in the character's mind and emotions, while mimesis is seen in terms of showing what is going on in characters' inner thoughts and emotions through his external actions........"a wikipedian quote"
WOMEN....the Mind,the Oceans....Plants.....,weird & strange science and biology,pondering Reductionism through Quantum indeterminacy,drinking red wines and IN·GEST·ING naturally occuring hallucinogenic tryptamine akaloids contained in fungus,plants and animals...obscure Art,Music,Photograpy, ROLLING CONCRETE CURBS...and random ridiculously large amounts of liquid currency......
FAVORITE SURF SPOTSBAY ST. NEPTUNE BEACH OR THE POLES-MAYPORT NAVY BASE!..lil'Talbot,Smyrna,FIRST PEAK in S.I......or any where the people aren't....
HOME~low tide love.....
..lowkey EXpendables...neptune.........dinner...........THE BIG Toilet Bowl...
friendly people and a really normal quiet girl who doesn't wear much makeup and lives next to the ocean......
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....all types of sounds of diffrent pitchs and frequency that seem to go together,stirring diffrent emotions from the start to end as if it where a story describing classes and cultures.exciting,disturbing and even scary. moveing the one's listening,some times even inspireing them...Tran-substantiateing sounds that get grouped into genre's and sub-genre's that define experienced moments in time...usually defineing intire generations......i recommend it.............
"The more thou thine own self out of thy self dost throw.The more will into thee GOD with his GODHEAD flow!", Alex Jones in '08
.. ... xm-sirus satellite music channels......and any thing produced by H.B.O,the SUNDANCE channel,the CURRENT channel,Bravo or I.F.C......and allways P.B.S.
.. Proverbs,Marcel Proust,Edward O.Wilson,Mckenna,Huxley or Brian Greene.....Darwin's Four Greats..all EINSTEINion theory.....
with all HER infinite wisdom..
the HARD CORE..........
Not that i speak in respect of want:for i have learned in whatever state i am,there with to be content"Bible...Phil,4:11 dog,ZEAK" let's paint a happy tree over here and then we'll give him some happy little friends"....BoB Ross....
the final frontier"THE MIND"...doorway to ETERNITY,the pineal....the others...the one's that creep into your mind in the middle of the night nibbleing at your soul in your dreams...the shadows crawling on the walls in the corner of your eye that you can't chatch..the one's that know and dont tell,the one's that tell AND DONT care,the one's that embrace the passing of moments of complete random events that change thier perceptions of what exactly what is...and truley know the basic evils of life are good and that the mass appeal is the true evil,buried in layers of twisted idealiogy force fed in heaping spoonfulls with a bullshit smile and a pat on the open wide..zoom,zoom,here comes the air plane.take a's good for you!that's what the doctor told me...JUST SHUT UP EAT,BREED and PRAY TO YOUR GOD FOR SALVATION.......