Mihai Claudiu Martinas For Truth profile picture

Mihai Claudiu Martinas For Truth

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I could be Jesus Christ, Barak Obama, Will Smith, Carlos Mencia, The Lead Singer of Flobots and Adrian Mutu (as for the last case, Chelsea can suck my dick... I did signed a contract with them - witch I didn't bother to read very carefully - but it was never written in that contract that I engage myself to protect Juden Israel)
But for the time beeing I'm just Mihai Claudiu Martinas... and for those that want to set me a big official wedding... A muslim girl si out of the question... But the main thing is I will NEVER... EVER... marry a Jewish girl even if it's out of the 11 non judaic jewish tribes... I will not marry an Orthodox girl... I WILL ONLY MARRY A ROMAN CATHOLIC OR A PROTESTANT GIRL !!!:. Yes there is a Priory Of Sion and a blood line...But I only care about Jesus Himself... Cause only Jesus Christ could have had a Jewish mother and an Arab Father (Zecharia, The Muslim Mag) and be not Jewish nor Muslim but Christian... I'm also interested if there was a child of him and Pilat's woman. (I don't give a fuck about the queen of England and her descendancy from the house of David and Marry of Canna). Actually was either Pilat or Jesus's son not his daughter, that became Emperor Claudius known as Nero that durring the apostles times put an end to the jewish temple... But the fact is Jesus truly loved not his step sister that he married in Canna but a Roman girl... Pilat's woman (or dughter) for witch he was circumcised (when the cock sang and Petter denied he knew him) and crucified by juden request cause he dared first to intercourse with a Roman girl and second afirm that Saturn already revolves anticlockwise (therefore stands to the right of Father SUN)...Witch leads me to the Roman Empire...Roman Empire never reached Globalisation...it only reached Continentalisation. At one point durring Roman Empire an inventor invented the automated flame thrower... but when the time beeing Emperor saw how much damge and suffering can cause forbid it. Sow all you jewish people never say that Roman Empire was evil... thanks to Jesus Christ you were given time to change your ways and historycal views. Did you now that in 2000 years my Country Romania only defended itsels from enemy intruders... In this 2000 years while all the other emerging new powers were leading conquering campaings, Romania did this only once arround 1600 A.D. durring the leadership of Mihai The Brave. And it was only a couple of kilometers south of Danube just to push back the Turks as Turkish empire became such a burden for the Romanians. Do you know that amongst the most proeminent latin Countries: France, Italy and Romania (is not the case of Spain as Spain was long time mixed with Maurs, that's why Spain is not a proeminent latin country) only Romanian's alphabet preservs all the sounds (phonema) of the Roman Empire alphabet. One more clue is that Romania is the only Country with a name of the actual Roman Empire. Did you know that durring WW2 Yugoslavia not only didn't want to adhere to the AXE but was a military pain in the ass for Hitler. So when Hitler asked Yougoslavia to join the AXE Yougoslavia retaliate. Now when I see what kind of religion and political views have those in Yougoslavia it's all clear to me. Cause speaking of religion mixed with politics, did you know that durring medieval times when judaic Jews where prosecuted, in the East and West as well, a Polish King wellcomed them in his country to do their bussineses ?. So you may ask where is the religion mixed with politics ? I tell you where: When did WW2 started ? When Hitler united Austria with Germany ? When Hitler attached Cehia ? When Hitler was politically suported by the Scandinavian German root speaking Countries ? NO ! It only started when Hitler invaded Poland where all those jews,I mentioned before, where. Did you know that Hitler programmed his campaign against Russia in May (probably 1st of May, beeing such a lasy day for Russia when all the Comunists rest and can be taken unaware) ? But at the exact same time Yougaslavia retaliated. So Hitler had to invade Yougoslavia witch he completely overthrown like in a football mach with ten to Germany and zero for the Yougoslavians. Is just that he lost time. And in stead of attacking Russia in May he attacked it in late summer and the winter caught the German soldiers. Did you know that there was only 17 Kilometers more for the Germans to take Mosscow ? And if Mosscow would have fallen all the Russia would have fallen. And haven't been forced to fight on two fronts if Russia would have fallen England would have fallen as well... Did you know that in New York there were a lot of Swastika Flags arbored by the IBM nazi sympathisers ? Did you know that if England would have fallen the rates for Hitler not to conquer USA but to attach it to it's cause would have been like the rates between Euro and USD currency today ? Of course if you were a Juden you would have been worked to death then gased and incinerated like it happend to Auschwitz. And if you were a real bad-ass Juden you would have been burned alive without gasing like it happened to Sobibor. Actually Hitler was so antisemitic that for him any Hebrew speaking persone was a Juden. So if you were a jew, even if you were as Christian as the Pope, there was no guarantee that you would have escaped his anger or at least have a nice life. But for the rest of us would have been ok. Cause if Hitler woud have won USA there would have been only a couple of years for all the planet to fall in Hitler's hands. I know, war comes with a lot of damage, so it would have taken at least 10 years for the planet to recover. Say it 20. But we would have still been with 38 years ahead then we are today. Of course by this time we would all speak German. But I wouldn't mind... Not at all... If I were born and raised to speak German I would surely have been a Proud and Patriot German Speaking Romanian. The point is we would have been 38 years ahead than we are today. So you can call me a "Nazi" (cause I really am... after all "Nazi" actually means "Worker" ) or whatever. Cause I know who will see my point and who won't. So I was talking in the beginig about that Roman Emperor that forbid the flame thrower. Well... I have it, and I'll use it. Cause I'm like this: If you came to me with good intentions and knowledge I and my friends come to you with more good intentions and all the knowledge we can possiblt have. But if you come against me with a machine gun I'll come against you with at least a tank... And that's only if I'm not so pissed off to come against you...and all your relatives...with a Jet Firefighter Bomb Dropper. As for you aliens in the sky my intentions are of good will... If your native language resemblance hebrew language I promise I'll learn hebrew or better your actual language (but only when I'll meet you and your alien technology and not some bloody jew living on Earth; also only if your language is the most spreaded in the known Universe... as I want to be able to communicate with as many humanoids/aliens as possible, I will not learn a minority's language). But you have to promise me that you'll learn at least English (cause it's easier to learn). However if you truly want to understand me and be understood by me you'd better learn Romanian cause that's my native language witch I know best and I'm more volouble in. But if you prove yourselves to be bad-ass noncooperative motherfuckers, I just want to let you know that I can blow into pieces all your bases on the Moon. Although I will want that never to happen.
FIAT LUX !!!:.

My Interests

Invocation Of The Protective Angels

Computers, Internet, News, Politics, Reverse Hitlerism,
Reverse UberHitlerism, Music, Books

I'd like to meet:

Happy (at least smart if not intelligent, defenitelly not circumcised (in case of men)) people that won't hurt me !!!:.


And serious movies like "Painful Questions - An Analysis Of The 911 Attacks" and the ones below


Antena 3, Realitatea TV, euronews, CNN