Sewa Fare (pronounced Say-wa Fa-day) is a traditional West African music and dance ensemble based in Honolulu, HI. Sewa Fare means 'joyful celebration' in the language of Sou Sou (pronounced Su- Su) from Guinea, West Africa.Music director Moussa Bangoura is from Guinea, and is from a "Griot" family. The "Griots" have traditionally been the keepers of the arts for hundreds of years in West African culture. The Griots keep the history of their culture within the music, songs, and dance whereby knowledge is passed through family lineage from generation to generation through the arts.Dance director Starr Anastasio has studied West African music and dance for 16 years and has traveled to Africa for several months to learn and study within the culture. Starr has toured throughout the United States and has performed with several West African dance companies. She has been teaching classes for 10 years and continues to study and learn African dance and drumming from various masters from West Africa.Sewa Fare is not only an educational experience but a fun, energetic burst of entertainment. Its ancient roots can be easily felt and at times can be very healing to all its participants. The audience will be captured by Sewa's enthusiasm, magic and energy and can not help but be a part of the performance.
Guinean Flag
~~~~~~~~~"Red: the colour of blood, symbol of our anti-colonialist martyrs. It is the sweat that runs over the ivory body of farmers, factory workers and other active workers. It is the wish for progress. Therefore red matches perfectly the first word of our motto: "Travail" (Work).
~~~~~~~~~Yellow: the colour of Guinean gold and African sun. It is the source of energy, generosity and equality for all men to which he gives light equally. Therefore yellow matches perfectly with the second word of our motto: "Justice".
~~~~~~~~~Green: the colour of the African vegetation. 85% of the population are farmers living in the countryside, which is ever covered with a green coat. Green symbolizes prosperity which will surely arise from the wide wealth of soil and subsoil, and the difficult life of the countryside masses in our country. Therefore, green will confirm the meaning of the third word of the motto: "Solidarite'" (Solidarity)"
Congolese Flag~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~