We offer consultancy and supportive services for NGO's, not for profit/social profit organisations and projects that demonstrate social entrepreneurship & produce ingenious new methods towards sustainable change within the world.
Our services include: Event & Project Management, Environmental Event Assessment, Event Environmental Impact Solutions, Fundraising, Mentoring, Campaign Publicity, Grantmaking, Consultancy, Networking, & ethical merchandising.
We also produce our own projects and inititives where we see positive sustainable change could be made or where social enterprize could be of benefit.
Sense Foundation Inc is proudly a carbon neutral organisation.
We have taken steps to reduce our environmental impact in the running of our organisation by choosing accredited green power, choosing energy efficient appliances and sundries, using green printing processes, choosing low impact ethical merchandising, reducing our needs for transportation where possible and offsetting whatever impact we cannot eliminate by reduction alone.
Current initiatives:
Eco Sense
- Eco Sense is an environmental initiative of SENSE Foundation Inc. which consists of various programs and services aimed to encourage and facilitate greener practices amongst events, projects and organisations and provide ‘greening’ solutions beyond carbon neutrality.
Upcoming Events:
Booty Challenge - Pirate themed social justice awareness event/scavenger hunt supporting Bombs Begone!, Make PovertyHistory, Oxfam's Close the gap campaign.
check out www.myspace.com/bootychallenge to register and for full details
Find out more on our website: www.sense.org.au
SENSE foundation is a Make Poverty History campaign member organisation. www.makepovertyhistory.com.au