hola or hi.. my name is Juanito Ochoa. You Want To Say Hi Or Wats Up, This Is My Cell 360-421-9487 You Hava A Message For Me Please Call Me O.K. I was born in Michoacan Cotija, Meixco. I came to the U.S. with my family when I was 2 years old. Now I am living in Mount Vernon, WA for 18 years. and I work at Jo~Ann Fabrice in Mount Vernon and also Cost Cutter in Burlington in Washington. Between 5-7th grades, difficulties helped to me to seek a means of emotional expresion. I first discovered in a school art class that drawwing with colored pencils and adding words to my designs was a useful tool to free my spirit to communicate. A few years later, in the family home, I was inspired to draw my cousins potrait, also in colored penciland foundmy style satisying also a continuing in spiration when I created and handsewed a 200 page artbook. Currentliy my medium is in pastes and colored pencil in the realistic style. My art expresses family of my raza history and an enthusion and enjoy ment of my life.