straight out of the St. Looney up the Creme Bun and Jam comes..... ME!
Well... what can I say about me? I LOVE doing stupid stuff with my friends
I also love animals. especially cats and monkeys hrr^__^
I'm quite shy at first so if you want something from me you have to ask. Also I won't be the person who starts a conversation. But when I become too much of a nag, tell me and I'll stop it.
and I really hate people who are always coplaining about anything, also things nobody can be blamed for
and people who think they are the only great person on the world and everybody else sucks and they are all stupid
and I cann't stand those Mrs. Griffn, Mrs. Jordison ect. girls, too
they think they're cool when they run around like corpse whores at the age of 13 -..-
that doesn't mean I don't love that music but it's not the only genre I'm into
fascists suck as well
and I cann't understand negativ people
everybody should try to make the best of their lives, no matter how hard it has been or is for them
everybody only has one life on earth and everybody just should have fun!
probably you also ought to know that I'm a HUGE Monty Python fan!
and just to quote a wise man: I smoke, I drink, I'm morbid and I watch too much TV^^
Life is like a movie, everybody has a role in it and everybody has to play a certain part, but it's up to them how they play and what they make of their role.
and the skript is written by the norns!
- Me
Mind your thoughts
because they become your words.
Mind your words
because they become your actions.
Mind your actions
because they become your habits.
Mind your habits
because they become your character.
Mind your character
because it becomes your fate.
..... and your fate
begins with your thoughts!
add me on msn: [email protected]
but now: a bit of stuff