Last Man On Earth Productions profile picture

Last Man On Earth Productions

The End Is Near.............

About Me

~Check Out Our Horror Band CREATURE FEATURE~
If You Need Film Music Or Composing, Click The Chainsaw Banner Below The Player To Check Out Our Music Page And Add These Songs To Your Profile
We are the children of the 80s.
We plundered our shiny quarters at the local arcade.
We fought our way into the dragons lair and rescued the princess.
We battled space aliens and destroyed wizards.
We collected gold coins and found hidden lives.
We feverishly tore through the pages of Fangoria magazine.
We loved Saturday morning cartoons and sunday afternoon stooges.
We devoured every word Bradbury and Matheson created.
We believed In gremlins, zombies, american werewolves, critters, stay-puft marshmallow men, deadites, re-animators, vampires, clashing titans, delorean time machines, and a place called the twilight zone.
We couldnt get enough of the ghoulish delights of Vincent Price.
The slapstick sarcasm of Bruce Campbell.
The quiet madness of Jeffrey Combs.
The Ingenious bloodletting of Sam Raimi.
The frightening realism of George Romero.
The absurd hilarity of Peter Jackson.
The dark magic of Tom Savini.
The movie theater was our classroom.
The movie screen, our teacher.
Fangoria magazine, our text book.
LAST MAN ON EARTH PRODUCTIONS is a group of unique and talented individuals from Ventura, California with singular goals in mind.
1) To make great independent genre films.
2) To make the kind of films we want to see.
3) To bring back high concepts and low budgets.
4) To bring back old fashion weird cinema.
Remember the feeling you got, the first time you saw The Evil Dead, Braindead, Dawn Of The Dead, The Re-Animator, and countless reruns of the original Twilight Zone?
We Intend to give you that feeling again.
The origins of LAST MAN ON EARTH PRODUCTIONS can be traced back as early as the summer of 1992. With a garage full of thrift store props and a cheap VHS camcorder they began to turn out a slew of short zombie flicks, kung-fu movies, and comedies, including these pieces of cinematic history:
BOB HAMMOND (Kung-Fu Master):
The kung-fu adventures of a mild mannered boutique owner who deals with theives, ninjas, and martial arts masters, oh my. The name's Bob, Bob Hammond.
Two crooked real estate agents sell an unsuspecting home buyer a plot of land in the mountains only to realize that it's haunted and comes equipped with the flesh eating undead. What will happen to the new owner and will the devious real estate agents finally get their comeuppance?
Two fortune hunters discover a cache of buried rubies deep in the mexican mountains, but accidentally unearth more than they bargained for, an undead mexican bartender with a taste for human flesh. "It tastes like chicken."
A group of friends on a cross-country hike discover an abandoned house and the uneartly creature that lives there. Flying eyeballs, possessed books, and battles with the undead.
A tale of mayhem, murder, and revenge from beyond the grave. A desperate laid-off man decides to break into to ex-boss' house only to meet the wrong end of a shotgun. After a mishap in a cemetery with a group of teenagers and a Ouija board, he is brought back from the dead and he's madder than hell.
All that and many, many, many more...
~If You Like What We Do, Please Post This Banner On Your Site~
I Heard That In Irish Folklore, Posting A Banner On Your Page Brings Good Luck And Ends Droughts

My Interests


Member Since: 11/24/2004
Band Members: Last Man On Earth Productions Is Run By Curtis Rx Of The Band "Creature Feature"


(A gorey zombie epic filmed entirely on super 8)

Aim For The Head
(Our Band, CREATURE FEATURE'S Zombie Music Video)

Alas Poor PIE, For I Knew Thee Well
(Silent slapstick comedy short on super 8mm)

The Secret Lives Of Mountain Men
(Comedy short on super 8mm)

Influences: INFLUENCES
[ ] Mysteries
[ ] Secret Compartments
[ ] Hidden Doorways
[ ] Forgotten Places
[ ] Attics
[ ] Basements
[ ] Cellars
[ ] Old Musty Books
[ ] Antique Stores
[ ] Arcades
[ ] Tattoos
[ ] Flea Markets
[ ] Coin Operated Machinery
[ ] Halloween
[ ] Sushi
[ ] Roadtrips
[ ] Bowling
[ ] Midnight Movies
[ ] Coffee
[ ] Hollywood At Night
[ ] Treasures Washed Up On The Beach
[ ] Dinosaurs
[ ] Gorillas
[ ] Robots
[ ] Apes

[ ] Alien
[ ] Aliens
[ ] Army Of Darkness
[ ] Back To The Future
[ ] Bad Taste
[ ] Battlefield Baseball
[ ] Beetlejuice
[ ] The Beyond
[ ] The Big Lebowski
[ ] The Birds
[ ] The Blob
[ ] Body Melt
[ ] Braindead (Dead/Alive)
[ ] Brazil
[ ] Brotherhood Of The Wolf
[ ] Bubba Ho-Tep
[ ] Buckaroo Banzai
[ ] Cabin Boy
[ ] Cemetery Man
[ ] Children Shouldn't/Dead Things
[ ] Citizen Kane
[ ] City Of The Living Dead
[ ] City Of Lost Children
[ ] Clash Of The Titans
[ ] Corpse Bride
[ ] Creepshow
[ ] Dawn Of The Dead
[ ] The Dark Crystal
[ ] Day Of The Dead
[ ] Dead Next Door
[ ] The Deadly Spawn
[ ] Desperado
[ ] Dreams
[ ] Ed Wood
[ ] Edward Scissorhands
[ ] Eternal Sunshine
[ ] Evil Dead
[ ] Evil Dead II
[ ] Fear And Loathing
[ ] The Fifth Element
[ ] Freaked
[ ] From Dusk Till Dawn
[ ] Garbage Pail Kids
[ ] Gates Of Hell
[ ] The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
[ ] Gremlins
[ ] Hard Boiled
[ ] High Noon
[ ] House
[ ] House By The Cemetery
[ ] House Of Wax
[ ] House On Haunted Hill
[ ] The Hudsucker
[ ] The Ice Pirates
[ ] James And The Giant Peach
[ ] Jason And The Argonauts
[ ] Krull
[ ] Labrynth
[ ] Land Of The Dead
[ ] Last Man On Earth
[ ] Let Sleeping Corpses Lie
[ ] Logans Run
[ ] Mars Attacks
[ ] Mirrormask
[ ] Motel Hell
[ ] Near Dark
[ ] The Neverending Story
[ ] Night Of The Living Dead
[ ] The Nightstalker
[ ] Nightmare Before Christmas
[ ] North By Northwest
[ ] Omega Man
[ ] Opera
[ ] The Outlaw Josey Wales
[ ] Pee Wee's Big Adventure
[ ] Plan Nine From Outer Space
[ ] The Professional
[ ] Re-Animator
[ ] Riki-Oh
[ ] The Royal Tenenbaums
[ ] Running Time
[ ] The Searchers
[ ] The Shinning
[ ] Six-String Samurai
[ ] Sleepy Hollow
[ ] Street Trash
[ ] The Stuff
[ ] Suspiria
[ ] Texas Chainsaw Massacre
[ ] They Live
[ ] The Thing
[ ] The Third Man
[ ] Three Godfathers
[ ] Time After Time
[ ] Time Bandits
[ ] Touch Of Evil
[ ] True Grit
[ ] Two Evil Eyes
[ ] Unbreakable
[ ] Undead
[ ] Uzumaki
[ ] Versus
[ ] The Warriors
[ ] Westworld
[ ] The Wild Bunch
[ ] Wild Zero
[ ] Willard
[ ] Zardoz
[ ] Zombie

Type of Label: None