Hi, I'm Kandie. I am a huge SIGHT UNSEEN fan. I decided to open up this page for all of us fans to have a forum to meet and talk about whatever. Weather or not it is about the band. The band is in full support of the page and handles what music goes on it and band pictures, too. If you have personal pictures of yourself with band members or merchandise, contact me and I will get them posted. Here's a little about the band, as I know it.
The current incarnation of SIGHT UNSEEN came about after the recording of CREDO ERGO SUM. The solo cd by SHAWN HARDING. RESURRECTION was written in thought of having a vocalist. An instrumental version of the cd was pressed to search for the vocalist. After a long search, still having several to try out, an email came to Nick and Shawn from Texas with vocals on one of their mp3's. The song was UNDERNEATH THE MOON. The vocalist, BRETT INMAN, was working on another band when he came across their ad for a singer. Within days of recording the song, Nick was on a plane to Japan to shop the demo of the song. The song received very positive feedback. Upon Nicks return to the US, a few more songs were demo'd. The band decided on Brett as the logical choice for the band vocalist. Recording sessions commenced for the rest of RESURRECTION. The process took 3 months to finish writing and recording the vocals in Texas. They were mixed and sent to Maryland. Having never met Brett before, upon finishing the cd, Brett and Nick flew to Maryland and spent several days with Shawn finishing up the mixing, finalizing artwork, taking photos and writing new songs. They got along like they had always known each other. The story continues.... This is our fan page. This is your place to express yourselves and communicate with one another.
Trip to DC
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