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About Me

Projekat Perunko (ex Perun) zapocet je zimi 2005. godine od strane Nikole Milosevica. Ideja je bila da se stvori nešto drugacija muzika za ove prostore. Do juna 2006. godine snimljeno je 7 pesama. Pesme obiluju staroslovenskim motivima. Govore o univerzalnim vrednostima koje su aktuelne i danas, ali kroz recnik svojstven za staro doba. Krajem septembra zavrsen je demo disk "Izgubljeno Vreme", koji sadrži 10 pesama.
Projekat je nazvan po slovenskom mitološkom bicu, sinu boga Peruna. Perunko je docekivao hrabre i istaknute ljude koji dolaze u Svargu (svet mrtvih), preko mlecnog puta, pojio im belog konja i davao hranu.
Perunko je progresiv rok/metal bend sa dosta neoklasicnih crta. Iskoriscen je veliki spektar instrumenata, kako klasicnih, tako i elektricnih. Dolazi do velikih preklapanja stilova i instrumenata. Pestre i brze melotije su presecene melanholicnim deonicama. Sve to u cilju ocuvanja ravnoteze dobra i zla koja se javlja u životu. Sve instrumente odsvirao je Nikola Milosevic, koji je takode i autor muzike i tekstova. Pesme su uradjene u kucnoj produkciji. Perunko nije predvidjen kao koncertni bend.
Project Perunko (ex Perun) began in winter 2005 as the brainchild of Nikola Miloševic. The idea was to create a new, different kind of music for this region. By October of 2006, the demo ,,Izgubljeno vreme'' (Lost time) had been recorded. The songs have old slavic themes and speak of universal motives that can be applied to the present, using words, frases and motives used in the days of yore.
Project Perunko got its name from an old Slavic mythological creature, son of the thundergod- Perun. His role was to await the souls of the dead in Svarga (the mythological land of the dead beyond the milky way, to where the souls of the dead rode on white horses), and bring them water and food.
Perunko is a progressive/art metal project with many neoclassical influences. A vast variety of instruments, both acustic and electric, were used. There are a lot of styles merged into one rounded form. Dynamic parts are intersected by melancholic ones, bacause the author wanted to create a balance of good and evil, akin to that of mortal life. All the instruments are played by Nikola Miloševic, the author of both lyrics and music. All of the songs are in Serbian.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/16/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Nikola Miloševic
Influences: Yes, King Crimson, Iced Earth, Hammerfall, Deep Purple, Alice Cooper...
Record Label: Unknown Major
Type of Label: Major

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