Suspension of Disbelieve plays a mix of harmonious and progressive rock.
the musicans are; Stella Bonelli; vocals, Ton de Jong; guitar,
Nico van Dijk; drums, Jacco Hoogendoorn; bass, Ton Verbeek; guitar en
Maarten van Dijk; keyboards.
Together they create a sound that is characterized by athmospheric synthesizer.
intro’s, slowly building to a solid, mostly progressive rocksound with creative
drum en guitar-playing built on a groovy bass. Together with the imposing lyrics
and vocal this is the typical Suspension of Disbelieve sound.
Twice a week the band comes stogether to rehearse and compose their own material.
In the meantime we can say Suspension of Disbelieve is a advanced band with lot's
of expirience in composing their music based om different musical styles. Because
of this their music raised to a higher technical level. Nevertheless this doesn't
lead to difficult results that are hard to listen to. The opposite is true,
the music is accessible for a wide audience.