Welcom to the Avalon music space - early days - latter days - Avalon is a Dutch hardrockband that was founded in 1975. They were called SCRATCH at that time. The band was started by Maarten Huiskamp, Rutger Heunks and Jax Kraal. They soon found out they needed a fourth musician. Maarten and Rutger met Eric Fox during a schoolband rehersal. He was just the right person for the job. At this time the band changed their name to Avalon. After Jack Pisters and Richard BG Muermans joined Avalon in 1984, Avalon took of. They recorded a few demos and a mini LP but in 1989 Avalon split up. In 2005 they came back together again to promote their CD release. The double CD contains almost all the demos, the mini LP and 4 newly recorded tracks has been released on the 23rd of June 2006
Visit the Dawa Records Store and order the album The Final Move online!