Dia profile picture


The Tree of Knowledge grows poison fruit; but their venom embodies truth.

About Me

Drumbeat takes control.
Moves my blood the way moon does.
Shapes me like lightning.
Split Poetry Chapbook: $5
Pull the Trigger and Drive (Dan Stalter)
A Very Neat Monster (Sean Gallagher)
Stalk me plz! kthx.
Create! Destroy! (Repeat)
[ Between Two Names ]
I started a blog to explore the nature of human duality. Dan (god is my judge) and Diabolical (to have qualities of the devil). Two extremities within one one being. Where is the line drawn? Who draws it? What happens when the balance is tipped? These are some of the questions I'm hoping to be able to more clearly answer through this exploration. I invite you to join me.
SUNY Oneonta "Tabloids" @ CUPSI Finals 2008
* Not doing slam for the first time in some four years. This is not a permanent departure, but a welcome change for the time being. My blog ( Between Two Names ) will be exploring my latest creative endeavor.
[The 2008 SUNY Oneonta Poetry Slam Team]
I love the Intangilbes and our extended Slam Fam. Mad love for my 2008 SUCO Team; we placed 4th at the Collegiate National Poetry Slam held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I also co-organized the first 'Where There's Smoke There's Fire' Slam Family Tour this past April, and it changed my life. The creative energy and love that this family brings to my life is unparalleled.
George & I [Trailer]
* The Black List [Documentary] Produced by Sean Gallagher, Dan Stalter, & Yasir Anasari. We are currently working on expanding the film.
I've been involved in a number of documentaries lately. I was recently recognized, along with Sean and Yasir, for our 'Artistic Contribution to Social Justice' in making The Black List by the school's Africana & Latino Studies Department. The first draft can be viewed here: ( www.blacklistmovie.com ). We are currently working to expand this into a feature length, and improve upon the original draft.
I also record a lot of spoken word poetry performances, then hoard the tapes and never show anyone. Ask any of the poets - I've got tons of footage. I'm also into cats, sketch comedy, improv, and making stupid videos with no real purpose. I occasionally upload stuff to youtube.
You can't watch ten minutes of television without coming across one of the many disgusting Drug Ads that currently pollute the airways. The Big Pharama companies are out of control. The ads are misleading. They're set up like Public Service Announcements, but they are not educational.
The only solution to your problem (and it is a problem) is this pill. Before the hired actor in this commercial took the pill, their life was miserable. Yours will be too if you don't ask your doctor about our drugs.
There is action being taken to have these direct-to-consumer ads made illegal. I've got a Cause started on myspace you can check out, equipped with videos and links. You can also check the link above. Help spread the word.
I recently watched the film After Innocence. It's a real eye-opener to the corruption within our State Justice Systems. Rent it, buy it, download it, or borrow it from someone. There's some really passionate people working on the Innocence Project, and it's refreshing to see the effort being put towards righting the wrongs of our past. The resistance they meet on behalf of the State Justice Systems' (especially Florida) is unsettling to say the least.
For the first time in my lifetime there's a strong candidate for the United States President that I don't completely hate. Yes, I tend to be apathetic about politics. A sign of the times, I suppose. And that's one of the reason's I like him. No, I do not think he's some kind of liberal messiah, here to save us and fix all of our problems. What he has been doing is inspiring people to work harder for the changes they would like to see in the world. One of the greatest successes of the Bush administration has been to make people feel completely helpless about what goes on. Believing that we have the power is the first step towards taking some of it back.

My Interests

Spontaneous Creativity. Jesus Merchandise. Star Wars Books. Ufology. All kinds of music. Brutality. Dark Comedy. Spoken Word Poetry. Obscenity. Big Dogs. Monsters. Forced Indoctrination. Heresy. Cloves. Chill Poets. Power Metal. Paranormal Nonfiction. Mac Computers. Peanut Butter. Chocolate. Nighttime. Political Satire. Traveling. Live Music. The Blues. Dinosaurs. Imported Beer. Southern Rock. Uncertainty. Human Duality. Evil. Insanity. Philosophy. Theoretical Sciences. Chaos. Cosmology.

I'd like to meet:

Poets, Creative people, Socially-capable Star Wars geeks, some real zombies, Trey Parker, Maynard James Keenan, Barack Obama... anyone who likes good, insightful, open-minded conversations.


I don't just casually listen to music. I get really into it. My tastes cover a wide range that does not include most of what is seen these days on MTV. I love going to shows, and have a lot of respect for bands that can really own the stage.



Lost, Metalocalypse, South Park, Weeds, The Boondocks, Entourage, Firefly, Rome, Millennium, The 4400, The X Files, Arrested Development, Jericho, Clone Wars.


Currently Reading:
House of Leaves
(Mark Z. Danielewski)
Gods of Eden
(William Bramley)

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force Series
(Aaron Allston, Karen Travis, Troy Denning)
The Long Hard Road Out of Hell
(Marilyn Manson)
The Giver
(Lois Lowry)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
(Mark Haddon)
The Mothman Prophecies
(John Keel)
Star Wars: New Jedi Order Series
(Multiple Authors)

(Ursula Vernon)
Star Wars: Legacy
(John Ostrander)


[My Slam Family]

Whoever made this .

My Blog

New Joint-Chapbook by Myself & Sean Gallagher

Split Poetry Chapbook: $5(You can buy it now on my page)Pull the Trigger and Drive (Dan Stalter)Ten Days After the Sun Burned Out (Storm)RebirthFace Down(Ecstasy)CrashPrometheus BoundCigarette Pantoum...
Posted by Dia on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 09:07:00 PST

Pressure Makes Gems, Ease Makes Decay

Been unofficially graduated for over a month now, living back at home in Saratoga. Still have yet to paint my room and fix up the basement, but I'm gradually getting there. I've reduced the pile of al...
Posted by Dia on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 02:52:00 PST

Between Two Names.

Reposted from a blog I kept when I was seventeen (9 March 2003):It's a burden I carry on my shoulders daily. At first I could ignore the weight; I could conceal it from others eyes. But as time passed...
Posted by Dia on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:08:00 PST

Diction Your Mouth.

Last week I made my last trip as a competing poet to the College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational, held at the University of New Mexico. It could not have gone better in that respect. Four years ago I ...
Posted by Dia on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 09:53:00 PST

You Must Be Really Busy.

So the documentary I produced with Sean Gallagher and Yasir Anasari last semester was set to be screened at the Red Dragon Theater in Hunt College Union on Monday. The event was organized by the Afric...
Posted by Dia on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 12:29:00 PST

Narrowing my Ambitions

The semester is almost over. I've had a slightly manic-depressive past few months. Between the unnecessarily dramatic break up that made me feel like a guest on Jerry Springer on top of taking so...
Posted by Dia on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 01:31:00 PST

Why I’ve deleted my other account

So I deleted my MySpace Music Account. My reason for this is simple. Running multiple accounts for one person gets annoying. I was on there so that I could post of audio of the spoken word stuff I can...
Posted by Dia on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 10:54:00 PST

Killing pain to save our lives

Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school.1. Who was your best friend? Brittany, Caroline, Katie, Becky, Elise.2.What sports did you play? I played rowing. I miss being ripped.3. What kind ...
Posted by Dia on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:58:00 PST

you cannot leave the subject blank

1. have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle? a many time at crew practice.2. what's something you want to do before you die? see manson live (august 2nd baby)3. are you single? i am.4. wh...
Posted by Dia on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:55:00 PST

Your Time Will COme

Ten Most Played Artists via my iTunes:Play Count / Artist466 - Van Morrison451 - Iron Maiden232 - The Allman Brothers183 - Boy Hits Car153 - Gamma Ray149 - Marilyn Manson089 - Jethro Tull088 - Collect...
Posted by Dia on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 11:07:00 PST