Anti-oppression healing! Radical mental health activism, creating a transparent and egalitarian community, exploring the far reaches of our minds and hearts...
Mad kin! Creative beings! Radical dreamers and makers of beauty! Those who question conventional wisdom and definitions of sanity! You! PLS GET OFF MYSPACE & GO TO SHARED, ADVERT & BIG PHARMA FREE INTERACTION FOUND AT:
is wonderful medicine. (+ no negative side effects!)
TV can be a very harmful drug. Go build something. Take a walk. Write a poem. PLS Take care of that space between your ears in addition to body & relationships!
Our reader, entitled "Navigating the Space Between Brilliance and Madness" is available at We also have zines, stickers, posters, and other inspirational material available through our website:
Those living with dangerous gifts, emotional extremes, altered states of consciousness, hearing voices, journeying thru many world systems and other experiences labeled "mental illness" who contribute beauty, alternatives, revolution + community on many micro-macr levels ... mercurial beings living compassionate, inquisitive lives!