anyone...i'm always up for hearing new and interesting music if you are making any. i especially like music that sounds little like anything else, even it's inspirations.
*gothic marching band music* kathleen yearwood, dakota suite, current 93, rose mcdowall (in all her projects), meredith monk, beme seed, Bonfire Madigan, diane cluck, the delgados, le mans, nosotrash, his name is alive, nikolaj norlund, cathal coughlan, saint etienne, bitter springs, tara vanflower, pamela wyn shannon, the fall, mekons, saint christopher, eyeless in gaza, sun city girls, field mice, trembling blue stars, bill pritchard, kath bloom, patty waters, erica pomerance, sarah kernochan, shannon wright, oh i swear it's never ending...
i love movies where isolation and immediacy seem to entwine. radio is especially good for this effect. maybe the computer too, but it's a bit like being in a bubble talking to someone else in a bubble.
i don't receive any channels but i used to like ny public access. when i was a kid i loved a show called the magic garden as well as the new zoo review. a little later i loved the uncle floyd show and night flight (w/ new wave theater). i cried when host peter ivers was stabbed in his sleep.
violet violet by tara vanflower kept me up late reading it slowly...i grew to love the characters and the story enveloped me. angela carter is a favorite author, and voltaire was like infecting wounds. i am now reading the boy detective fails by joe meno.
could it be heroes AND heroines? anyone who is different and unafraid to be that way, and then in turn befriends anyone else who society would cast out- until it's like a big misfit family that is cooler and stranger then any real one!