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an andy

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am an Andy who loves walking alone in the dark while listening to music, writing poems in coffeeshops or beside rivers, eating weird vegan foods, swooning to meals at Indian restaurants, hosting radio programs and imagining that everyone listening lives in a world where horrible things cannot exist, and I suppose I like being friends with those who would be considered strange or undesirable by mainstream society. I can't say I enjoy it, but I feel I have to stand up against abuse (child abuse, sexual abuse, emotional and mental abuse) and hateful measures (the anti glbt politics, the anti homeless and free expression crusade in nyc that started under guilliani, etc). Now I live in the country and was a delegate for glbt issues before the last election. I am in a relationship with a woman, but I feel it is VERY important in life to put yourself in other people's situations and try to extend the concern you would want them to have for you if you were being treated that way.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

anyone...i'm always up for hearing new and interesting music if you are making any. i especially like music that sounds little like anything else, even it's inspirations.


*gothic marching band music* kathleen yearwood, dakota suite, current 93, rose mcdowall (in all her projects), meredith monk, beme seed, Bonfire Madigan, diane cluck, the delgados, le mans, nosotrash, his name is alive, nikolaj norlund, cathal coughlan, saint etienne, bitter springs, tara vanflower, pamela wyn shannon, the fall, mekons, saint christopher, eyeless in gaza, sun city girls, field mice, trembling blue stars, bill pritchard, kath bloom, patty waters, erica pomerance, sarah kernochan, shannon wright, oh i swear it's never ending...


i love movies where isolation and immediacy seem to entwine. radio is especially good for this effect. maybe the computer too, but it's a bit like being in a bubble talking to someone else in a bubble.


i don't receive any channels but i used to like ny public access. when i was a kid i loved a show called the magic garden as well as the new zoo review. a little later i loved the uncle floyd show and night flight (w/ new wave theater). i cried when host peter ivers was stabbed in his sleep.


violet violet by tara vanflower kept me up late reading it slowly...i grew to love the characters and the story enveloped me. angela carter is a favorite author, and voltaire was like infecting wounds. i am now reading the boy detective fails by joe meno.


could it be heroes AND heroines? anyone who is different and unafraid to be that way, and then in turn befriends anyone else who society would cast out- until it's like a big misfit family that is cooler and stranger then any real one!

My Blog

the glistening rust

I wrote a little poem this morning to share with a dear friend and felt like sharing it with some other dear friends as well. So, here: the glistening rustsugar sweet mist traps slow insectscurling ...
Posted by an andy on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:01:00 PST

selfless self promotion

It's not really promotion since I am pretty sure none of you will be attending, but it speaks to my needle/junkie relationship with puns. I've just about finished a process of doing sound design for a...
Posted by an andy on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 04:20:00 PST

fare forward!

this helped me tonight- try to read it without sarcasm if some endeavor is scaring you. in a related story, i hope you will come to see peer gynt with the music i have written and the various mutation...
Posted by an andy on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 08:22:00 PST

the gods are delicious

i’ve just woken up from the same dream, two nights in a row, and wanted to share. in it i had written a very popuar song called "the gods are delicious"- i wish i could sing it to you. it’...
Posted by an andy on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 07:02:00 PST

new favorite music

I have a new favorite kind of music, I was just thinking about it while on a walk- it’s called Involuntary Music. It’s the purest kind of music, music that absolutely needs to be made with...
Posted by an andy on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:04:00 PST

goodbye everybody- i am exiting this fucking cold existence

..This is just to say goodbye, since I will be leaving the cold chill of minnesota tomorrow for a few weeks, and to wish everyone anything that feels good (unless, say, crawling on a train and randoml...
Posted by an andy on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 09:33:00 PST

torture, catharsis, beauty, terror, and cheap cds

As much as I hesitate to do this, and would far rather talk of more ehereal matters, I am in a panic that for once isn't so much heartful as financial- although the two have a way of bleeding onto eac...
Posted by an andy on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 06:30:00 PST

a poem

here is a little poem i just wrote a few minutes ago. i used to be addicted to writing poems every night, i would always carry a notebook. i don't do it so often anymore, but there still is a comfort ...
Posted by an andy on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 06:51:00 PST

Something Wonderful In Winona

This is a note for my friends in the area....the amazing Madigan, aka Bonfire Madigan will be in Winona MN on Tuesday the 30th. Her music is so visceral and alive with poetic strength (& rapturous...
Posted by an andy on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 10:53:00 PST

The Boy Detective Fails by Joe Meno

This is just to send a little recommendation of a book that has moved me profoundly. The Boy Detective Fails captures the sadness and awkwardness of awakening in a world that does not make sense, with...
Posted by an andy on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 05:58:00 PST