Oregon YouthLine profile picture

Oregon YouthLine

I am here for Networking

About Me

Hey Guys! Thanks for checking out our page. We are constantly changing and adding onto our projects, so don't be surprised if the next time you click on, it looks different.Youthline's mantra is to do our best to help and listen to you: the youth of Oregon! You can call us about any issue you are having: stress, family problems, drugs and alcohol, teen pregnancy, depression, suicide, relationships or anything at all.We are also there to provide you the resources you need to be successful and have a healthy life. We have numbers and addresses to many orginizations all throughout the state, their focus ranging from rehab and ALAteen to homeless shelters for youth. We also provide things for youth to do in the community. Say you just finished your finals, and you need to relax, but don't know what to do? Well we have a huge list of places and things to do if you're bored!Call us! our numero is 877-553-TEEN ( 8336).

My Interests

Not only do youth answer the phones each week, every month they get together and discuss current topics that teens face everyday, as well as resources that are needed to help them. They also spend alot of time creating outreach ideas for the upcoming year.Ideas as of 11/07: *Benefit Concert Feat. Local and Signed Artists *Local School Visits ( Let us know if you want us at your school!) *Look for our very own Public Service Announcement ( PSA) on local TV within a few months! Made by us teens! *Suicide Awareness and Prevention Workshops

I'd like to meet:

We're more interested in listening to the teens of Oregon!


We like it upbeat. Local bands rock!


Movies to Watch! 1.) Freedom Writers 2.) Transformers 3.) Across The Universe 4.) Pump Up the Volume 5.) For the Love of a Child 6.) Take the Lead 7.) Odd Girl Out 8.) Pay it Forward 9.) Radio 10.) Trans America 11.) The Laramie Project


CSI: LV CSI: NY Kid Nation America Idol Law and Order: SVU House Bones Gossip Girl One Tree Hill Survivor So You Think You Can Dance?


*The Heart Knows Something Different, Youth Communication *A Child Called "It", Dave Pelzer *The Lost Boy,Dave Pelzer *The Privilege of Youth, Dave Pelzer *A Man Named Dave, Dave Pelzer *Revolutionary Voices: A Multicultural Queer Youth *Anthology *Nineteen Minutes, Jodi Picoult *Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom


Ghandi Mother Teresa You

My Blog

YouthLine Message Board

Hey guys! We finally got our message board up and running... check it out here at YouthLine Message Board!We'd love to have some new members...The YouthLiners...
Posted by Oregon YouthLine on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 04:37:00 PST