Kristine profile picture



About Me

"Blinkered Paralyzed.." GoFI could really care less that someone hacked my Myspace... it is just a MYSPACE dickwads.*à minha Familiaaaa... Te-Amo!

My Interests

_________________________________ -Right now this is what I do: BellyDancing, Tertulias, Painting, DA-LE, Fashion Club, Piano-learning, Musicloving, Writing!ALOT!, Coisas Assim, and loving Nicaragua07. _________________________________ Interests: 1. Yasu, Olimbia, Sarah SIMPATUPAUNG, Sean, Diana Bob Ciechorska, LexiCorreia, Nadabrovitchka!!!, and Jenifa Resendes. 2. CHRIS BIDURINI. _________________________________


Indpdnt/Undgrnd, [post]hardcore, 7(8)0's ungrd!fLk/pnk, Scandicore, Musica Portuguesa (tradicional e agora)! {ArthurLEE&LOVEBadBrainsGangofFourTheDescendentsETC} Just Ask}


O homem que copiava, L' ausbr Espan., Dead Milkmen DVD, ButtCrack, Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, etc...


I don't watch Television


"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night" A. Ginsberg


"Sorry, Your Princess is in another Castle" Toadstool"Desculpe, Sua Princesa esta' num outra Castelo, Filho do Corisco"

My Blog


: so its finally happened we have to go to city hall and plead our case if you want to come and speak your mind its weds march 23rd were meeting at aar at 630 pm if your too far away please write...
Posted by KristineeeE on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

forever changes

I cut my hair again.. just in the front.. hehe while I listenend to "Deformative" from black eyes. =] -Kristinee
Posted by KristineeeE on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

OK. I guess I did have a MySpace this whole time. Oooops!

Now the thing is that I am finally going to do something with it. Maybe. [Evolving Commences]
Posted by KristineeeE on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST