Kevin Tichenor profile picture

Kevin Tichenor

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"I have two emotions: hungry and horny. If you see me and I don't have a hard-on, make me a damn sandwich."
Wanted to start off by mentioning that Kelly Clarkson's "Since U Been Gone" might be one of the greatest songs of all time. Yeah, I said it. And yeah, I'm serious. It...touches me an a special place...and makes me scream out loud, singing along, without fail. If ya know me you know this is true.
Yes, I travel. Yes, all the time. No, I don't have a home. But I don't consider myself homeless. Don't analyze this- it doesn't make sense. It's just what I do! :)
On my travels, both domestically and globally, I've met a LOTTA cool people, and this myspace thing seems to be the way to keep in touch. But if ya know me, y'all know I don't get on much! But that doesn't mean I don't luv your comments and messages and random things that ya leave me on here! But then ya ALSO know that the best way to get me is email, even if I don't write back right away! lol
[email protected] for email
undies78 on AIM, yahoo and MSN messengers (VERY rarely on)
About ME huh? Well...
...If ya DON'T know about me...I am always smiling, constantly HAPPY :) I'm ALL about bein happy and making other people happy. Stress and Drama are my whatever it takes to make you happy, do need a reason to smile each and every day. I figure have fun NOW, while we're young, before you're too old to appreciate it later on, ya know? I mean, how do you know you want to work 9 to 5 and live your life where you are now, when there's a whole world out there to discover and so many new and exciting things to see? Maybe the man/woman of your dreams is in Italy or Turkey or something, and you're sitting here! I just feel like do what you want to travel, travel. As long as you're happy, and you aren't hurting anyone, it's all good.
We are born, grow, learn...and then die. The key is to enjoy yourself and enrich the lives of others while you are HERE. Don't just go through life...AFFECT people. When someone walks away from meeting you, make them walk away with SOME kind of impression of you.
There's nothing in life that you HAVE to do...there's always an IF. This is what I like to call an absolute truth. 'I have to go to school today'. 'I have to work today'. I have to do this, I have to do that....bullshit...there's no such thing. There is not ONE THING in this world that you have to do. Not ONE. Fact. Therefore, and coincidentally... any and everything is possible, despite the fact that it might not have been done yet. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT. ANYTHING.
"Live for yourself. Be happy with YOU. Care not for what others think, but be aware that they do." -Me :)
Nice guys finish last. Hmmmm....not always true. I do pretty okay :) I figure treat people the way you wanna be treated, and good things come back to ya! I'm living proof! Making people smile can make YOU smile in turn, so why not be nice to people? I might be excessively nice, but whatever.
I follow my heart. I never plan things. I DO things. Feel like doing something? Do it. Go. Wouldn't you rather go and find out, go and see for yourself than sit around and wonder? Whatever it is...I follow my heart, blindly sometimes, into situations. Sometimes I get burned, sure...but wounds heal and sometimes you have to take a bit of pain to derive the full pleasure from a situation. Confused yet? Me too :)
So what do I do? I just travel around from place to place tryin to spread luv (and hopefully nothin else- get tested people!) across this lonely planet, ya know? Life's meant to be experienced, and the best way to do that is positively!
If I can give any of y'all some advice, it would be to just smile more. Life is a beautiful thing, and we concentrate too much on things that aren't important. Enjoy the things you have, and don't sweat the small stuff. Find a reason to smile EACH AND EVERY DAY. If ya need help finding one, let me know, I'll do my best to help! :)
So that's about it guys! Life's as simple as you make it. Boggles my mind why people make things so difficult for themselves, when there's so much out there to make you happy! Smiles are free, so cash in! :)
OH YEAH! And if you're ever in Lagos, Portugal, check out
It's a friggin' blast! Oh and you can check out their myspace profile here as well! . Say hi to Mario and Selmo, Mom & Dad. Stop into NahNahBah to get some good food, too!
Oh, and thanks a bunch to Hailey for the booty shot...I mean, advertising. Yeah, that's it ;)
Luv ya all! Remember to live, laugh & love every day, and remember to always:
"Hug a stranger, kiss a friend, and FUCK THE DRAMA!" :)

My Interests

Traveling. Writing. Photography. Reading. Women..and girls lol. Art. LIFE. Just in general, baby. Each and every ounce of life. It's a beautiful thing, and it's far, far too short. So don't let petty differences in opinion or times of stress ruin is amazing, so take a big bite and let the juices run down your chin! Get sloppy suckas! Make mistakes! Color outside the lines! Enjoy it while you can. :)

Meggie. This girl has been through vicious snowboarding accidents, CAR accidents, and emotional disasters, and still manages to come out the other side a stronger, wiser and HAPPIER person. She's one of the most amazing people I've ever met in my life, a KICK ASS roomie, and she makes me smile just thinkin about her :) Got to reunite in Vancouver & White Rock, Canada in April '07...SOOOO good to see you Meggie!

World Cup 94 Shirt! Damn I puked all over it! lol

It was soooo nice there, and my lil "Susie" made it just amazing..

I mean, how much better can it get?

See what I mean? So freakin beautiful!

And she's such a sweetie! hehe Awww Meggie I miss ya so much baby!

Nao Gravida! hehe :)

Actin' a fool @ the Vancouver Canucks game, April 2007!

I'd like to meet:

Cleopatra. Abe Lincoln. Adriana Lima. Pele. MLK. Hugh Hefner. Chuck Palahniuk. Shakespeare.And then, on top of that, basically any and everyone who is fun, open, understanding and out to have a good time.

This (down below this paragraph) is my hometown of Belmar, NJ. Seriously. Yes, people. THIS is NJ. It's not all factories and pollution...and it's more than NYC's armpit.Okay, so that's where I'm see where I'm GOING, look at my calendar below! Keep in mind this is just a basic idea...I'll be in the city you see there until the next city's date! This can (and does) change on a minute's notice, so be aware of that! :) hehe


Music is one of those things that just moves you. I don't mean physically; it transcends that. Music, at least for me, can get into your head, get into your soul, and take you to another place. It's almost a spritual thing.

You hear the first few chords of that one song that was special between you, and all of a sudden you can't get that person out of your head for the rest of the day.

Click on the radio and that one chorus that was "your" song makes you tear up for no reason at all.

Music can take you back to the the first time you made love, to that night you lost a friend, a lover, a piece of your heart. Music can make you feel emotions and feelings that you thought were long gone; it can dredge up things inside of you that you thought gone forever. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse: music takes us there.

If you get a chance, check these guys out:


I rarely call out artists like this, but these guys are fuckin' amazing, so give it a shot. Trust me on that y'all! :)

As for what I listen to, if you know me, you know I listen to everything. Seriously. Everything. If you go through my music collection, CDs and mp3s, you'll come across anything from Xzibit to Yanni, to Beethoven to Kenny Chesney, to Aretha Franklin, Bjork, Prince and Audioslave. You name it, and I listen to it. Give everything a chance to blow your mind

Music feeds the soul, and I'm always hungry...

Much luv to PATRICIA for teachin me how to put pictures where I wanna, and for an AWESOME Anti-V-day! Anytime you want the jiggly flan, let me know! lol And congrats on getting a new bed baby! Miss ya so much! Kisses!

Awww there she is...cutie! :)

Soooo hot...want to touch the heinie! lol

Planning out our fight's SO on...

And here's our pre-fight card. You're goin DOWN hot stuff!

Chillin at the W in Dec '06. SOOOO good :)


Way too many to name..I own over 100 movies, and I'm that's not all the ones I wanna own I'll just go ahead and say Finding Nemo and The Graduate hold special places in my heart as great movies. Other than that, I like a LOT of movies, each for different reasons. They might not be the greatest movies ever made, but I have my reasons:

The Beach
Garden State
Y Tu Mama Tambien

And I gotta give big luv to Gina...high speed connections are insane! Missin my lil Aussie girl!

Our little stairwell...such memories! hehe

I could make a "big stick" joke here, but I won't.

Awwwww, so cute! And then there's ME lol


I haven't watched a TV show regularly since the Wonder Years was on. I tried the Sopranos, and that was cool, and then I caught I think 2-3 episodes of Lost before I "lost" touch. The Office is fucking HILARIOUS, but for the most part, I get bored with TV.

Plus, there's always my girl NAT-A-LIE ...and when you're with Nat, you don't wanna watch TV anyway. This girl can make mint oreos disappear quicker than they can make them, and is number one at burning down kitchens. We fucking rule the world together, it's only a matter of time until everyone realizes it! Damn right baby!

I love this picture! hehe

We're just silly together, it's so much fun..

But be careful, y'all- Nat BITES!

See? I told you we fucking rule the world!


Even more than my movies section, there are just too many to name. Jeffrey Eugenides "The Virgin Suicides", anything by Chuck Palahniuk, and then basically any of the classics. Dostoyevsky "Crime and Punishment", Dickens "Great Expectations", etc. You name it baby.

Now ELLE *sigh* ELLE is someone who definitely knows how to squeeze every last bit of fun out of the a good way! Sweetheart inside, rock star outside...missin my little "Abby Oxford"! I'll see ya in London baby! :)

Beautiful....and the ocean is nice too! hehe

Just screwin around together lol

Elle and her girls made for a beautiful view on the beach..

Awwwww, so cute hehe :)


Come on, this is easy. Spiderman. Superman was cool and all, but as far as heroes go, he was too generic. Spiderman had the whole package. Spider sense, super strength, sticky hands....damn, that sounds like me! lol

Gettin a lil crazy wit' my Bama girls!

STILL playin loco...

Well, you get the idea...big shout to Sam and Sara too! Miss ya girls- see ya soon I hope!

Other than that, I don't have a lot of heroes...I try to pave my own way in this world by doing what I wanna do with my life. Everybody's unique so ain't nobody...and I mean NOBODY...that's been doin' things like I do things or that's done things like I do. So I did it, and I'm STILL doin' it. Done. :)

Fine...FINE! This is ERICA . She's uh...pretty cool.

Made my trip to PCB even MORE fun than it already was!

I really enjoyed her conversation ;)

No, really- the conversation. Was ALL that.

My Blog

Theres no Exhibit B

SoOOOoooo....was way too busy to get back to myspace before I got back to the US, so there's no more updates from Europe, unfortunately!  But on a positive note, as most of you know now, I'm back...
Posted by Kevin Tichenor on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 09:49:00 PST

Exhibit A

SOOOOO here we are!!! STILL in Europe, lovin' life and havin' a blast!  If you read the last blog, you kinda know what's goin on.  If not, then...well, it's really not that hard to go back a...
Posted by Kevin Tichenor on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 08:44:00 PST

PREP (aration H) - gettin ready for EuroKev again!

Almost all set!  Bags are 3/4 of the way packed, I got some music playin and all the gears are spinnin!  I mean, sure, sometimes I get a little overexcited and start dancin with myself (than...
Posted by Kevin Tichenor on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 09:21:00 PST

Another Update! :)

What up!? :) So, as you know, I'm not a big 'blog' person.  Okay, fair enough- I'm not a big person, PERIOD.  But, some thangs are goin' on so I wanted to just drop in and let everyone know ...
Posted by Kevin Tichenor on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:39:00 PST

Updates Galore!

Okay!  Finally got back on here!  I'm in Atlanta right now, and I just wanted to get on here and update my schedule and pictures and videos and everything while I had a chance, so that's wha...
Posted by Kevin Tichenor on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 09:38:00 PST

It's official: I'm (sexy) back!! :)

Holy CRAP!!!!  Back to the US! Barely had time to unpack and repack and then I was back out on the road...I didn't have a chance to get in touch with everyone I wanted to, but I'll make more of a...
Posted by Kevin Tichenor on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 08:57:00 PST

Europe Update .69 - Coming to an END!

Okay kids!  This is it!  Europe has sucked me up and is ready to spit me out again....I'm comin back to the US! I've updated my calendar as best I can.  It's as close to accurate as I c...
Posted by Kevin Tichenor on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:30:00 PST

Europe Update .3 time!!

Okay!  Not much to say, but I figured I would write one of these since I was finally on here again!  I'm still in Portugal, livin in Lagos, hangin out and havin a blast!  Meetin new peo...
Posted by Kevin Tichenor on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 08:29:00 PST

Europe Update .2 suckas!!!

Okay, not writing a lot now cause the last time I did, it all got lost.  Soooo, heres the really really quick breakdown from the last time I did an update on here! After Netherlands, headed down ...
Posted by Kevin Tichenor on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 12:55:00 PST

Update LOST

Okay...just spent like 1/2 hour writing an update on my travels again, wrote a WHOLE lotta stuff, and then lost it somehow on here.  Stupid Portuguese keyboards :)  Oh well.  So no upda...
Posted by Kevin Tichenor on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 05:09:00 PST