J. C. Productions, LLC dba Jazz Cats Productions, LLCComprehensive Marketing,Promotions,B2B Development Services
Full Event & Destination Services
Wine Tasting Events & Sales
[email protected] am passionate about life. I believe in giving my all to everything I do! I believe that I can do anything that I set my mind to; nothing can stop me!I admire honesty & dedication. My motto is "say what you mean, and mean what you say!" I am intuitive, witty, creative, and focused. I have a tremendous energy level and truly love people.I run a full service Marketing/Business Development and Event Management Firm in St Louis MO. I hail from the east coast, Philadelphia, arriving here in 1995.
After years in Medical Operations Management,Marketing, and Sales, I started the business in 1999, and have grown yearly.Over the years,I have built strong relationships in a cross section of industries, and I enjoy bringing business owners together. In business, I believe there is power in numbers, in connections, and I enjoy helping organizations increase their bottom line via those relationships. The same with people, I have a large group of friends and business associates, and really enjoy connecting them!Big Hobbies are Photography, Outdoor sports, Wine, and single malt Scotches. I photograph all of my events. I particularly enjoy architectural photography because of the angles and lines, and outdoor shoots. It's all about how you see something; your vision.I also coordinate monthly Wine Tasting Benefits, "A Grape Taste for Health"{proceeds benefit Pancreatic Cancer Research via The Institute For Science And Health-www.ifsh.org).I also do private wine tastings in business settings and private homes.I am fairly knowledgeable about wines & scotches from all over the world and enjoy sharing information and exposing people to new tastes and choices; fun and exciting! I also love learning!I love the outdoors, especially the mountains and the ocean. Colorado has always had a very special appeal,and I almost moved there last year. Guess there is "A Rocky Mountain High!"I love bicycling, camping, and hiking. Pere Marquette is always a great hike, with some challenging trails and great vistas! Favorite local escape is the River Road and Calhoun County.In addition,I am a big animal lover and supporter. If we don't stand up for them, who will?So there you go, guess you have a good sense of me now!