Death and Taxes 4 song "teaser EP", released in May 2003 was very well received. It was played on over 40 internet radio stations worldwide Their hard rock song "Trust" charted at ..6 in the 2003 radio wave year end rock charts, and the alt rocker "Serenity" charted at ..36 & went to .. 2 in Canada.
Starting in February 2004 Death and Taxes 4 songs were being added to over 50 Internet stations worldwide as far as the UK, New Zealand, and Argentina. "Trust" and "Serenity" were consistently charting in the top 20 playlists of all rock stations reporting.
U P D A T E : JANUARY 2 0 0 8 D i s c o g r a p h y
4 song Ep
Death and Taxes-Waste of a Perfectly Good CD
Track1- Trust
Track3-Hand Down
The full length CD titled "Inevitable", is being finished up at Lafx Studio's in Burbank, California ,and will be mastered by world class mastering engineer Brian Gardner in Hollywood. CD RELEASE April 2008
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