Square Records profile picture

Square Records

Sorry, we do not buy used mp3s.

About Me

We opened on August 9th, 2003 in the Valley of the Underdog (Akron, Ohio) We're proud to be part of the unique music and art scene in this city. We sell compact discs, records, magazines, music dvd's and other essential items. We sell tickets for the Grog Shop and Beachland. No, we don't have the new Carrie Underwood album.
If you would like to sell your unwanted cd's and records to us please do so Tuesday through Saturday from 12-6. When buying records we look for mostly rock, jazz, r & b, folk, and anything weird. Mostly we look for records from the mid 60's to modern day preferably in very good condition. There are so many variables to buying records that there is no way in the world that we could tell you how much we can give you without seeing the item in question.
Store Hours are: Tuesday through Saturday 11-9 Sunday and Monday 12-6

My Interests


Member Since: 1/9/2007
Band Website: squarerecordsakron.com
Band Members: the inhabitants of Akron, Ohio.
Sounds Like: AkronFamilyAnimalCollectiveBlackDice CaribouCircleJerksDeadKennedysFugazi TheGermsFearExplosionsintheSkyLow TheMisfitsNickCaveMogwaiCatPower IronandWinePJHarveyTheWipersMinorThreat BadBrainsBandofHorsesPavementPylon AgainstMeAesopRockJamesBrownThrobbingGristle LeonardCohenThermalsBorisEnonMissionofBurma DeerhunterBobDylanNicoJoannaNewsomMyBloodyValentine SlowdiveJSBXNoAgeBlackKeysMWardSuperchunk UnwoundLyncMonorchidAgentOrangeSocialDistortion ThemRollingStonesBoogieDownProductionsKingTubby PublicEnemySilverApplesBeirutArchersofLoafNekoCase JohnnyCash?andtheMysteriansMotorheadAmonDuul CircusLupusLungfishTheShinsSpoonLesSavyFav SonicYouthTVontheRadioYeahYeahYeahsBattles PandaBearClouddeadDalekMikePattonJensLekman PatsyClineCanMyMorningJacketFaustNeuMadlib KraftwerkMFDoomDevendraBanhartNoNeckBluesBand DeadMoonCelebrationDevoTomWaitsWolfParade RatatatRamonesPissedJeansMenomenaPixies WilcoFelaKutiGuidedbyVoicesKlausNomiRokyErikson BuilttoSpillYoLaTengoBuzzcocksDirtyThreeSebadoh BelleandSebastianMilesDavisSonVoltSharonJones SwirliesLyncRodanRachelsSydBarrettSunburnedHand SleaterKinneyDavidBowiJesusandMaryChainSleep SixPartsSevenRJD2NeilYoungMonoTheyMightBeGiants ReatardsPissedJeansTedLeoBabyHueyIceTColtrane HoldSteadyCursiveFieryFurnacesFeistFuckedUp StarsoftheLidAtTheDriveInRadioBirdmanPedrotheLion MC5NewYorkDollsSubtleDeLaSoulTheSaintsTheStooges TheSonicsDinosaurJrWireTheSmithsTelevisionBigStar TheMelvinsGrizzlyBearAndrewBirdModestMouse DavidAxelrodFieldMusicTheNationalHouseguest NeutralMilkHotelTroubleBooksJimmyMcGriffHendrix KingsofConvenienceLinkWrayDoMakeSayThink OkkervilRiverOrnetteColemanAirExplodingHearts WuTangClanMeltBananaCrampsRadioheadOm BeatenAwakeVelvetUndergroundIggyPopLittleWings XTCGrisGrisTheMetersCaptainBeefheartJeffBuckley MuddyWatersSunnyDayRealEstateMetricParliament FeistMerzbowHuskerDuJDillaLambchopMountainGoats MagneticFieldsSunRaQandNotUModernLoversHotChip DonCabelleroOxesRichardHellBrightEyesGodspeed ArcadeFireDeadMeadowPoguesOfMontrealBears ReginaSpektorDecemberistsBlocPartyChavez SpiritualizedJesusLizardJesuCrassJoyDivisionGrowing BjorkSeaandCakeInterpolNickDrakeRezillosBeck DanielsonElectrelaneWrecklessEricHellaUnicorns DickDaleShuggieOtisSageFrancisVoxtrotDeadBoys PereUbuZappaJawbreakerSigurRosGoblinTheClash CalifoneAugustusPabloLCDSoundsystemMinutemen
Type of Label: None

My Blog

(not too many) New Releases 5/30/08

What with the holiday and everything, folks kind of took the week off as far as new releases go, but here's a few things to hold you over til next week:Spiritualized- Songs in A and E CDAl Green- Lay ...
Posted by Square Records on Fri, 30 May 2008 12:58:00 PST

New Releases 5/20

as follows:Islands- Arm's Way CDMudhoney- Lucky Ones CD/LPMount Eerie- Black Wooden Ceiling Opening LP w/ CDThe National- A Skin A Night/Virginia EP CD and DVDScarlett Johansson- Anywhere I L...
Posted by Square Records on Tue, 20 May 2008 10:43:00 PST

New Releases 5/13

a day and a half late.  here ya go....Black Angels- Directions to See A Ghost CDDeath Cab for Cutie- Narrow Stairs CDVetiver- Thing of the Past CDRoyal Bangs- We Breed Champions CDPresets Apocaly...
Posted by Square Records on Wed, 14 May 2008 01:52:00 PST

New Releases 5/6/08

that's what i'm talkin' about:Animal Collective- Water Curses CDNo Age- Nouns CD/LPMatmos- Supreme Balloon CDRussian Circles- Station CDElvis Costello- Momofuku CDFour Tet- Ringer ep CD/LPMan Man- Rab...
Posted by Square Records on Tue, 06 May 2008 10:43:00 PST

New Releases 4/29/08

These came out today:Portishead- Third CD/LPBoris- Smile CDZero Defex- ODFX CDCloudland Canyon- Lie in Light CD/LPConstantines- Kensington Heights CD/LPDizzee Rascal- Maths and English CDThe Roots- Ri...
Posted by Square Records on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 09:34:00 PST

New Releases 4/22/08

A big thanks to everyone who came out and saw us on Record Store Day and to all our peeps who spun the vinyl all day long.  It was a very good time and very encouraging.Today's new releases are.....
Posted by Square Records on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 01:42:00 PST

New Releases 4/15/08

this week...available now:M 83- Saturdays = Youth CDBrian Jonestown Massacre- My Bloody Underground CDEllen Allien- boogy Bytes vol 4 CDKooks- Konk CDTombs- s/t CDBirushanah- Akai Yami CDJoseph Arthur...
Posted by Square Records on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 02:20:00 PST

New Releases 4/8/08

Lots and lots of new stuff today.For instance.....Beast- Power Animal CDMan Man- Rabbit Habits CDNick Cave and the Bad Seeds- Dig Lazarus Dig CDPeter Moren- The Last Tycoon CD/LPDead Child- Attack CD/...
Posted by Square Records on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:37:00 PST

New Releases 4/1/08

come and get em.Black Keys- Attack and Release CD/LPSun Kil Moon- April CDSword- Gods of the Earth CDREM- Accelerate CDApples in Stereo- Electronic Projects CDAnnuals- Wet Zoo ep CDLos Campesinos- Hol...
Posted by Square Records on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:38:00 PST

New Releases 3/25/08

here ya go people....Gnarls Barkley- The Odd Couple CD (LP in a couple weeks)Raconteurs- Consolers of the Lonely CD (LP available through special order)A Sliver Mt. Zion- 13 Blues for 13 Moons CD/LPTh...
Posted by Square Records on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 08:59:00 PST