~Norma Jean~ profile picture

~Norma Jean~

Actress, Advisor, Comedian, Marketing Specialist, Producer, Singer, Voice Talent -- Super Chick!

About Me

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Hello/Madainn Mhath/Hallo/Merhaba/Hola
Welcome to My Corner on My Space...
Allow Me To Introduce Myself:
I'm a fun-loving entertainer and advisor from Orange County. Originally from Upstate NY, I am of Scottish descent and my family hails from the MacLaughlin Clan of Kilmarnoch. I am very into my heritage, work and of course my family. I have two beautiful boys (check out their pics) that I raised all by myself. I have been through many life challenges and I channel all my positive energy through my art. I am a very busy person with little time for a social life, but I do hold a few people very close. I hope you enjoy your stay here for a few minutes. I always appreciate comments, they brighten my day!Need Good, Solid Advice? Click Here
By day, I am the Sales Director for a leading Hollywood Special Effects Company SYNAPSE FX

I only wear:
In my off time, I am a character actress, artistic performer, dancer, singer, stand-up comedian, and voice talent. I LOVE bringing fun characters to life and making others laugh--showbiz is my passion.

Speaking of characters, here I am as the Norma Lisa:
Ok, here's another.... A character I do during some standup performances. Her name is Bev and she's actually, yes, MY MOTHER!! She's always in her housecoat, rarely gets dressed, smokes three packs a day and drinks milk to stay alive.

Key Phrases: "Oh My God, Darlins'!" "What's that about!?"Be sure and add her as a friend. Her profile is in my toplist.
I have had a MySpace page for four years now. I like meeting new friends within the entertainment industry, and of course, I love meeting my local fans. My family migrated to this country from Scotland back in the very early 1900s. I especially like to meet other Celtic Folks, especially my fellow low-landers that can teach me our native Gaelic.

I get told a lot that I closely resemble Stockard Channing and Lauren Graham. I guess if they conceived a baby, it would have looked like me-ha.
I believe in
I speak English, Spanish, French and a little Turkish. Although not fluent in the latter three, I use them whenever the opportunity presents itself.

I perform the following voices/accents: British

Carol Channing

Cartoon Characters (Adaptable)




Little Girl



My Mother!

Puerto Rican


Southern Belle

Valley Girl


Here is a partial list of some of the roles I have played in theater and musicals:

A Poor French Mother

An Annoying Waitress

A Political Activist

A Proper English Woman

Brassy Bimbo

Head House Servant

Mean Nurse

Head Housekeeper

Bar Maid

Nasally Secretary

In my dancing experience, I have been fortunate to have studied these disciplines: Ballet


Belly Dance




Want Your Own "Norma Jean" Swag? Shop in my Cafe Press Store
Wanna Get In Touch?

My Official Website

My IMDB Page
EMAIL: [email protected]
YIM: mznormajean
AOL: normajeantatli
Head Writer:
Richard Weiss, Standup Guy
Chelby the PR Princess
Email: [email protected]
Cut Above Casting
Central Casting
Jeff Olen
Sande Alessi
Mailing Address:
Norma Jean Enterprises
PMB 140
2300 Harbor Boulevard, Suite N-4
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

More About Me (Artistically Speaking):
I am the Marketing Director as well as performer with Constructs of Ritual Evolution--the very best in Flesh Suspension. We have been in documentaries, movies, and have travelled all over the world performing for a variety of audience types. Questions that people always ask is "Why do we do what we do?" or they make comments like, "that's nuts," "what the hell?" Simply put, don't knock it until you see it. Suspension is just one element of our performances--we do what no other suspension troupe does and we're considered the forerunners in this magnificent and awe-inspiring artform. Click this banner to visit the site and the link below to visit our MySpace Fan Club Page.

I am on the staff with the Art of Bleeding as a Disciplinary Nurse. Our shows are crazy, funny, and actually educational! Look here for new flyers for upcoming shows and be sure to visit our website--I've posted our link below.

Nurse Norma Jean, "Problem" nursing, discipline.
I am a permanent cast member of Starlight Theater here in Costa Mesa. Our focus is musicals and our last show was "My Fair Lady" in March. I played the parts of Mr. Higgins' head housekeeper, Mrs. Pearce and Georgia, the barmaid with an attitude.

I have appeared in the following Movies and TV Shows:

10 Years Younger
Big Shots
Boston Legal
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Diagnosis X
Dirty Sexy Money
Family of the Year
Grey's Anatomy
Judy's Got a Gun
Night Writer
Private Practice
Rules of Engagement
The Oprah Winfrey Show
The Sarah Silverman Program
Viva Laughlin
Charlie Wilson's War
Don't Mess With The Zohan
Eagle Eye
Four Christmases
Get Smart
Magic Touch
Opposite Day
Rush Hour 3
Surfer, Dude
The Eye
The Perfect Game
Walk Hard
What Just Happened?
Yes Man
Music Video:
Mumiy Troll
Eric Schwartz
Verizon Wireless

I have recently been cast in the lead role as Nellie Forbush in "South Pacific" at Starlight Theater. The run will begin later this summer, 2008.

In my last theater production, I starred as Agnes Gooch in "Auntie Mame" at the Huntington Beach Playhouse (11/3-11/19/06):

Review by Tom Titon, Huntington Beach Independent:
"Auntie Mame" and its musical cousin contain a relatively small character role that, in the right hands, can steal the show — the nerdy transcriber Agnes Gooch, and Norma Jean Riddick is an absolute howl as she undergoes a "My Fair Lady" transformation in five minutes and a more defining lifestyle alteration during the next nine months."

Stage Photography by Avis Photography, Santa Ana, California
Huntington Beach Playhouse Website
NOTE: SOMEONE HAS DELETED THE MAG 7...9/17/07I am part of Seven Magnificent Women who have joined their power to share, live and love. Join us, seven of the most powerful, respected Women in LA and Orange County combined.

I am the Co-Organizer for the LA/OC Comedy Meetup (Comedian Celeste Davis is the Organizer). This is a group for both Comedians and fans where we share ideas, have fun, volunteer in our local communities, perform for charities, enjoy outings together and host writing groups for Comedians. We hope that you'll join us. Please click the link below to join now.

Please support not only local Comedy, but a great local cause!
Comedy Assault on Battery.
I am the producer and host, dates to be posted soon. We hope that you will join us!

Please feel free to join my Yahoo! Group by registering here:
Subscribe to normajeanactress
Below are some other locations around the net where you can find me:

Advice Line Art of Bleeding (Disciplining and Strict Nurse) Constructs of Ritual Evolution (Marketing Director and Performer) Constructs of Ritual Evolution MySpace Page Constructs of Ritual Evolution Tribe Page My Famecast Page

My Famesource Page

Huntington Beach Playhouse

My iEnterain Page

My LA Casting Page My Modern Efolio Page My New Faces Page My Next Cat Page My One Model Place Page My Official Website My Tribe Page My Fans Tribe My Yahoo! 360 Page My Yahoo! Fan Club Group Starlight Theater's MySpace Page (Key Cast Member) Starlight Theater Official Website Veronique's Red Velvet Variety Show (Administrative Staff)

One last thing...please support your local nightlife community!

Click here to check out
The Costa Mesa Secret/Law of Attraction Meetup Group!
Click here to check out
The Orange County Entrepreneur Center (OCEC)!
Click here to check out
The L.A. and O.C. Theater & Performance Art Meetup Group!
Click here to check out
The Orange County California Actors Meetup Group!
Curious? YES, Norma Jean is my real name and YES, I was!
Drawing of Miss Norma Jean by Joel G., El Paso, Texas
Click the pic for his website
I leave you with this: One's life should be surrounded by nothing but positive energies. ~Norma Jean~

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests


(Debut at the Irvine Improv, November 20, 2006)

(Debut at the Laugh Factory, July 24, 2007)
For My Comedy Page Click Here

Here I am starring as Eric Schwartz's Mother in.... Crank That Kosha Boy
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Here I am in a March, 2008 appearance on Laff It Off With Grace ..

And.... Acting, Antiques, Ballet, Baltimore, Beaches, Biting, Body Piercing, Burlesque, Cabaret, California, Cats, Celtic, Chatting, Children, Chocolate, Clothing, Coffee, Community, CoRE, Costa Mesa, Courage, Czech Republic, Dallas, Dancing, Darkness, Dean and Rog, Dining Out, Discovery, Don Henrie, Dreads, Education, Embarrassing My Kids in Public, Energies, Entertainment, Fashion, Exotic Foods, Fangs, Fast Cars, Female Power, Fireplaces, France, Friends, Geneology, Germany, Glenn Danzig, Good Friends, Gothic Beauty, Goth Chicks, Heavy Metal, Heroism, Holland, Hollywood, Horror Movies, Houston, Howard Stern, Hugs, Ice Skating, Industrial, Iron Maiden, Jerry Springer, Karaoke, Kids, Kissing, Leather, LiveJournal, Long Hair, Los Angeles, Love, Luxury, Magic, Makeup, Marilyn Manson, Modern Primitives, Momentos, Motorcycles, Museums, My Cats Fox-E & Mr. Puggles, MySpace, Neighbors, Networking, News, New York, Ocean Breezes, Old People, Onomatopoeia, Orange County, Organizing, Paganism, The PCH, Performance Artists, Pizza, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, Poetry, Power, Psychodrama, Public Affection, Purses, Pyrotechnics, Reeses, Rituals, Romance, San Francisco, Scottish, Scotland, Seduction, Shamanism, Shoes, Singing, Spain, Spanish, Spoken Word, Spontaneity, Steamed Clams, Stupid Public Acts, Sunsets, Surprises, Suspension, Swimming, Talk Radio, Tattoos, Tenacity, Theater, Travel, Trends, Unique People, Tribal, Turkiye, Turkish Language, Vaudeville, Vampires, Washington, D.C., Waterfalls, Webdesign, Wrestling, Writing

Actors! - Join our Free Extras
service and get paid to get seen

I'd like to meet:

My Fans!
Please visit this calendar to come and see me live:

Please leave a message here for me:

Above All Else, My Dream is to meet Barbra Streisand!!
New Video - European Tour Announcement

New Photo from European Tour - Incredible Capture, wind and all!
I'd also like to meet the incredible.... Meryl Streep

Jennifer Tilly!
I'd also kill to meet these guys:
Gene Wilder
Adam Sandler Jack Nicholson
Robin Williams

Actors, actresses, artists, dancers, directors, models, film makers, investors, musicians, philanthropists, plastic surgeons, producers, singers, writers ....heck, everyone that's:
Got some sort of artistic talent
Would personally like to know me
A Personal Manager
A Talent Agent


60s, 70s, 80s, Blues, Easy Listening, Goth, Industrial, Heavy Metal, Jazz, Labyrinth, Mazhar Alanson, Outworld, Phil Crosby Jr., R & B, Rock n' Roll, Sade, Soft Rock, Soothing Instrumental, Spanking Machine, Symphony X, Trance, Veronique Chevalier, and My Numero Uno... Streisand!NOTE: The only country that is worth listening to is outside my window!"I am simple, complex, generous, selfish, unattractive, beautiful, lazy, and driven." - Barbra Streisand"Why is it that when people who want the truth never believe it when they hear it?" ~ Yentl
For Damone...of course, Diana IS FIERCE HONEY!


A League of Their Own, Amelie, A Star is Born, Apollo 13, Blair Witch Project, Blazing Saddles, Blue Velvet, Bound, Carlitos Way, Cast Away, Catch Me If You Can, Dances With Wolves, The Exorcist, Eyes Wide Shut, Forest Gump, Funny Girl, Gone with the Wind, Hair, Halloween, Head On, Hello Dolly, History of the World, The Hours, Interview with a Vampire, Jackass, Jaws, Lost Boys, 9 1/2 Weeks, Nuts, On A Clear Day You Can See Forever, Owl and the Pussycat, Porkys, Prince of Tides, Princess Bride, Quills, Saving Private Ryan, Road to Perdition, Silver Streak, Sleepless in Seattle, The Da Vinci Code, The Green Mile, The Main Event, The Mirror Has Two Faces, The Prince of Tides, Toy Story, Up the Sandbox, What's Up Doc, Wild Orchid, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, Yentl, Young Frankenstein, You've Got Mail


All in the Family, American Idol, Bewitched, Blind Date, Boston Legal, Bosom Buddies, Carol Burnett, Cops, ER, Everybody Loves Raymond, Extreme Makeover, Family Guy, Happy Days, Hardy Boys, Heartland, King of Queens, King of the Hill, Love-American Style, Mad Mad House, Mad TV, Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, Murder She Wrote, Nancy Drew Mysteries, Nanny 911, Philadelphia, Price Is Right, 60 Minutes, SNL, Taxi, The Swan, Ten Years Younger, The Wedding Bells, Three's Company


"Why Does He Do That?" ... Inside The Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft.
LADIES!! Read this book because sometimes you will NEVER know about these things until you gain a little more knowledge. This helped me tremendously with both recent and past experiences. If you think you're being abused, used, disrespected, cheated on, ignored, and NOT honored, then you ARE--believe it--you need to recognize it and get help. I am making it a mission to educate as many women as possible about these alarming and inexuseable behaviours in the angry and controlling male. I totally support the Battered Women's Organizations and intend to go to some discussions to heal myself and talk to the other women. I've already talked to some--the patterns are alarmingly the same in many cases.
Also: Anything by Stephen Covey or Zig Ziglar


Special Mention:My children. They are my inspirations for success, my backbone, and the loves of my life. I am such a lucky mother to have two of the brightest, most beautiful sons on the planet.
Meet Brooks, Age 18 and Robert, Age 12
My love, Richard, who's taught me that I should never give up on wanting the love and wonderful life I so deserve. He makes me feel more alive than I've ever felt in my life.
Richard Weiss, Stand-Up Guy
(The Next Dangerfield)
Directors: Barry Levinson, Brian De Palma, Gabriele Maccino, George Romero, Joel Schumacher, John Carpenter, Lawrence Kasdan, Martin Campbell, Martin Scorsese, Mike Nichols, M. Night Shyamalan, Oliver Stone, Quentin Tarantino, Roman Polanski, Stanley Kubrick, T. Sean Shannon, Tim Burton, Wes Craven, Woody Allen, Zack Snyder
Others: Adam Sandler, Alejandro, Archie Bunker, Art Aguirre, Candace Bergen, Carol Burnett, Cher, David Chapelle, Dustin Hoffman, Edith Bunker, Elaine Boosler, Ellen Degeneres, Gene Wilder, Isis, Jackass Boyz, Jake Kasdan, Jennifer Tilly, Jim Carey, John C. Reilly, Judd Apatow, Laurence Fisburne, Madeline Kahn, Meryl Streep, Michael Jackson, Noman Pan, Quentin Tarantino, Robert DeNiro, Sacha Baron Cohen, Samantha Stevens, Samuel L. Jackson, Skye Renfro, Steve Joyner , Steve Martin, Tom Hanks, William Shatner.
Oprah Winfrey, for giving me added encouragement and reassurance that I can accomplish anything. I appeared on her show and that appearance allowed me to express to a national audience my advocacy in the fight against domestic violence. I am forever grateful.
Lastly, Barbra Streisand: A woman who's an actress, director, producer, and singer. Winner of many awards, classy as hell, a versatile style, doesn't say can't or won't, is damn tenacious about what she believes in, and has a tendency to "stir the political pot." See any correlations here with me? *smile*
Barbra Streisand TV interview

My Blog

Acting and Comedy Videos

My Videos: "A Second Chance"Directed by Marlin Sandlin, Chapman University Student Director - Enjoy! "Painted"Directed by Alberto Belli, USC Student Director - Enjoy! Here's a video ...
Posted by ~Norma Jean~ on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 10:07:00 PST

Norma Jean On Oprah, Tues. May 20th on ABC

Well, some of you might have gotten a hint, some have had NO idea....It's about to unfold--the airing of my appearance on Oprah. Yes, Iwas there shooting from May 5th - May 9th. I got a call and daysl...
Posted by ~Norma Jean~ on Fri, 16 May 2008 10:39:00 PST

Upcoming Norma Jean Enterprises Shows

Posted by ~Norma Jean~ on Thu, 15 May 2008 10:40:00 PST

One-Year Anniversary of My Rooms!

Scoreboards in Pomona - One-Year Old!!Come celebrate with us on Wednesday, March 26th 8 pmBrandee’s Coffee Side-Bustin’ Open Mic - One-Year Already!?!Come celebrate with us on Saturday, Ap...
Posted by ~Norma Jean~ on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 10:30:00 PST

The Norma Jean Show - Pass It On!

Debuts March 15th!Door will be $10 starting in April. Come to the first show for only $5.00!!...
Posted by ~Norma Jean~ on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 06:50:00 PST

Norma Jean Featured in The Daily Pilot

Norma Jean will be featured in The Daily Pilot this coming Tuesday, March 11th. Pick up your copy at many locations throughout Costa Mesa and Newport.Or, visit The Daily Pilot here: www.dailypilot.com...
Posted by ~Norma Jean~ on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 11:27:00 PST

My Son, Robert Riddick secured an agent!

Yeah, Robert!!Robert is now represented by Brass Artists and Associates, Beverly HillsHis agent is April Baker. Thanks to all for your support, watch for Robert's cloud of dust, 'cause it will be kick...
Posted by ~Norma Jean~ on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 02:54:00 PST

Vint Laughland - My Great Grandfather - Really Nice Article!!

I found this blog today about my Great Grandfather, Vint Laughland. It is really well written and I'm so pleased. You will read there about his son, Emerson, who is my mother's father. Enjoy, it's re...
Posted by ~Norma Jean~ on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 02:23:00 PST

Publicity Page

Dear Friends and Fans, My publicist Chelby has launched a killer page on Blogger. This is to be her exclusive publicity page for me. Please bookmark it if you are interested in the things going on the...
Posted by ~Norma Jean~ on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 01:27:00 PST

Tonight I’m At The Comedy Store!

Tonight!!I'm back for a rare appearance at The Comedy Store, upstairs in the Belly Room.Show starts at 8 pm, $10 at the door, 2 drink minimumBe there or be square!More info here:www.normajeancomedy.co...
Posted by ~Norma Jean~ on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 04:25:00 PST