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About Me

Please come out and see the show I am currently in, Dark Side of the Moon at The Next Stage Theater in Hollywood. It is a really fun show-- there is a whole back story to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon Soundtrack, and it is like watching a silent movie with a soundtrack behind it, as opposed to just dance choreography. This is a fresh show and I think you will enjoy it, whether you are a Pink Floyd fan or not. Here is the review that was in the Los Angeles Times Daily Newspaper:Why fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way by merely listening to "The Dark Side of the Moon" when you can see it accompanied by an original dance/movement performance piece? Such is the gauntlet thrown down by Berubians Theatre Company with its ensemble-developed no-frills workshop production that sets out to physicalize the archetypal themes of conflict, insanity, aging, death and resurrection in Pink Floyd's signature 1973 concept album. Well, as archetypal as the band's post-Syd Barrett incarnation ever got. Still, with more than 40 million copies sold, it's a safe bet there's an audience for this one among die-hard fans. Played straight through without embellishing dialogue or narrative bridges, the recorded song cycle, with its extensive use of environmental sounds and elliptical snippets of spoken text, provides just enough structural hooks for a suggestive allegorical fable about the evolution of the human spirit and its perpetual struggle with good and evil.Amid the familiar heartbeats and opening strains of "Breathe in the Air," the dancers awaken in a short-lived state of innocence only to be enslaved in a self-destructing robotic assembly line in the frenetic "On the Run." Out of the ruins comes the "Time" segment about the dawn of love and its shadow-side -- jealousy -- culminating in a crimson-lit orgy of inventive erotic poses. Very handy to be taking notes.The lyrics limit the scenes' dramatic specificity -- the ever-popular "Money" affords an energetic tour of consumer vices, whereas the interminable "Great Gig in the Sky" bogs down in abstraction. Filling the whole album entails a fair amount of rehashing images of temptation, fall and resurrection.Still, director-choreographer Chris Berube stylishly integrates the considerable skill variation in his 17-member troupe. In the more individualized iconic lead performances, Janice Anderson's earth goddess/redeemer has obvious Christ overtones as she battles Francis Langsang's madman-as-fallen-angel, while Maria Olsen's delightfully feral, snarling temptress makes a convincing case that it may not be nice to fool with the Dark Side, but it sure is a lot of fun. Philip Brandes/ Los Angeles TimesThe Will-Power to Achieve Great Heights!During the month of Aries I find myself craving new experiences, growth and change… and don’t we all?!!There are times when I know exactly what I want, but I get confused as to how to get there. During these times of confusion I find it comforting to know that all I have to do is hold on to the desired end result, and realize that I don’t need to know HOW I’m going to achieve it. I know that if I hold that thought long enough – a door will open and a way will be shown to me."Where there is a will, there is a way" ~ English ProverbWill Power is the power of desire. The psychologist talks of it as motivation, but simply, when the desire is there, we see the power of the will making things happen. [Sometimes] we all find our Will Power being tested, for it is easy to begin something, but it is more difficult to stay with it and follow through to the end result… especially when the way seems unclear.Sometimes I say to myself, “I don’t know how it’s going to happen, but I know that it will!” Then I dream my way to the desired end result, by transmitting a frequency that attracts a similar vibration into my experience. By doing so I am attracting what I want.Some might say, “But you’re not doing anything physically to make it happen!” OR “Who do you think you are to want that?”Those who tell you you’re not doing it right, or you’re not worthy to get what you want are people who would take your power from you."People do not lack strength; they lack will." ~ Victor Hugo"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. 1. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. 2. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. 3. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." ~ Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933)Have you been telling yourself that you can’t do what you want, for some reason?“God does not call the chosen, He equips the called.” ~ source unknown“Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.” ~ Ralph Waldo EmersonIf you want something badly enough, there is nothing that can stop you from achieving it if you believe in yourself, and never stop trying.Do YOU have the Courage to go after what you want?It’s worth thinking about…

My Interests

Acting, singing loudly ( in the car ), dancing, reading, writing, dreaming, meditation, nature, and of course good parties and gatherings with a welcoming, inclusive kind of a vibe. Come See this Show that I am in. It is a lot of fun!

Devai wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the Take your doggie to work day album

Look at my sweet brother with his sweet little Japanese dog at work! All workplaces should be like this! So Cazh.

I'd like to meet:

People with stories of all kinds, especially stories of miraculous encounters with the divine, people who really live life to its fullest. I want to learn something from you. ***Check out this news story, from May 22nd, 2008 regarding a woman who had died--- and come back, miraculously waking up. ~ NEWS: Dead Woman, Whose Toes Had Curled Comes Back to LIFE ~ ((Please copy and paste into your browser to view: ( Ctrl + C ) then ( Ctrl + V ) in the browser window. and view the following URL, if the video below won't play.)) 917or


I love so many different styles of music that I can not list them all. Right now, I really loving the way kirtan feels.


Bladerunner, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and The Never Ending Story.


I watched all of last season's Heroes on DVD recently, and I just loved it!


The Giving Tree, Ender's Game, Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, both by Richard Bach. A quote I am just loving right now, that is not by any of these authors, but is too important to just be cast off as a non sequitur-- "Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees." (J. Willard Marriott)So there, keep on blowing in the wind! Rob Brezny, Author of Pronoia, a book which explains how the whole universe is conspiring to shower us with blessings.


I would have to say that gutsy, determined ladies are my heroes, and there are too many to name, Lucille Ball is one such legendary lady whom I admire. href=" N0dXJlY29kZXMuY29t" target="_blank"