SoulPhoenix profile picture


{Insert quasi-philosophical quote to impress people with here}

About Me

I invoke Him
And He comes to me, in my dreams
Dressed in black
He speaks in a language only I can understand
His hands are warm, His breath is hot
He is the horrible pain, within my heart
My religion
My sanctuary
My church
My sacrifice
My Confession
My exorcism
My worship, in progress
I have no other lover... now, untill forever
He is magic, and when He kisses me, I can taste Him on my lips
Like an elixir
Far from innocent, He is pure evil
A sinners prayer, a saints desire
For Him, I would walk through fire
For Him... I have walked through fire
To draw Him, I want so bad
One gift, I'll never have
He drives a stake into my soul
Makes me bleed, makes me whole
Drinks me, devours me, intoxicates me
With His love, Hate, Devotion, Faith
As beautiful as Jesus Christ
He is as brutal, as the depths of Hell
In my dreams, I press my mouth against His
And I feel Heaven... Horror... Terror
He looks at me with that look
I call it His serial killer look
Like He wants to fuck me, and kill me all at the same time
It scares me
It turns me on
His eyes are brown
His stare is intense... Meaningful, Powerful
Maybe that's why He's so fuckin' scary
Because He means it
Sometimes He tells me He loves me, as He looks at me with that look
Sometimes He doesn't have to
I've never felt a man look at me like this
It's almost creepy....
I guess I know He could never really chop off my hands
Or could He?
......Pretty much sums me up i think
Your results:
You are Green Lantern Green Lantern 75% Hulk 70% Spider-Man 65% Supergirl 65% The Flash 65% Catwoman 65% Iron Man 60% Superman 55% Wonder Woman 45% Robin 45% Batman 40% Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
You Are Lightning
Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence
You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performing What Type of Weather Are You?

My Interests

*Points* Look over there

I'd like to meet:

Anyone intelligent, fun, laid back and easy-going, and if you're up for a little S&M, then so much the better :P


.. Get Your Own Player!

Alisha's Attic
Amy Studt
A Perfect Circle
Aphex Twin
Beats Capri
Blink 182
David Bowie
Bowling For Soup
Coal Chamber
Alice Cooper
Coptic Rain
The Cure
The Darkness
Def Leppard
The Distillers
Charlie Drown
Drowning Pool
Ed Alleyne Johnson
Emilie Autumn
Fall-Out Boy
Foo Fighters
The Frames
Green Day
Emily Haines
Hecate Enthroned
In Flames
Iron Maiden
Jack Off Jill
Ed Alleyne Johnson
Judas Priest
Katastrophy Wife
Katie Melua
Lacuna Coil
Lamb Of God
Marilyn Manson
Massive Attack
My Chemical Romance
My Pet Junkie
My Ruin
Queens of the Stone Age
Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Roxy Saint
Simple Plan
Sopor Aeturnus
The Starting Line
Static X
The Suffrajets
System Of A Down
Type O Negative
Vanessa Mae
Walls Of Jericho
Union Underground
Rob Zombie

Don't see yours, or your bands name on my list? Then get in touch with me, prove to me that you're awesome, and you too shall have the honour of being on my list of awesomeness ;)


Don't get me started, we could be here for quite some time


The X-Files and Futurama, The two greatest shows in the history of Television. FACT!!!
Scrubs, far FAR funnier than anything to do with Hospitals has any right to be, and it's got me through a lot of tough times because of it
Lost, fast approaching Futurama's greatness, Better than 95% of the MOVIES that have come out in about the last decade
Spongebob Squarepants, quite possibly the most adult-orientated Childrens cartoon ever made, LOL. Seriously, if you think Spongebob is dumb and childish, you quite obviously haven't watched it.
Rockworld.TV on Sky Channel 368, it's my favourite Music Channel, and shows some damned awesome gigs by some of the best underground and established bands around, from all my favourite venues around the Country. Not to mention the presenters are all gorgeous ;) Just check it out, you know you wanna
Newcomer to the list, Heroes, only seen 3 episodes sofar, and it's already got me hooked, a suicidal, invincible Cheerleader just may be the greatest idea ever.
And, sadly, i'm also a HUGE wrestling fan, have been since most of the 'Old School' wrestlers were just starting out.


The Ronan The Barbarian Trilogy, and Shapestone, all by James Bibby, track them down, read them, LOVE them, they are the funniest damned books EVER.

Lord Of The Rings Trilogy *Geek Alert*

The Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles

Any Poppy Z Brite Books, No-one writes nightmarish, fetishistic, Necrophiliac, Vampiric, Serial Killer stories any better!!


And about half a billion others i can't be bothered to list right now

My Blog

Forever Autumn: Second Movement

There's really not much else i can say about these 4 magnificent ladies, other than, if you haven't seen Emilie, Lucina, Vecona and Aprella live, your life just isn't complete, simple as that. These w...
Posted by SoulPhoenix on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 05:07:00 PST

Forever Autumn

Ladies and gentleman, this is Emilie Autumn, and her Bloody Crumpets, besides being one of the most attractive women i've ever laid eyes on, she and her ladies put on pretty much the single greatest s...
Posted by SoulPhoenix on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 02:27:00 PST


Well, seeing as how it's just under 2 weeks until i see them again on their first UK tour of the year, i thought i'd post up some pics of my favourite bunch of Canadians, the marvellous...
Posted by SoulPhoenix on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:34:00 PST

A Cock and Bull (& Gate) Story

For no reason other than i don't want to be upstaged by Kristina's photos :p i'm posting my pics of the mighty Interlock's end of Reinvetour gig, at the Bull & Gate in London, the gig was, as...
Posted by SoulPhoenix on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 01:53:00 PST

Immortal Coil

October 7th, The Coal Exchange in Cardiff, i'm pretty sure you all don't want me to sit here and blab on about how incredibly amazing a live band Lacuna Coil are, so i'll let my pictures do the talkin...
Posted by SoulPhoenix on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 05:20:00 PST

Hostel Takeover

No, it's not a typo, i'm here to discuss a new movement in Horror Movies, a genre i hold very dear to my heart, the movement has been dubbed "Horror Porn" though i much prefer the current Golden Boy o...
Posted by SoulPhoenix on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 06:12:00 PST

1PW, 1PW, 1PW, 1PW, 1PW, 1PW

Gone are the days of Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks and Catweasel, British Wrestling is officially back on the map, and it's all thanks to these guys, 1PW (And Doncaster-Based 1 Up Games) they put on a HE...
Posted by SoulPhoenix on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:57:00 PST

No-One Ever Expects The Spanish Inquisition!!!

It's been FAR too bloody long since i posted anything Blogwise, so instead of coming up with anything new, i stole this survey from my Girlfriend :D So fill it in if you're bored or whatever, and i'd ...
Posted by SoulPhoenix on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 06:43:00 PST