Anistonita profile picture


Best Safety Lies In Fear!

About Me

Yep, that's my face, muwahaha, like it? Probably not, and I don't fucking care! I guess I've got to post some things I like here. Well, lets to that in an organized way with pictures!
Name: Vespa Yunomi Autumn. Or simply "Vespa".
Size (60 or 40cm): 60cm
Skintone: Tanning
FacePlate: Mature
Eye Color: Light blue/violet
Hair: A furry orange/brown wig.
Customization/Esthetics: Gave her earrings
Location: Aardenburg, Netherlands, Europe
Likes: Reading (and books ofcourse), computering, writing, posing, (hot) people, Baileys xD, the fact that she'll have a (boy)friend soon, all stars, the "emo clothing style".
Dislikes: Rain, worried people, people with bad clothing style, writer's block, sun (a bit).
Occupation: Librarian!
Personality and Style: Vespa is a wise person and won't do stupid things. She loves hanging around with other people and have a nice chat with them. She's spontanious and (not much people would expect this) wild. Eventhough she loves being outside, she hates sun because of her slightly sun-allergic.
Family: None.
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite movie: Oh that's a hard one, but I think she likes "American History X" a lot and "Happy Feet", "A Knight's Tale" and all the "Harry Potter" movies.
Favorite tv show: McLeod's Daughters
Favorite famous person: Robbie Williams, Ruben Nicolai
Favorite song and/or singer/band: Dresden Dolls, Metallica, Robbie Williams, Simon Webbe, Five, all of Emilie Autumn's all-violin songs and she kinda likes Dope Stars Inc.
Favorite song: "I Want You To Want Me" by Cheap Trick, "Face The Wall" by Emilie Autumn, "Raining Blood" by Slayer and "Miss You Less, See You More" by Faithless
Favorite food: Sushi!
Favorite drink: Just still water
Favorite book: Every book on the planet!
Favorite animal: Cats, dogs and butterflies
Favorite flower: Roses

My Interests

Female faeries who sing very loud (almost shouting). . . .

I'd like to meet:

Emilie Autumn, again and longer perhaps XD and Darin Yevonde. And it would be quite interesting to meet Vespa as a real person of flesh and blood.


Emilie Autumn, Dope Stars Inc., Lostprophets, K's Choice, Depeche Mode, Robbie Williams, LadyParasyte, Busted, Matt Willis, Skik, Normaal, Train, Goo Goo Dolls, Nightwish, Within Temptation, Evanescence, Avril Lavigne, Sky Salt, Dandy Warhole, P!nk, Jamie Cullum, Di-rect, Five, Attrition, Halo Friendlies, Lillix, HIM, Metallica, Queen, Gwen Stefani, No Doubt, Off-Spring, Billy Corgan, Blue Something, Floggin Molly, Gabriël Rios, Foo Fighters, Good Charlotte, Gorillaz, Jack Of Jill, Lord Of The Dance/Riverdance (Michael Flatley), My Chemical Romance, Boomtown Rats, Nirvana, Oasis, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rise Against, The Calling, The Ramones, Weezer, Defamation League, Betty Curse, Jeffree Star, Blink 182, Simon Webbe, The Veronicas, 36 Crazyfists, Katatonia, Moi Dix Mois, The Dresden Dolls, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Rebecca Lavelle, Kana, Morrissey, Dropkick Murphys, Amanda Bloom, Ayumi Hamasaki, Nerina Pallot, The White Stripes, Within Temptation, Five, Paul De Leeuw, En Vogue, U2, Pharrel Williams, N*E*R*D, Stereophonics, T Rex, Wham!, Interpol, Bloodhound Gang, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Eagle Eye Cherry, Stone Sour, Lily Allen, The Scissor Sisters


A Knight's Tale, American Beauty, Memoirs Of A Geisha. . . Really only those three. I don't watch that much movies and television. I prefer computer


McLeod's Daughters, De Lama's, ANTM, Mooi! Weer De Leeuw, House, Project Runway, Made oh and Laguna Beach is also fun sometimes. . .


Most of all these three (Dutch books) "De Eerste Keer" by Caja Cazemier, "Ereprijs" by Jan Siebelink and "Sterke Schouders" (can't remember who wrote it).


Emilie Autumn ofcourse, she's very special for me. Me also likes Vecona, Viona, Jef Bertels, Patrick van Craenenbroeck, Jirí Kylian and Jan Desmarets.

My Blog

Yay, I've been tagged.

I've been tagged!The rules are: Once you've been tagged, write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. Do...
Posted by Anistonita on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 07:33:00 PST


I've changed the whole "About Me" section because it was way too boring! Please comment (: Greetings, the Royal...
Posted by Anistonita on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 07:05:00 PST

Not only here!

Did you already knew that I've also got a LiveJournal?No?Go check it. . .Http:// It's specially made for Ophelia.And if you don't know who that is. . .Go AWAY....
Posted by Anistonita on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 12:48:00 PST