R. profile picture


Today's favourite words: Plankton. Gosling.

About Me

Name: Ryan.
Tall, black hair (out of a bottle), blue eyes (not out of a bottle).
Sing in a band. Used to sing in another band. Used to be famous (to about 15 people in Yorkshire.) That's about it.
Things that make me smile - Noddy Holder shouting, Sid James cackling, Brian Blessed over-acting, Rik Mayall acting the fool. Doesn't take much really ..

Fave song - 'Well I Wonder' by The Smiths. Gives you the shivers.

You Are Probably Not Pregnant
It seems like you're in the clear, but you should really take a test to be sure. Are You Pregnant?

My Meez ..

Create your own friendquiz here

My Interests

Writing music, painting + ebaying pop art (when utterly skint). The odd bit of graphic design (see my photos).

I'd like to meet:

Myself, when I was 10, and slap some sense into me.

Myspace Profile Tracker World Visitor Map

The IT Crowd



The Like

The Departure

Blood Red Shoes

Emilie Autumn





Dirty Pretty Things



In Isolation (p-p-p-plug ..)

Boy Kill Boy

The Killers

The Smiths

Red Hot Chili Peppers

David Bowie

Skunk Anansie

Tori Amos

The Kinks

erm .. etc.


The Matrix (bored now, but was fantastic first time round)
The Butterfly Effect
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Selected 'Carry On' films (b/w ones, Abroad, Cleo, Screaming)
The Furry Honeypot Adventure ..


The Devils's curse, except:
Black Books', IT Crowds, Couplings, Blackadders, Bottoms, Spaceds, Q.I., older Have I Got News For Yous, older Who's Line Is It Anyways, Green Wings, much older stuff like Tony Hancock, Pete 'n' Dud, Steptoe, Python obviously.


.. Cooking In The Nude ..
.. More Cooking In The Nude ..


John Frusciante, Johnny Marr, Graham Linehan, Richard Curtis, Talbot Rothwell.

My Blog

Todays advice topic - life imitating art ..

I was fiddling around with my Meez image, and decided to choose him a new wardrobe, selecting items from the hundreds of combinations that Meez.com supply.From the final result, which you can see on m...
Posted by R. on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 11:50:00 PST

R.s band In Isolation in glossy mag shocker !!!

Well, we got our first magazine interview (yes, I know it's a Goth 'zine ..):A couple more gigs and we'll be well on our way to fame, fortune, and those little green things that go, 'Eeeep!'AVAILABLE ...
Posted by R. on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 10:03:00 PST


Just noticed a Photoshop image I whipped up while listening to Virgin Radio in January made it onto their daily blog, which still appears to be look-at-able.Virgin Vesty ParrotR....
Posted by R. on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 03:13:00 PST

I've bloody well bloody been tagged ..

I've been tagged!The rules are: Once you've been tagged, write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. Do...
Posted by R. on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 05:25:00 PST