Literature, Comics( specially 2000ad) Manga, addicted to keroro gunso (sgt frog.) and chobits. Standing stones/circles.
Adore going out with chums, real ale and single malts
going to gigs, just general happy playing really.
look goths, on a beach, with iron bru, without hangovers????
anyone really. feel free to blather on.
behold baby rat, hmmmm wonder if I can get pirate ones..or pirate rats...
Pirates other than the Dread Pirate Foo.. Which one are you most like?
Captain Jack Sparrow who really wants the foo..(he motions her with his eyes)
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Dammned, Cure, VNV, Assemblege, Covenant, SITD, Neroticfisch,Delerium, Killing Joke, ooo and far too many more to put here. I never dismiss a good noise cos its in the 'wrong' genre
faves are Company of Wolves,Orlando,Braveheart ...mmm...kilts...!! shaun of dead, monty python and holy grail..oh and this, although its not strictly a film...
Dr Who, Black Books, The Mighty Boosh, LOG, Spaced, Black Adder, Look around you, the Young Ones,futurama, Buffy (yey!) get the general idea
Imprtance of being Ernest, Three men and a boat, Anything by PG Wodehouse (who is a god)..Thomas Hardy, George Elliot..arg really must stop here as i will have a list too long for my own good. I think it is safe to say I like a lot of books
George Elliot, Jane Austen, Elisabeth Gaskell, katherine hepburn..and most splendid women who changed the course of history.