Lady Foo profile picture

Lady Foo

ahhhh the mysteries of skirtaphore

About Me

adopt your own virtual pet!I lurve to play, especially whilst under the firm grip of booze. can be found lurking in pubs, enthusing about literature and cake.
love living in notts, there is always stuff to do. love the sea especially at whitby and cornwall, and feeding ducks, ducks, they are great, they have such orange feet.
absolute idea of heaven is beaches and fires, (contained though, not in a pyro way). I adore Austin sevens, phwoarr they are so dammned fine, and smell heavenly, kinda old petrol and polish.
I spend my days bossing electricians around, and then get home to find my pets have destroyed my home, hence am forced to go out..such a very hard life.
Have 3 rats who I utterly adore, and who are spoilt beyond belief. I also have the best set of mates I could ever wish for, hurrah for them.
oooo and for pitys sake go and look at this website... it really is the best.
love art, museums and historical sites oh and stone circles, and wide open spaces that go on forever.
Really not keen on chavs or indeed buffoons. also detest bananas. (worst of all I never know when to stop spelling them)
also adore this chap as he is sooooo naughty...
adopt your own virtual pet!

My Interests

Literature, Comics( specially 2000ad) Manga, addicted to keroro gunso (sgt frog.) and chobits. Standing stones/circles. Adore going out with chums, real ale and single malts going to gigs, just general happy playing really.
look goths, on a beach, with iron bru, without hangovers????

I'd like to meet:

anyone really. feel free to blather on.

behold baby rat, hmmmm wonder if I can get pirate ones..or pirate rats...
Pirates other than the Dread Pirate Foo.. Which one are you most like?
Captain Jack Sparrow who really wants the foo..(he motions her with his eyes)

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Dammned, Cure, VNV, Assemblege, Covenant, SITD, Neroticfisch,Delerium, Killing Joke, ooo and far too many more to put here. I never dismiss a good noise cos its in the 'wrong' genre


faves are Company of Wolves,Orlando,Braveheart ...mmm...kilts...!! shaun of dead, monty python and holy grail..oh and this, although its not strictly a film...


Dr Who, Black Books, The Mighty Boosh, LOG, Spaced, Black Adder, Look around you, the Young Ones,futurama, Buffy (yey!) get the general idea


Imprtance of being Ernest, Three men and a boat, Anything by PG Wodehouse (who is a god)..Thomas Hardy, George Elliot..arg really must stop here as i will have a list too long for my own good. I think it is safe to say I like a lot of books


George Elliot, Jane Austen, Elisabeth Gaskell, katherine hepburn..and most splendid women who changed the course of history.

My Blog

the chav vs the scounderel

ooo so last night I watched the new version of School for Scoundrels the 1960 version with Terry Thomas is brilliant, a scoundrel then was a very naughty boy, who was a bit caddish, but always debona...
Posted by Lady Foo on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 03:02:00 PST

Contentment, musings of a unswum goth

Life really an oddity to the whole, think we spend sooo much time thinking of the bad and the scary that we forget to, am a prolific day, effected by the bloody marvellous spr...
Posted by Lady Foo on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 11:56:00 PST

*grumbl* dammned tagging..10 useless facts that you didnt need to hear

I've been tagged!..(and i need to get here before everyone else)..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> The rules are: Once you've been tagged, write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts or habits about y...
Posted by Lady Foo on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 01:11:00 PST

All about The Foo

..>..>..> ..> TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: the foo Birthday: 18th october. you have time to save for gifts for me Birthplace: nottinghamshire Current Location: nottingham central E...
Posted by Lady Foo on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 01:24:00 PST

oooo am on bbc2..yay..

am v excited..i was in the bbc2 culture show bout goth..only a bit mind...I say 'absolutly darling'..have put it on my page have a look..more bigly am on same programme as capt sensible..ooooooo (he b...
Posted by Lady Foo on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:17:00 PST

random blatherings

oooo am sosososo bored at the moment, but in a great mood.lounging on the sofa watching my rats pretend that they are NOT misbehavin,(even though can clearly see Loxley rat lying on top of the cable b...
Posted by Lady Foo on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 02:28:00 PST


people keep stealing my somewhat confused, everytime I put stuff out, be it in the bin or out for special collection it vanishes or diminishes slightly.and no it isn't the bin men...what...
Posted by Lady Foo on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 02:22:00 PST

why the does my life seem to be a huge comedy

ok, so why when stuff is going all horrid in my life I suffer great humiliation in a carry on style this just me??? take the time I nearly drowned, I had been drinking in whitby, and had fa...
Posted by Lady Foo on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 02:07:00 PST