antagoning people who take things too seriously, soup, immortalizing beautiful moments, making fun of perverted issues by telling perverted jokes, mood music, swapping stories over dirty martinis and/or whiskey, tear inducing laughter, my sweet piece of hell yes...
camaraderie, NPR, good advice taken, tell me about the first time you..., plastic spoons, quasimoto pillow face, a smooth ballpoint, well-illustrated vicarious misadventures, cat people, making up new words to spite Webster, not saying waht goes without saying, waht, waht, waht?, mail, sharp clavicles, tea, intuition, orchids, studying manipulators, brie, clean cars, minimalists, impulse, synthesis, a good stretch, the element of surprise, definitely, a lot, you're, your, their, there, and they're, freshly painted toenails, car ashtrays full of silver, vending machine dreams, flossing, cherry pinots, brown haired boys who have blonde baby pictures, pretty people with good personalities, skills, props, hot shower radio jazz, creative procrastination anxiety, giant Sunday crossword puzzles, constructive criticism from respectable sources, crunchy food, Godiva dark chocolate raspberry bars, practice makes perfect, ancient waiting room magazines hard work, spectrums, good recommendations, eccentrics, geniuses,
brain butter on toast
cats in sinks
the Onion
mis à nu
utter wonder
my angry bag lady
life's mischievy unraveled
odd couples
LADY VENGEANCE, Old Boy, Groundhog Day, 28 Days Later, Empire of the Sun, Dangerous Liasons. Hero, the Fifth Element, Frida, Drugstore Cowboy, the Magnificent Seven, Immortal Beloved, Labyrinth, Gattaca, Amelie, Mary Reilly, Secretary, 2 Days in the Valley, Harold and Maude, the English Patient, Dead Poets Society, the Count of Monte Cristo, Sling Blade, Harry Potter films,
the Professional, Terry Gilliam films, American Beauty, the Lover, Great Expectations, Pooty Tang, Nora, the Man With Two Brains, Lemony Snicket; A Series of Unfortunate Events, the Ice Storm, What the Bleep Do We Know!?, V For Vendetta, Thumbsucker, the Squid and the Whale, Crumb, Stranger Than Fiction, Junebug, Half Nelson,
BARBARELLA, Early Tim Burton-Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, the first two Batmans. Full Metal Jacket, Early Paul Newman-Cool Hand Luke, the Hustler. True Romance, Four Rooms, both Kill Bills. David Lynch films
Pedro Almodovar-All About My Mother, Wes Anderson films, Dodge Ball, ANCHORMAN,
the Joy of Painting, MYTHBUSTERS, the Office, Twin peaks, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Fantasy Island, the Food Network, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, Kids in the Hall, older SNL, the Daily Show, America's Next Top Model, Let's Make a Deal, Rome, Ranma 1/2,
JAMES JOYCE-Ulysses, Isabel Allende, Oscar Wilde-Picture of Dorian Grey, De Profunidis. Vonnegut-Bluebeard, Hesse-Demian, Siddhartha, Robert Anton Wilson-Quantum Psychology, Coincedance, Promethius Rising, Rushdie, Philip K. Dick, Nabakov, Kate Chopin-Desiree's Baby, Ayn Rand-the Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, NIETZSCHE was a mad genius, Sartre, Huxley's Brave New World changed my life, as well as Winston and Julia in 1984. C.S. Lewis-the Narnia Series, Out of the Silent Planet. Dante Alighieri, T.S. Eliot, Baudelaire, Bukowski, Pablo Neruda, Palahniuk, Swift, Freud, Jung, William James's Pragmatism, Roald Dahl short stories. To Kill A Mockingbird, Black Beauty, the Agony and the Ecstasy, Stephen King (when I was little and afraid something under the bed was going to grab my feet if I tried to go to the bathroom), A Confederacy of Dunces (even though Ignatious is a lazy slob), Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman, the Bell Jar.
feed me!