Woo. It's me, Dan one of those guys you know?
In any case I try to write here on a regular basis, just no one knows on what time scale its regular yet. Perhaps geological....or maybe perhaps on the monkey scale. I'm here to find old friends, meet and make new friends, and maybe if I'm lucky find myself the right kind of woman.
You can also find my main blog website at http://blog.nonmundane.org/ . If you go to that site you will be able to see all photos and videos and other embedded content that sometimes doesn't survive the cross-posting to my MySpace blog.
I'm single and looking for someone else, preferably not a serial killer and ideally smart and busty, its my weakness like green kyrptonite was for Superman. Being into technology or science or science fiction or being just plain interesting in general is good in my book.
I can be rather opinionated at times. If you ask me my opinion do not be surprised if I tell you that your embarking upon the stupidest quest since The Crusades or something of that vernacular. I care about my friends a lot because, well, they are like my family to me.
I like to party and have a good time. I go out and dance at clubs occasionally. I have no idea if I dance well. I might have rythm, or I could have just slipped on a banana. Watch and find out.
In any case, I'm a rather complicated individual and am not your typical computer geek guy. I'm all kinds of other shades of geek/dork/gamer as well. I've got lots going for me I just don't always boast about it.
I am a pretty easygoing guy I think, and I have no problem with talking to or meeting new people. Just don't be a smartass the first time you IM me and then give totally moronic non-answers to the question of "who the hell are you and why are you talking to me?" because I tend to get a fair number of spammers/morons asking me the strangest shit you have ever seen. So just say "Oh hey I saw you on MySpace" or something like that and we will do just fine.
Oh, and seriously, I have a comic superhero power. I can accurately guess bra sizes usually from just a single photo. My adjunct to that power is an ability to find bras in sizes easily that most folks seem to never be able to find. So if your looking for something you cant find I might be of some help for you.
Don't expect me to read your mind, I stink at it! I do not have a 6-pack. I do not look like anyone in GQ.