John profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I have the honor to have some of the best people in this known universe as family and friends. I am going through a rough patch and their outpourings of support have lent me strength and for that, I am very very thankful.

My Interests

Snowboarding, video games, bodyboarding, snorkeling, rock climbing and anime.

I'd like to meet:

How to get added as my friend:

Clarification update 9/26/06: I'm not going to add you unless I know you, know someone who knows you (and I mean IRL, forget the extended network issue), or you seem like a genuine human being. I will not add you if you're a random unsolicited add and definitely not if your main pic is cheesecake based. I'm married, so you alleged women with your scantily clad pics shilling for your webcam sites can go sell it somewhere else, thanks. I'm not buying you jack so you can take off your top; I have a son who constantly needs baby clothes, formula, and baby furniture that won't fall out of the sky. If you're trolling for friends to soothe your fragile ego, take a walk, you'll fnd no solace here. Yes, I'm cranky, people didn't read the 'polite' version below, so now I get to go all 'Hey you damn kids get off my lawn!' on you. Besides, I dealt with a fussy baby all night long so the last thing I want to do is coddle immature egos here.

Update 9/15/06: If I don't know you and/or you're just trolling for more friends... don't bother asking for the add. I'm tired of invites from people who don't know me and just want the extra number so they can say 'my Myspace page has 500 friends!' Yeah, 500 people who don't 'know' anything about you really.

Umm... sadly I'm here because many of my existing friends have berated me (hahaha! revenge!) into joining this, when I barely devote enough time to them as is. So meeting more people would be nice, except I'm KNOWN to be a person who will slowly lose touch over time but still be a friend. Isn't that bizarre?


Anything but most rap and country western music... but I have been known to enjoy a few from those genres.


Anime. The matrix 1-3. LoTR 1-3. Not a huge fan of chick flicks, musicals, and stuff like that. Hey, I'm a guy.


I do not like most network television. I dislike sitcoms as I feel they have become repetitive and boring. The History, Discovery, and other cable channels have merit.


Anything by Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, C.S. Friedman, David Eddings, and Asimov, of course. Heinlein's good but some of his books left me cold. More to be added later.


Hard to say anymore. I like people who can understand both sides of an issue but still hold to their core beliefs because they know what they stand for is correct. Not 'right', not 'moral', since those are so objective, but correct. It's not correct, for example, to dump chemical waste into a river.

My Blog

Not much to repor... OMG VIDEOS

Yeah, there's allegedly two videos going up on my negelcted Youtube site, but we'll see if they manage to upload it or merely screw it up. Try and see what shows up when you go here. Oh, wow, they're ...
Posted by John on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 05:24:00 PST


Well, Carri and John2 made it out here, and they arrived weeks ago, on the 6th of March.. so I suck in failing to mention this earlier. Carri’s car made it here, but the guy was such an abs...
Posted by John on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:06:00 PST


     Just to keep you all in the loop, my sorry ass is up at four thirty every morning to get on the road by five. I arrive at the Fredericksburg train station by five thirty-five,...
Posted by John on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 05:53:00 PST


     So I'm here in Fredericksburg VA, and it's frigging cold. Monday starts my new job, and I have several days of orientation ahead of me.      The movers cam...
Posted by John on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 04:56:00 PST

18 days and counting.

     Well, it's coming close to the time when I say goodbye to California, and head back east to start a new job. The first month will be hard, since Carri and John2 are staying be...
Posted by John on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 01:53:00 PST

Future: Uncertain.

     We're back from the wedding, which was nice. John2 handled the flight out like a trooper, but the flight back he was cranky because we wouldn't let him crawl around on the flo...
Posted by John on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 04:12:00 PST

What a long, strange trip it’s been.

     First off, John2 is doing well. We had a scare where he didn't gain more than half a pound in a month. We were told if he continued the trend, he'd either get a fundo-somethin...
Posted by John on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 12:08:00 PST

Wow, nothing since May!?

     Not a whole lot to report. I have to get a new youtube video up soon, John2's got a cute little thing he does when I steal his nose.     All his teeth (bab...
Posted by John on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 11:12:00 PST

Main Street Electrical Parade!

     As I'm purging my life of the years of useless crap I've accumulated, I did stumble across a real gem. I have a copy of the Farewell Season video (ugh, VHS!) of the Main Street Ele...
Posted by John on Thu, 24 May 2007 10:14:00 PST

Off the bandwagon...

     I'm amazed that I used to do this every single day.     Well, John2 has all his baby teeth but one. And this last molar is just killing me, because John2 still ...
Posted by John on Tue, 15 May 2007 10:34:00 PST