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I'm Not a Bitch, I'm THE Bitch

About Me

Well, now that I've had time to contemplate how best to define myself, the truth is, who I am depends on the people I'm around and the situation I'm in. The core of me, however, is very idealistic. I would be a socialist if I could figure out how to deal with a corrupted government and the voluntarily worthless because I don't believe any one person's value should be greater than another's. I would like to grow up and be a constitutional attorney because I believe the constitution is one of our greatest principles; however, I do not believe in the King George version. I would rather die for my freedoms than live safely in restraints. I am a trailer trash refugee and am grateful that my mom left my father back in Arkansas because I'd probably have no teeth, 10 kids, and no edumacation if she hadn't. I'm very open with my past, present and future but very protective of my soul. I'm the kind of person that will answer just about any question but have a tendency to ask as well. I'm extremely curious about others and love to know what people think even if it's in direct opposition to my point of view, but if you are going to debate me, make sure you do so intelligently because emotional arguments serve little purpose without reason to back them up. Oh, and I am a typical Leo with Aries rising which makes me a double fire sign from hell so I can throw a fit like you wouldn't believe.

My Interests

Hmmm - where to begin...Politics, Gaming (PC, console, or Table Top), People, Renaissance Faire and Lakers Basketball. Oh, and Laughter is always important.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and Everyone - I don't know if I don't want to know you until I have gotten to know you.


David Bowie, The Cure, Tori Amos, Stevie Nicks, Garbage and Hair Bands of the 80s (yes, I actually admit it). I also like many other types except for rap and country.


Pirates of the Caribbean, Dogma, Fight Club, Gone With the Wind, Lord of the Rings (pick one). Anything that can make me Laugh, think, or cry.


Xena, Law and Order, The Daily Show, Dennis Miller Live, South Park, Bill Maher, any Discovery Ancient Civilization, and Forensics shows.


Any of the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice.


Kallisto, Malificent, My Mom (although my mom isn't as evil as my other heroes).My newest hero is my son. He's deceptively strong in spite of his little body. He's just amazing to me.

My Blog

First Post in a Long Time

Well, this is the first time I've really blogged about the baby and all the scary and amazing things that have happened.  I'll try not to make it too long but it has been awhile... As many of you...
Posted by Carri on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Big Ol' Flippin' Duh!

I don't see why some of you are inviting me to join your tit collection - if you've read my bio, I'm married with children and I don't think it says anywhere that I want to be your tits???  Oh, w...
Posted by Carri on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Yep - it's a Boy!

I admit - I was hoping for a girl. Not because I don't want a boy but rather because I am a girl and therefore understand them better. I loved Barbie and Smurfs and singing Disney tunes and thought ...
Posted by Carri on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Woo-Hoo, I'm Rich

Who knew that in just 2 days my e-mails would net me: I have 9 million dollars coming to me from Col Anthony Johnson in Nigeria 2.5 million dollars from Leo Echendu from somewhere in Afric...
Posted by Carri on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

When did this Happen

As I travel around myspace, I find myself wondering why women these days compete to be the sluttiest??? I have no issue with women enjoying sex, I think women should and if women elect to be promis...
Posted by Carri on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Note to Self...

Never ever write a blog when overly tired - life isn't viewed in proper perspective when faciing sleep deprivation
Posted by Carri on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I Should Have Called in Sick

Today would have been a real good day to call in sick but no, stupid me decided to do the "right" thing. I'm not entirely sure how depriving oneself of what one really, really wants is the "right" ...
Posted by Carri on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Modern Day Nurseries

Jack Sprat could eat no fat He was too loaded up with speed Little Boy Blue killed his wife and kids too Just to watch them bleed Little Jack Horner stands on a corner Selling himself at nigh...
Posted by Carri on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Would That I Could

Would that I could wake up tomorrow to a younger, more idealistic version of myself. The self I had left behind so many years ago in the dust with my dreams. Would that I could wake with a vivid mem...
Posted by Carri on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Time is the most amazing force imaginable. It is unique to each person at any given time and every effort man has made to control it has failed. No sundial, watch or clock has been able to harness i...
Posted by Carri on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST