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To err is to be human. To forgive is to be divine.

About Me

MySpace OurPlanet Environmental Tips Hemp For VictoryPlease examine your own life and see where you may be able to make some changes that could result in the well being of other human beings besides yourself and your friends. Everyone deserves another chance, and forgiveness is a major part in opening your heart to the Love frequency. Life is Love, death is as natural as life is, and there is never anything worth stressing out about. Be the Changes you want to see in the world, THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY. Only you can make that choice. Do it today! Before reading about me, please know that what lies above and what lies below could never fully explicate the true infinity that I am. ...has mankind on this planet been presented with this opportunity before? Indeed, but each time he reverted to known strategies. Now it has been of his creation that this situation exists. It has been his task to make this leap and so he has now made it so that it must be undertaken or face the possibility he may cease to exist. All of this is his own doing. Mankind has no one else to blame, so it must be a 180 degree turn from past refusal to take on the whole project, to taking it on with resolve and dedication.IIThe focus of energy that holds this planet in orbit within this solar system does not require the power of force to do this, but uses an available process that does not require effort. The concept of power has within it the inherent understanding of effort as force. Since thought attracts, you have brought to you the experience of effort, force and power. There are other experiences available that do not use this concept. Rocketry projects are an example. Your resources are used to effort one rocket and its payload into the orbit of this planet and then beyond. Yet you are visited by beings of other planets that enter and leave your planet's gravitational field without this wasteful effort. Does this prove to you that there are other ways to accomplish movement without such wasteful and dangerous methods? The search for answers to this question intrigues the mind. There are many that know these possibilities exist, but are unable to envision the answers without the need of using great effort to resist what they envision ties them to the planet. It is not the gravitational field that ties them here. It is the consciousness. It is the interactivity of thought acting upon thought that eludes them. They know that their thoughts can influence the outcome of an experiment. However the concept that thought once projected can be released to interact within itself and that it can produce an outcome beyond a controlled (desired) outcome is not understood. The need to control, observe and to prove the process prevents them from reaching into new realms of understanding. What is lacking is the ability to trust that the process can only proceed within positive outcomes once it is released to act within and upon itself. Thought released to act upon itself will return in manifestation glorified and in a form more magnificent than the limited focused mind can imagine. For more from this remarkable book, please see my Handbook for the New Paradigm blog.

Or Click Here to get a sample copy of Handbook for the New Paradigm, FREE!


My Interests

Thousands Exposed to Poison by Government's Aerial Spraying

I'd like to meet:

Zecharia Sitchen(famous author), Steven Greer(Disclosure Project), Stanton Friedman( Nuclear Physicist) too many influences to remember, but inside I truly know who they are.


"Fight The Reptilians" by Sparrow and the Nightingales. The Marleys, Sublime, Gorillaz, and many others... Classic Rock, Whatever sounds good at the time...


Pleiadian Alien with an Important Message" Im not kidding. Proof Of Alien Coverup. Make Contact Now!


TV is good when all other things in life have failed. 303tv in Denver, hosted by my friend & rapper Hypnautic(myspace.com/hypnauticr)
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YOU SHOULD READ AT LEAST ONCE A DAY!!! American Heritage Dictionary,(COLLEGE BOOKS---) Algebra 090, Eat Right 4 Your Type, Environmental Science, 7 Wonders: Everyday thing for a better planet, Complete Nutrition, and MILLIONS OF ONLINE ARTICLES AND WEBSITES!!!Must ReAD!! 1) "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight", Thom Hartmann 2) "The Hopi Survial Kit", Thomas E. Mails 3) "Earth, the Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library", Barbara Marciniak 4) "The Pleiadian Workbook-Awakening Your Divine Ka", Amorah Quan Yin


By the power and the truth of this practice, may all beings have happiness, and the causes of happiness, May all be free from sorrow, and the causes of sorrow, May all never be separated from the sacred happiness which is sorrowless, And may all live in equanimity, without too much attachment and too much aversion, And live believing in the equality of all that lives.

My Blog

Newly Published Documentation about Invisible Plane & Chemtrails, here in CO.

exZACHly! "AEROSOL ANOMALIES" Posted on Behalf of the SubmittersbyClifford E CarnicomApr 17 2008 During the past month, two individuals have submitted a series of photographs to me that depict unus...
Posted by exZA©Hly! on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 07:01:00 PST

The reason for chemtrails....(near the bottom), a must read

Global Warming on Mars?The Hyperdimensional Connection Recent reports, published in the December 7, 2001 issue of the journal Science, have trumpeted new data from the MGS spacecraft that seem to indi...
Posted by exZA©Hly! on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 10:33:00 PST

"Common Sense", I dont believe this book was written in 1776 by Thomas Paine. Click the link..

Posted by exZA©Hly! on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 10:12:00 PST

Chemtrails over America

Chemtrails over America - Let US Spray!!Last updated on May 25, 2002 with new vital links.Rome wants to SPRAY and VACCINATE the U.S.A.Chemtrails over Los Angeles ....May 25, 2002.Poor Afghan children ...
Posted by exZA©Hly! on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 07:30:00 PST

A few thoughtful prayers....one for each situation...

Passed on by exZACHly! Responsible living Daily Meditations Thich Nhat Hanh Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the most celebrated contemporary masters of the Buddhist tradition. Ordained into the monasti...
Posted by exZA©Hly! on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 11:40:00 PST

Health Council Warns Of Goverment Plan To Claim Ownership Of Every Newborns DNA

exZACHly! BlackListed News is Your Total Resource for Real Uncensored Daily World News, Information, and Commentary ..TR> ..TR> Health Council Warns Of Goverment Plan To Claim Ownership Of Eve...
Posted by exZA©Hly! on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 07:31:00 PST

Truck Drivers Block Freeway Traffic Across the U.S. to Protest Soaring Fuel Prices

exZACHly! Faced with $4-per-gallon diesel fuel, truck drivers -- who deliver 70 percent of the nation’s goods -- are hitting the brakes. Until the beginning of this month, Americans seemed to h...
Posted by exZA©Hly! on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 07:41:00 PST

The "Bush" (Scherff or Sherf) Family Tree. Wake Up!

..TR> Part 1:Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was.. -->sizec-->.. -->/sizec-->.. -->sizeo:5-->.. -->/sizeo--> .. -->sizec-->.. -->/sizec-->.. -->sizeo:5-->...
Posted by exZA©Hly! on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 07:52:00 PST

Hydrogen Peroxide Cancer Treatment

..> ..>  Please visit the Home Page of this website for the Big Picture of the many alternative cancer treatments which are available to help cancer patients: CancerTutor Home Page I...
Posted by exZA©Hly! on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 10:09:00 PST

US President Bush Makes Massive Land Purchase In Paraguay Ahead Of Expected War Crimes Charges

..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />October 15, 2006 Reposted Feb. 26, 2008 by exZACHly (It seems a little weird that our president would send his daughter to...
Posted by exZA©Hly! on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 03:06:00 PST