elvina profile picture


I are a artiste

About Me

I look clean but laugh dirty

but, can't you see, I'M BUSY!!!
we'll speak later

My Interests

making pictures, taking pictures, GOCCOing, doing stuff and generally fiddling about

I'd like to meet:

oh... tigers, bears, foxes, sea otters, actually i'd like to BE a sea otter, the life looks good.

Did i mention tall people, giants?


Bogshed Bogshed and more Bogshed


The Servant, Performance, The Girl Can't Help It, The Anniversary, Hoffman, Bartleby (1970), Killing of Sister George, Ghostdog, Stalker, 5,000 Fingers of Dr T, Slade in Flame


i got a BIG one. no really.


Spend, Spend, Spend by Vivian Nicholson, It's me Eddie by by Edward Limonov, Ubik by Philip K Dick and Animal Farm by George Orwell


Mae West, Crazy legs, Godzilla and Manic Miner