Amasan a' Chomuinn Ghaidhealaich
A bhith a' brosnachadh cà nain, cultair, eachdraidh is dualchas nan Gà idheal aig ìrean ionadail, nà iseanta agus eadar-nà iseanta le bhith:
A' brosnachadh foghlaim, litreachais, ceòl, drà ma agus ealain na Gà idhlig
A' brosnachadh a' chà nain aig ìre choimhearsnachd
A' lorg Inbhe Thèarainte dhan Ghà idhlig agus ag iarraidh air buidhnean poblach a bhith a’ cleachdadh a' chà nain bho latha gu latha, le bhith ag obair ann an compà irteachas le buidhnean eile a tha ag obair airson cà nan agus cultar na Gà idhlig.
'S e buidheann neo-phoileataigeach a th' anns a' Chomunn agus tha ballrachd fosgailte gu neach sam bith aig a bheil na h-amasan gu h-Ã rd
Objectives of An Comunn GÃ idhealach
The aims of the Association are to support and develop all aspects of the Gaelic language, culture, history and heritage at local, national and international levels by:
Promoting the study and development of Gaelic language, literature, music, drama and all other related art forms.
Promoting the use of the language in everyday community life.
Actively seeking official recognition and use of Gaelic as a living language and national asset by local, national and European Governments and other agencies, by co-operating with all other organisations engaged in the provision of Gaelic language and culture
An Comunn GÃ idhealach is non-political and non-sectarian, and membership is open to anyone sharing the above objectives
Oifisean a' Chomuinn/An Comunn Offices
Prìomh Oifis/Main Office
109 Srà id na h-Eaglaise/109 Chruch Street
Inbhir Nis/ Inverness
fòn/phone: 01463 231226
facs/fax: 01463 715557
post-d/email: [email protected]
Oifis Ionadail/Local Office
Taigh à Mhorair Leverhulme/Leverhulme House
Ceà rnag Phearsabhail/Perceval Square
Eilean Leòdhais/Isle of Lewis
fòn/phone: 01851 703487
facs/fax: 01851 706467
post-d/email: [email protected]
Oifis Ionadail/Local Office
Tallaichean Dhùn Òlaidh/Dunollie Halls
Srà id Bhraghad Albainn/Breadalbane Street
An t-Ã’ban/Oban
PA34 5PH
fòn/phone: 01631 565 475
facsfax: 01631 565 475
post-d/email: [email protected]
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
An Gaidheal Ùr-Pà ipear naidheachd na Gà idhlig