Hai!! 'S mise Eva. Tha mi a beagan sgith. Grapefruit juice and ginko bilabo make me absolutely mental. I work hard, I party hard.Enough of the formalities!! I love (in no particular order): Annie Christian (in their many guises), my tattoos, Colin Murray, being divorced, the Cookie Monster, Jack Daniels, Fion (that would be red or white), Crazy dancing, Obsessive Composting, Druidry, Gaelic, reading novels, walking down by the Tay, chutes (the band, not slides), panda bears, the Count, my posh blackberry type phone, rockin'out, pasta, liquid concealer and black mascara (they hide a multitude of sins), the grumpy cheeky fucker, decent fairtrade coffee and conversations with the girls, disecting the hidden philosophy of the labyrinth with either jordan or ewan, my saxophones and guitars, travelling on the bus to Edinburgh to see gigs, mama dinosaur & buzy lizzy, a good downpour, snuggling up.....and i hate (always with a passion): child snot (especially when they have a cold and it's green and elastic and sluglike and they wipe it everywhere!!!!!!!!!), the making/burning of cheese sauce in large quantities, the smell of freshly cut grass and petrol lawnmowers, granny armies that take up the entire pavement and force you to walk on the busy road or straight into that deep and muddy puddle, Capitalism, Conservatives, terrorism, gangsta rap, the broxden roundabout, The False Prophet a.k.a. Gordon (he knows why), the predator with the crap teeth, fake bake, burberry (etc), mr butler - karma's gonna get you, still getting ided, Tesco (Tescopoly, Tescotropolis, all the roads once led to Damascus - now they lead to Tesco - get the idea??), the bank loan, the rank smell of cheese and onion crisps, council tax, 2 o'clock in the morning, people who insist on using their mobile phones in toilets, drunken arguments about music, the megabus & shuttle buses, and the old man who plays saxophone(badly)in the High Street or St John's Street in Perth.
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