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Baphomet is an idol or image of uncertain provenance. The name can be traced back to medieval times, where it appeared in trial transcripts during the Inquisition of the Knights Templar. It came to popular consciousness in the nineteenth century, when it was applied to pseudo-historical conspiracy theories elaborating on the suppression of the Templars, and it became associated with a "Sabbatic Goat" image drawn by Eliphas Lévi.
HISTORY: The name Baphomet traces back to the end of the Crusades, when the medieval order of the Knights Templar was suppressed by King Philip IV of France. On October 13, 1307, King Philip had many French Templars simultaneously arrested, and then tortured into confessions. The name Baphomet comes up in several of these confessions, in reference to an idol of some type that the Templars were said to have been worshipping. The description of the object changed from confession to confession, being described as either a severed head, a cat, or a head with three faces. The charge was notable because it was different from usual forced confessions. Over 100 different charges had been leveled against the Templars, most of them clearly false, as they were the same charges that were leveled against other of King Philip's enemies. For example, he had earlier kidnapped Pope Boniface VIII and charged him with near identical offenses of heresy, spitting and urinating on the cross, and sodomy. However, the charges about the worship of an idol named Baphomet, were unique to the Inquisition of the Templars. Malcolm Barber, in his 1994 The New Knighthood, believes that the name of Baphomet in the trial depositions was an Old French corruption of the name Mohammed. The interpretation was that some of the Templars, through their long occupation of the Outremer, had begun incorporating Islamic ideas into their belief system.
Aleister Crowley's further fanciful connections linked the ram-god of Mendes with the syncretic Ptolemaic-Roman Harpocrates, a version elaborated upon the child-form of the Egyptian god Horus. Harpocrates was a granter of fertility, but he was not associated with debauch or lust and, most important, in animal-form, he was a ram, not a buck goat. The Baphomet of Lévi was to become an important figure within the cosmology of Thelema, the mystical system established by Crowley in the early twentieth century. Crowley identified Baphomet with Harpocrates and also with what he called the Lion-Serpent. Crowley agreed that Baphomet was a divine androgyne, while also being bi-sexual (as Crowley was) and "the hieroglyph of arcane perfection". In The Law is for All Crowley identifies the Lion-Serpent with one's "Secret Self", which he also called the Holy Guardian Angel. In Magick, Crowley writes, "The devil is this serpent, Satan. He is life and love. He is light, and his zodiacal image is Capricornus, the 'leaping goat,' 'the god head.'" For Crowley, Baphomet is further a representative of the spiritual nature of the spermatozoa while also being symbolic of the "magical child" produced as a result of sex magic. As such, Baphomet represents the Union of Opposites, especially as mystically personified in Chaos and Babalon combined and biologically manifested with the sperm and egg united in the zygote. Cover of Léo Taxil, Les Mystères de la franc-maçonnerie dévoilés, adapts Lévi's invention Cover of Léo Taxil, Les Mystères de la franc-maçonnerie dévoilés, adapts Lévi's invention. But Crowley saw Baphomet as more than the Union of Opposites—-he is also the Lust that leads to such Union. Baphomet is depicted in Crowley's Thoth Tarot deck, in the card "Devil" (Atu XV). Here, he is identified with the Greek god Pan, the All-Begetter. He is "creative energy in its most material form [...], the goat leaping with lust upon the summits of earth [...], the divine madness of spring". Crowley, who was known as "The Beast," also identified himself with Baphomet. In The Equinox of the Gods he describes another card from the Tarot, this time "Lust" (Atu XI), "It shows the Scarlet Woman, BABALON, riding (or conjoined with) me The Beast ; and this card is my special card, for I am Baphomet, 'the Lion and the Serpent,' and 666, the 'full number' of the Sun". It is perhaps for this reason that Crowley assumed the magical name of Baphomet when he was risen to the X° within Ordo Templi Orientis.
Etymology of "Baphomet" - Different theories exist as to the origin of the term, including:
* A deformation of the Latinised "Mahomet", a medieval Latin or Old French rendering of Muhammad (????), the name of the prophet of Islam.
* Idries Shah proposed that "Baphomet" may actually derive from the Arabic word ??? ???? Abufihamat, meaning "The Father of Understanding".[16] "Probably relying on contemporary Eastern sources, Western scholars have recently concluded that 'Bafomet' has no connection with Mohammed (????), but could well be a corruption of the Arabic "Abufihamat" (pronounced in the Moorish Spanish similar to bufihamat). The word means 'father of understanding'. In Arabic, 'father' is taken to mean 'source, chief seat of,' and so on."
* Lévi proposed that the name was composed from a series of abbreviations: 'Temp. ohp. Ab.' which originates from Latin 'Templi omnium hominum pacis abhas,' meaning "the father of universal peace among men." An alternative reading could be tem. o. h. p. ab. for templi omnium hominum pacis abbas. The translation in this case is abbot of the temple of peace of all mankind, perhaps referring to the Templars themselves.
* Emile Littré (1801-1881) in Dictionnaire de la langue francaise asserted that this word was cabalistically formed by writing backward tem. o. h. p. ab an abbreviation of templi omnium hominum pacis abbas, 'abbot' or 'father of the temple of peace of all men.' His source is the "Abbé Constant", which is to say, Alphonse-Louis Constant, the real name of Eliphas Lévi.
* Atbash cipher for Sophia. Dr Hugh J. Schonfield,[18] one of the scholars who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls, argued in his book that the word "Baphomet" was created with knowledge of the Atbash substitution cipher, which substitutes the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet for the last, the second for the second last, and so on. "Baphomet" rendered in Hebrew becomes ?????; interpreted using Atbash, it becomes ?????, which can be interpreted as the Greek word "Sophia", or wisdom. This fact is an important part of the plot of Dan Brown's bestselling 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code.
* The Rev. Alphonsus Joseph-Mary Augustus Montague Summers (1880-1948), compiler of The History of Witchcraft and Demonology (1926) and The Geography of Wichcraft (1927) was able to form Baphomet from the Greek words 'baphe and 'Metis'. The two words together would mean "Baptism of Wisdom".
* Satanists from the Church of Satan, founded by Anton LaVey in 1966, usually claim that Baphomet is the name of their identifying sigil, a point-down pentagram enclosing a goat's head, surrounded by five Hebrew letters spelling out LVYThN (?????, "Leviathan").
* Edward Alexander "Aleister" Crowley, deployed the name not only as his title within the O.T.O. but also incorporated the tradition of Templar symbolism within that of the Gnostic Catholic Church.
...Yin and Yang, a tiger and a dragon...
...When the dragons and the tigers will work together, the gates' heaven will be opened for the world...
...I AM...

My Interests

I LIKE PLAY everything...Singing, Painting, Dancing, Writing, Listening, Talking, Sharing, Walking, Discovering, Breathing, Juicing, Fucking, Loving, Hugging, Kissing and in first of all anyway and always PLAY more more and more...anytime it's a new experience...another dimension of life...Have fun!
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TOOL, Louis Armstrong, Franco Battiato, therapy?, Chopin, alice'n chains, Jhon Lennon, Beastie Boys, Ray Charles, Negramaro, 99posse, Mozart, Barry White, NIN, Nirvana, HANDSOME, Interno17, Run DMC, Bob Marley, Beethoven, SubSonica, FELA KUTI, Mahler, Pearl Jam, Ray Charles, rage against the machine(RATM), U2, B.B.King, the Doors, Orange9mm, Baustelle, Miles Davis, Duran Duran, Maurice Ravel, RedHotChiliPepper, Bach, Bluvertigo, KORN, MINISTRY, Dead Kennedy, Level42, WHO, Erik Satie, Caparezza, CCCP, Marlene Kuntz, Skunk Anansie, etc. etc....but also nobody music..only urban noises, screams, farts, erupts and my W.C.'s sounds, every sound is a sound..


I like this type of movie: MATRIX trilogy, Man on the Moon, American History X, The CORPORATION, 9/11, Bread and Roses, Nazarin, etc. etc...and them authors like Lars Von Trier, Wim Wenders, Kristopf Kieslosky, David Lynch, Federico Fellini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Pedro Aldomovar, Aleandro Jodorosky, Akira Kurosawa, Takeshi Kitano, all deep movies from all the world... ..but sometime a good silly movie it's a great idea!


I've trash my box TV...sorry! It's a new beautiful sport...Try also you! ..but sometime I watch it also with parents and friends.. ENJOY!


Sun Tzu, Lao Tzu, Edgar Morin, Immanuel Wallerstein, Serge Latoche, Marcel MAUSS, Pirandello, Frjotof CAPRA, Wilhelm Reich, Eric Fromm, Victor Hugo, Giordano Bruno, Giambattista Vico, Marx, Freud, Friedrich Nietzesche, Lucio Anneo Seneca, Epicuro, Eraclito, Platone, Socrate, Kung Fu Tzu, Giacomo Leopardi, etc. etc...All togheter like a window on our world... But also Comics, Photographer books, Art books, Cooking books, Herbal books, Health books and Romances, Novels and more more and more... ...But sometime I don't like read...


It's inside everyone of us.. Cover with a wall between us and the cosm made of the social hypocrisy and false belivings... Follow the white rabbit and wake up...NOW! ...but sometime the truth can be anywhere also under your desk now...Have you check it there?
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Want this banner on YOUR site? Click HERE to get the code! The Game of Attraction by Nicholas Powell, February 12 th , 2007

In the movie " The Secret ", it explains the Law of Attraction, as thoughts become things because thoughts are a wave or frequency of energy that activates attraction. It goes alongside the understand that like energy attracts like energy and of course that is easy to see for example in magnets. I have been aware of this Law for quite sometime, but just recently started to experiment with it more. Usually in my experience, it takes months to attract things depending on my alignment of feelings to my thoughts. Yet when I have faith in my Self that I know I can accomplish something, then it only takes minutes!

My friend and I went bowling the other night. I have not been much a bowler, but I always have found it to a joyful experience. The highest score I have ever bowled was around 80 points. The first game we played I did not expect much and scored a 67. After that, I got to thinking that I have not bowled since these life-changing experiences happened to me. Now that I know how the universe works and how it worked for me in the past with bowling then this would be a perfect opportunity to test the grounds of Law of Attraction using bowling as a playing field of reference.

Before the second game, I closed my eyes and imagined myself doubling my first score. I aligned my feelings by making the imagination process as real as I could in my mind. I begin bowling without any expectations of results but more focused on have a good time. The result of the second game was not double but dramatic improvement at a score of 112 points! I was impressed, but had faith I could do better and figured if I continued to focus on a good time then the third game only has the results to improve more. Yet I wanted to see if a more focused thought on strikes a crossed the screen and imagining the pins all falling down would produce a added effect as well so during each roll I imagined a X on the screen and the pins falling down. In the end of the game, I managed to produce some strikes and my score was 140 points. By the forth game, I decided to see how the results would be produced if I just concentrated on the game in the moment instead of focusing thoughts at the results I wanted in the end. I finished with a score of 156 with three strikes in a roll. The fifth game I decided to remain in the moment and bowled a score around 115 points.

I do have a conclusion, yet it is difficult to know for sure because when dealing with the Law of Attraction what you think is what you get and I think each game I played I experienced the results I desired in the game after. In other words, it took the time for one game in order to produce the results of my thoughts that I had in the pervious game.

I feel my thoughts were a trigger by an experiment I had with my car temperature gauge. When I was driving to a cold climate from where I live to where I used to work. I decided to test the grounds of Law of Attraction in order to try to determine time. Time being how long it takes to produce an thought to an experience, not being concerned about how 'big', or 'small' an thought attraction is, I do not believe the universe works that way save for through the mind of each individual. For example, to the universe in order to produce one million dollars and one dollar has no effect on time difference because the universe has infinite abilities to produce any result under any amount of time and space as long as you follow the universes 'signs' to take action in the direction. Yet I do believe that it does take some amount of require time because if there were no time between thoughts and manifestation then our lives would be more unimaginably complex at this point. Even though I believe, eventually that will be the process and what we are working towards now, more explained in the videos " Science of Life ". Therefore, the goal was to calculate the time process from thought to thing while driving to a colder climate and keep thoughts tuned to the temperature gauge rising three degrees. I decided to choose that creation based on my individual needs to convince myself beyond doubt my thought had the impact. I did this three times, three different days on my way to work and the average is about 20 min to produce the temperature three degrees higher while driving to a very noticeable lowered climate difference.

Hence, the bowling experiment may be a result of the calculations of the temperature experiment or both experiments may be accurate in accordance to the Law of Attraction. Now the bigger question remains, did I change the temperature gauge in the car or the climate of the weather outside? ;)

My Blog

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Posted by BAPHOMET on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 11:32:00 PST

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Simple prayof Saint Francis of Assisi Oh! Lord, make me become a tool of your Peace:Where is hate, make that I bring the Love.Where is insult, that I bring the Forgiveness.Where is disagreement, ...
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Video [ITA] Nietzsche and Zarathustra

VIDEO Aggiungi al profilo personale | Altri video...
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