Meeting new people who stimulate my mind and creativity.
Crafts, drawing, painting, knitting.
Artistic nudies.
Collecting fashion magazines.
Meditation and prayer.
Copping attitude.
and of course beautiful erotica.
Caresses on my face
fingers through my hair
touch tenderly down my neck
tension released from my shoulders
gentle kisses float down to me.
In all the excitement happening around us
with the electricity running through me
something bizarre is happening
I feel serenity. ~ Jessie S.
I'd like to meet all those who can inspire and delight me. Some examples are dark horses, lone wolves, cool cats, black sheep, smart asses, wise owls, sexy foxes and maybe a honey bear or snuggle bunny. But no cold fish, dirty dogs, horny toads, chauvinistic pigs, sly snakes, lame ducks or stupid dodos.
Early in life, I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose honest arrogance and have seen no occasions to change.
The truely talented who make a real difference are most likely to be found among non-conformists, dissenters, and rebels.
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Rock. R&B. Blues. I listen to music for my mood...
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I don't watch much.
Catcher in the Rye
Angela's Ashes
The pantheon of mighty and powerful gods.
and the Gnostic Soul
The Goddess is one and multiform;
The Goddess has nine billion names;
And more;
Of her names only a few do we sing:
Blessed be to the Goddess of Chaos, Eris inchoate,
First of all to emerge in the undifferentiated plenum
The splendid dancer on the interface
Of the macrocosm and the microcosm;
The Creatrix of all fractal dimensions;
Blessed be the Sun, Amaterasu,
Creatrix of all solar planets;
She we greet at dawns' first breath;
She we hail at noon;
She we bid farewell at twilight;
Blessed be broad-breasted Earth, Gaia;
The ever-bountiful planet of our birth;
From her core of fire
To the outer wisps of her Ionosphere;
She has birthed all evolved life;
She has suffered mass extinctions;
She has rebirthed species time and time again;
We shall not rest in our defense of her
Against the depredations of the patriarchs.
Blessed be Maria,
The Goddess of the Ocean;
Blue-mantled, foam crested;
She brings rains to the dry lands;
Her song is sung by the whales of the deep.
She nurtured life in its infancy;
As she watches over childbirth;
Blessed be Maria's sister, Selene, the silent;
Our constant companion;
Goddess of the lunar cycle of the womb.
At the dark moon we watch for her expectantly;
At the new moon we hail her joyously;
At the full moon we make love and sing her praise;
At the waning moon we mourn and meditate.
Blessed be Aphrodite, Goddess of Love
Who we know also as Aphrodite,
Bringer of delights;
Joy which knows no boundaries;
Kindness which needs no recompense;
Lead us from jealousy which keeps us ever-reborn
And bestow on us the paradise of the Goddess
On Earth as it is on Heaven.
Blessed be Athena; Goddess of Wisdom;
She who taught us in the dawn time;
How to speak, create tools, use fire;
To till the land and tend it wisely;
We see far and go forth in her name.
Blessed be Demeter,
Bringer of seasons and giver of good gifts,
We eat of your divine foods:
Grains, Fruits, Vegetables;
We praise your bounty at every meal;
You sustain our bodies and gladden our soul.
IX. Blessed be mother, queen, life giver.
Danu, your sweetness is the salt kiss
where ocean meets land.
You are the wellspring of fertility,
Queen of all Sidhe,
shining jewel of Ireland.
I am enveloped in your mist,
your loving embrace,
a child come happily home.
Danu, the oldest Celtic Goddess, known also as Don and Anu. Her influence spread far across the British Isles and Europe, where the Danube river was named for her. Few stories about Danu have survived, and yet the reverence in which she was held still remains. It is told that those who worshipped her, the Tuatha de Danaan (the children of Danu), retreated into the hollow hills of Ireland when Christianity overcame the old ways. There, they became immortal, the Sidhe or faery folk, and Danu's legend lives on as the Goddess of faery ways. Danu is the power that is in the land, never to be overcome by mortals. And Her power is in the imagination of those who see magic in the twilight mist between the worlds.
Blessed be Kali,
Goddess of the Underworld;
Skull-wreathed, terrible Goddess
Death, destroyer of Universes;
She who sits at the gate of rebirth;
She who weighs our heart in the scales;
If it weighs less than a pomegranate seed;
She will send you on to the summerland;
If it is heavier, you will wander in the Bardos;
To find rebirth and find love once more.
XI. Blessed be the devine huntress. Daughter of Zeus and the Titan Leto, Artemis was the Greek goddess of
both hunting and childbirth. Her twin brother was Apollo, and like
him, Artemis was associated with a wide variety of divine attributes.
As the divine huntress, Artemis is often depicted carrying a bow and wearing
a quiver full of arrows. In an interesting paradox, although she hunts
animals, she is also a protector of the forest and its young
creatures. Artemis was known as a goddess who valued her chastity, and
was fiercely protective of her status as divine virgin. If she was
seen by mortals -- or if one attempted to relieve her of her virginity
-- her wrath was impressive. The Theban hunter Actaeon spied on her
once as she bathed, and Artemis turned him into a stag, at which point
he was felled by his own hounds.
Despite her own lack of children, Artemis was known as a goddess of
childbirth, possibly because she assisted her own mother in the
delivery of her twin, Apollo. She protected women in labor, but also
brought them death and sickness. Numerous cults dedicated to Artemis
sprouted up around the Greek world, most of which were connected to
women's mysteries and transitional phases, such as childbirth,
puberty, and motherhood.
Artemis had many names in the Greek world. She was Agrotera, a goddess
of hunters; as Potnia Theron she became known as the guardian of young
wild creatures. When she was being honored as the goddess of
childbirth, she was sometimes known as Locheia. Occasionally she is
referred to as as Phoebe, the feminine variant of Apollo's nickname,
Because her twin brother, Apollo, was associated with the Sun, Artemis
gradually became connected to the Moon and the Roman Diana in the
post-Classical world. During the ancient Greek period, although
Artemis was represented as a lunar goddess, she was never portrayed as
the moon itself. Typically, in post-Classical artwork, she is depicted
beside a crescent moon.
XII.Some say that God created man and woman in His own image on the Sixth Day, giving them charge over the world; [2] but that Eve did not yet exist. Now, God had set Adam to name every beast, bird and other living thing. When they passed before him in pairs, male and female, Adam-being already like a twenty-year-old man-felt jealous of their loves, and though he tried coupling with each female in turn, found no satisfaction in the act. He therefore cried: 'Every creature but I has a proper matel', and prayed God would remedy this injustice. [3](c) God then formed Lilith, the first woman, just as He had formed Adam, except that He used filth and sediment instead of pure dust. From Adam's union with this demoness, and with another like her named Naamah, Tubal Cain's sister, sprang Asmodeus and innumerable demons that still plague mankind. Many generations later, Lilith and Naamah came to Solomon's judgement seat, disguised as harlots of Jerusalem'. [4](d) Adam and Lilith never found peace together; for when he wished to lie with her, she took offence at the recumbent posture he demanded. 'Why must I lie beneath you?' she asked. 'I also was made from dust, and am therefore your equal.' Because Adam tried to compel her obedience by force, Lilith, in a rage, uttered the magic name of God, rose into the air and left him.
XIV.Hathor (Athyr): Egyptian cow goddess. Daughter of Nut and Re. In early Egyptian mythology she was the mother of the sky god Horus, but was later replaced in this capacity by Isis. Hathor then became a protectress of Horus. She was depicted either as a cow or in human form wearing a crown consisting of a sun disk held between the horns of a cow. Her name appears to mean "house of Horus", referring to her role as a sky goddess, the "house" denoting the heavens depicted as a great cow. Hathor was often regarded as the mother of the Egyptian pharaoh, who styled himself the "son of Hathor". Since the pharaoh was also considered to be Horus as the son of Isis, it might be surmised that this had its origin when Horus was considered to be the son of Hathor. Hathor took on an uncharacteristically destructive aspect in the legend of the Eye of Re. According to this legend, Re sent the Eye of Re in the form of Hathor to destroy humanity, believing that they were plotting aganist him. However, Re changed his mind and flooded the fields with beer, dyed red to look like blood. Hathor stopped to drink the beer, and, having become intoxicated, never carried out her deadly mission. Hathor was often symbolized by the papyrus reed, the snake, and the Egyptian rattle known as the sistrum. Her image could also be used to form the capitals of columns in Egyptian architecture. Her principal sanctuary was at Dandarah, where her cult had its early focus, and where it may have had its origin. At Dandarah, she was particularly worshipped in her role as a goddess of fertility, of women, and of childbirth. At Thebes she was regarded as a goddess of the dead under the title of the "Lady of the West", associated with the sun god Re on his descent below the western horizon. The Greeks identified Hathor with Aphrodite.
XV. Juno(Hera) : Regina. Queen. Juno Moneta- she who warns. Moon Goddess. Queen of Heaven. Lady. Earth Goddess. She who warns. Great Mother. Patron goddess of Rome and the Roman empire. Protectress of women, marriage, the home, childbirth. Goddess of light, women's fertility, the Moon, renewal, purification, the sky, death, pain, punishment. Queen of the gods, the wife and sister of the god Jupiter. She was the protector of women and was worshiped under several names. As Juno Pronuba she presided over marriage; as Juno Lucina she aided women in childbirth; and as Juno Regina she was the special counselor and protector of the Roman state. She is considered to be the female counterpart to Jupiter, king of the gods. Every year, on the first of March, women held a festival in honor of Juno called the Matronalia. To this day, many people consider the month of June, which is named after the goddess to be the most favorable time to marry. The peacock is sacred to Juno. Her Greek mythology counterpart was Hera.
Zeitgeist is originally a German expression that means "the spirit of the age", literally translated as "time (Zeit) spirit (Geist)". It describes the intellectual and cultural climate of an era.
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