interest me.
Buddha, the Dalai Lama (soon now, soon), The Karmapa, the real Jesus Christ - who was this guy?, Bill Hicks my hero,Dylan Moran my comic living god, Bill Bailey is soooo cool, Bob Marley, Robin Williams, Derren Brown, Alex Grey, M.C. Esher, H.R. Giger, ghosts, aliens etc... and these dudes blew me socks off so hard i had to steal the vid off Gem..
is the tune of the soul
I heart huckabees. And more.
who needs any more brainwashing?
Urging Neil Gaiman to write some more, Philip Pullman's Dark Materials, Teri Pratchett's Death Trilogy, Douglas Adam's Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy + his increasingly inaccurate trilogy, the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Les Thanatonautes, Herman Hesse.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Amma, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Bill Hicks, Bob Marley, and Planet Frog, without which this world would be a poorer place.