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once upon a time

About Me

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kelfin pa tricks oberon is a poetic personality of magical persuasions who lived and died in Glastonbury Town, in Somerset in Brith'ain from 1999 til 2005.{a.d.} Kelfin spoke riddles in rhyme - most of the time - and made sense to some in speaking spoken-word-play as a way to say things complex in a sort of simple way. This may perhaps have con-fused a lot of people along the way but some people really liked it and that was nice but also hard to handle.Kelfin has 4 poetry books published to his name, which served to ignite a certain infamy in realms of the underworld. I became best friends with the local Glastonbury God of the Underworlds - known locally as Guinn Ab Nudd - whose eternal home is with-in the Tor of Glastonbury fame {well worth a google search}. After a career of practicing performance as a King of da Faeries, Elfkin and many even stranger-sounding roles, Kelfin has since died in a flurry of controversy and futility, for the vision of everyone loving to live and work together in a society of friends eventually proved to be idealistic hippy blindness - and that which cannot live will eventually die.FOR LOVE WILL KILL WHAT IS NOT LOVEKelfin Pa Tricks Oberon finally passed away in August 2005 after hanging round town like an unwanted ghost for a year and a day, his great glory destroyed - he finally faded a way - in the dead of night - out of sight - out of Mind - West Ward went his disshevelled self - to re-invent - a new incarnation - to die to the Self while the flesh yet lived - to come Home to Earth re-newed and re-freshed - to repent for the sins of out-rage-us things - and these same sins to for-give - 24-give - to live and let live - and forge some new template state to relate what is killing our kith and kin, mother-and-child with-in - and to find our long-lost Father Earth Arch i type - for how to find the Peace of Mind to learn to live for ever in the midst the Heart-less-ness of outer-worlds of War on here I Am - still alive and well despite having died and gone to hell and pergatory - in search of some lost soul wisdom from an ancient wound in the collective phyche...
and this I will attempt to share - for any who care to dare to rise with-in despair and learn to be fair and awaken the dragon in da dragons lair and achieve the magic-all grave-bravery to embody the deepest magical pleasure - magic-all treasure to SHARE ... PEACE ... IN LOVE ... PRE SENT ... NOW ... HERE p / I got my myspace layout from

My Interests

raising hell in a heavenly mannor of speaking playing music, art of conversation, love of wisdom, practicing refinement of personnal philosophy, see-king true love in living true integrity {ability to integrate life-experiences}.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet the folks who made thisHannah mermaid - Fiji swim

Add to My Profile | More Videosneil young .. width="425" height="350" ..people who have learned to let love be their inspiration-all guide and motivating force in action - BONO of U2 is best famous example of a person I feel I will meet, for he is one of the few people who I see at the cutting edge of love-in-service-to-humanity and I feel there are some insights that those of us who have reached similar in-light-end-meant in the gutters needs-must be shared with these enlightened Stars ---- ---- wisdom of earthly underground to power of heavenly stars ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... somebody might introduce us soon !! ..... ..... .....


all kinds of live music that ignites the fires of soul-love-flow, mostly made and played by friends, {all strangers before we met}, we got beauty full weekly sessions in our {sheebin} home in cork, where what's new is that every one is tuning in to the music and song and sound that's just about to be created - {rather than trying to remember some past tune/song and play it like it was in the past}, gonna record and film some soon and learn to upload to 'youtube' and then you'll get the picture and feel the vibe ...
for now here is some siilar vibes made by people I have not yet met..... width="425" height="350" ..
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lord of the rings matrix 1, 2, & 3 its all gone pete tong Spiderman


news information new sin formation not much else to see.. width="425" height="350" ..
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This the earliest footage of Lou Reed ever performing on stage, from such a beginning was the Father of Under Ground Music made Independant ... for future generations of drop-outs around this glorious globe
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And if you dont know yer history of underground explosions, best waych this: .. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..


dune by frank herbert 5 books by Sir Laurence Gardner 8 books by Ceanne deRohan {do google search to find}


spiderman buddha jesus mohammed some friends my own extra-ordenary self !!
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My Blog

Climate Change of Name Dude

Du de Dan Anne, is a mythical name. It can be trans lated as "Black of the Family of Danu" in English tongue. As a chosen name, it emphasisises certain characteristics of a civilisation, no longer com...
Posted by kelfin on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:01:00 PST

peace be with us

Planetary Peace Process Business Plan Web-sites Magazines Gatherings Planetary Peace Process is a multi-media communications net-work. Over View To begin with, a document was written on the 8th Septem...
Posted by kelfin on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 03:56:00 PST


The ghosts of American soldiers wander the streets of Balad by night, unsure of their way home, exhausted, the desert wind blowing trash down the narrow alleys as a voice sounds from the minaret, a so...
Posted by kelfin on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 06:36:00 PST

new moon libra- Solid Love

The Moon is New at 28ยบ of LibraSaturday October 21st at 10:15 PM PDT / 5:15 AM GMT (10/22)For this lunar cycle's monthly overview go to:Monthly Overview For general info on how to use new moon energy:...
Posted by kelfin on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 05:09:00 PST

libra new moon meaning

Dear Moonsurfers, It's time to reclaim the power of beauty, harmony, and love! *Design * Elegance *Aesthetics *Peace * Gracious Living *a Grace-filled Life * *New Beginnings in Relationships &all de...
Posted by kelfin on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:08:00 PST

spirit and destiny

A Little Bird Told Me No Worries Bourne on the wing of a prayer As two ships passed in one night Spirit in the wind guided our sails Sheltering the sudden stirring storm Spirit bought both our boats ...
Posted by kelfin on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 08:18:00 PST


Posted by kelfin on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 01:07:00 PST


fund a mental istspoly tech nitionsorc castratingapoc a lipsnew sin form at i onforked tongue in cheekass holestowers of babe elplain speakplane crashto make cashtwist armsbehind our backsfor judge me...
Posted by kelfin on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 05:39:00 PST


A Gathering For Peace Ireland sometime soon A call to gather the most intelligent and magical of folk of Irish society to join together our focus and resolve in recognition of the unavoidable fact t...
Posted by kelfin on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:12:00 PST


There are people in Government and Big Business who know what is not shown on the NEWS. Mainstream NEWS media {TV, radio, print, internet} are all owned by Big Business and Government. People accept ...
Posted by kelfin on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:10:00 PST