Welcome to my page and thank you for taking the time to visit. Despite my relative lack of youth, singer/songwriting is still relatively new to me (~start of 2006), and I'm literally still finding my voice and adapting my previous ad hoc guitar style to the demands of actually playing complete songs. However, I'm very much enjoying the challenge of doing so.
My SongsThanks for Jeroen Wijering for the Flash MP3 Player .More about my songs
Are you going anywhere? A song about the roller-coaster
ride of the break up of a relationship, with all the push-me/pull-you,
love/hate, caring/not-caring feelings, the emotional ups and downs and
the contradictions between freedom and committment
I see you standing: A song about a reclusive lover. They say it's
better to have loved and lost, but is it worth the cost? Well I don't know
Me About You: A love song about a love song - and the uncertainties
that creep into even the best of relationships. Featuring a wonderful
violin accompaniament by Alan Cooper
Softly: A song about drowning - or not drowning. Very largely based
on a improvisation with very minor changes.
The Bruton Song: Completely improvised and unpremediated, this
is the original and only recording. An irrevant song about the 'arty' folk
of Bruton, and its (non-existant) supermarket. Dedicated to Mas and Ana.
Happy Now: A reflection on a love lost - but not forgotten.
My Next Destination: A real and metaphorical journey - unexpectedly
interrupted. Based on two poems by Joe Charlton .
Video & stills by Ian Scanlan - View video at mally.pollen8.eu
Known to most of my friends as 'Mally', Guitar Mal is the name I've adopted for my new found explorations into the world of the solo singer songwriter - as opposed to the various forms of instrumental music which have dominated my musical life until recently. This adopted name implies that guitar is the main target of my musical interests whereas in reality it isn't - I'm a multi-instrumentalist (jack of all trades, master of none!) though I do love playing the guitar.
More of my musicImpro Mal: Mostly improvised keyboard.