Tommy Carl profile picture

Tommy Carl

audio visual artist -- tommy carl taylor

About Me

Artist Statement:
My music's center is percussion sounds, ambient noise, recorded normal everyday sounds, instrumental keyboard tracks re-engineered as altered instrumental sounds with a tight adherence to musical rules and techniques. Just a guy and audio/visual artist using this equipment to create my music.
    Computer Digital Linear Arithmetic Synthesizer a Roland D10 microKORG Synthesizer/Vocoder M-AUDIO Trigger Finger YAMAHA Drum PRO DD-55c
I have a BA from the College of Charleston. What is a mind-fold?
    A mental review in a quick flash for what is important, an epiphany noted by each person on what is important in their life and sparked by family, friends, and music. Forgiveness is more important and vengeance, being spiteful, hurt and just annoyed and yes still back to the personal view for what is true for yourself, family and friends. --- next one later --- more to come
Tommy Carl on CDBaby “Tenzin” then “Sebastian” then “homesick for space” and then “Greenpeace” a four corners concept..

My Interests


Member Since: 11/4/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Just Me Tommy Carl Taylor
Influences: This is the start from my list

    Hank Williams (For my dad Bill Taylor when I went to buy my very first CD I picked up the Stones. Later the said son try this first and he was right.) Lester Raymond Flatt and Earl Eugene Scruggs (Cranberry North Carolina -- Scott Irish Music the start in America ..) Stones (The Stones took the media and the youth during Vietnam the late 60’s to very early 70’s, Being young was most cool.) The Beatles
    (I first heard this sound on German Television and German TV at that time was not the same as in the United States. Over these many years they gave ideas to more ideas and good music) Doors (The Doors knew the mood and changed the musical emphases to a progressive rhyme using the lyrics and thought to changes the political comments for much in the world as then and I hope as today..) New Order (New Order was willing to take the change to use electronics’ as a NEW media in studio music and for the CD. This progression for innovation made a lot in the music world stand up and note not is all just analog. A new marriage for analog/digital, a most clever insight on the cool to a mind folding view for what music can become… And note today all the very good musical noise happening on your iPODS… Thanks. ) Ramones (The day I went to CBGB to see the Ramones. They made the spin for musical change loud and close for musical sweat, very good ear noise. ) Robin Trower (Bridge Of Signs for me one of the best) Santana The MUSIC is still the best
    Thanks for the over view Joe Satriani
    The cassette version is the best. Find a copy of “Surfing With The Alien” (release date 1987). On cassette -- (a case containing magnetic tape) and save it… --- Heather Nova -- I just like your music and thanks Tommy --- --- PJ Harvey --- --- Zimbabwe The Soul of Music (Traditions of the Shona People of Zimbabwe -- I've lived in the third world. Here I was introduced to a finger piano, which is 7 inches by 5 inches and 1.5 inches deep handmade musical instrument. Life in a third world county is very hard.) --- DirtyVegas(This group is a very good template for the INDIE music artist.. Both want to do and want not to do.. And yes I like the music. Read and know what you sign.) --- --- --- The above is different as the current use of the BLOG that I note on the media internet. It can be direct and interactive for both to the subject and writer. Please come back or just mark this site as a favorite, Here on this MySpace place interaction can and does happen and not all the time notice within the scope or on-line comment and growth.
    Tommy Carl
Others later
Record Label: NONE
Type of Label: Indie