Egg profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i drink skate enjoy life get hungover and have a good timeWhisky!!!! 5amYaegermiester whatever time it was :D(lyrics) UMPA UMPA DOOBIDEE DOO EGG HAS GOT A MESSAGE FOR YOU UMPA UMPA DOOBIDEE DOO I'M DEAD DRUNK AND SO-SHOULD-YOU-BE-TOO

Myspace Layouts at / Eggs - Image Hosting

My Interests

music skating drinking partying box socialing

I'd like to meet:

too many to name


Punk Indie Acoustic Ska Reggae Rock Hiphop erm pretty much anythin to be honestspanish/french but it kicks ass


CLERKS!!! anythin by Kevin Smith


Family guy, Scrubs and comedy


Trainspotting, Fear and Loathing, Terry Pratchet and loads more :D


Sir Egg Eggington the 3rd Esquire of Eggsville, he is a legend!

My Blog


bit du art thou
Posted by Egg on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 07:34:00 PST