ed2000 / dangerous-drums.de profile picture

ed2000 / dangerous-drums.de

seek mystery

About Me

disc jockey / selecter ( radio, club, lounge ), a+r, event organiser, change agent.
Vergessen sind die Tage, als einige herumposaunten, dass Clubmusik tot sei. Kompletter Blödsinn – denn derzeit scheint’s mehr elektronische Musik als jemals zuvor zu geben! MP3 lässt zahlreiche Label und Download-Möglichkeiten aus den Boden sprießen. Da ist es schon eine Herausforderung nicht den Überblick zu verlieren – aber ED2000 versucht sich trotzdem durch den Stapel von Neuerscheinungen zu wühlen und dabei die innovativsten und rockensten Klänge rauszufischen. Also check die Neuheiten von Gus Gus, DJ Halsen, Rob Reng, Adam Freeland, den Discount Rhinos und anderen – alles elektroides Kraftfutter für die nächste Party!
Remember a couple of years ago when everyone was saying techno is over, clubbing is dead, dance is finished? Funny then that right now there seems to be more electronic dance being released by more new producers on more new labels over an ever increasing number of fit and able download sites every day!!! Its defiantly all new dance, techno, electro and bang up to date beats that are the mainstay of the cutting edge radio schedule at 3headz.de and this month ED2000 demonstrates that with a slew of “coming out soon” pre releases and artist dubs that carry the flag for the innovation that is the driving force of our beloved electronic club culture and its essential sound track. Gus Gus, DJ Halsen, Rob Reng, Adam Freeland and the Discount Rhinos are just a few of the artists whose current sonic statements will have you heading for a dance floor in your area very soon indeed!

My Interests

getting our artists out to as many interesting locations world wide as is possible. also in giving artists from worldwide the chance to present what they do here in berlin, germany. prefered methods are independant networking with a realistic eye on financial needs whilst still keeping the whole thing workable. we have hosted artists from usa, uk, japan, bulagaria, hungary, holland, switzerland, austria and italy at our different berlin events .

I'd like to meet:

like minds interested in international co-operations.

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fresh, contemporary, innovative. no real style dogmas, if its good its good. were coming out of the breaks and electronica scenes ( dance and listening musics ) but we all have rich and diverse musical backgrounds.


as well as djs and musicians we have inhouse visual artists who are on the cutting edge of the genre. we have also hosted visual artists from asia at our berlin events. looking forward to a more multimedia orientated future.


check out Sangare MP !


liebe chaos, p.j.carroll

words made flesh, ramsey dukes

energy flash, simon reynolds

back once again !


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