Mag Dubois is at the moment living in Oslo, Norway - after 10 yrs of Germany - 8 of them Berlin. Being a chemist she is finally back to science and research - but she is also back to the world of electronic repetetives - now involved in the Oslo based skies&pies project "COMICS"- working closely together with Christian Fisch with booking and DJing. In Berlin she put Science on the shelf and got more involved in the music and underground scene: she worked for the famous techno-frontier Label MFS, was involved in making and playing on illegal and half-legal conceptual events like the "lisa Simpsons Dream" on different squatted locations around Berlin and "Exorscience" in Deli - Berlin’s last underground frontier - which is now the known Club Maria am Ufer. Besides that she was involved and/or played on the Fuck Parade and internet radio and in Subground, Radio Berlin, Astro Bar, Tbc-bar.. and recent times in Oslo in Sikamikanico, PI and secret underground locations.. Style: Borderline Techno = touching boarders of electronical repetitives!------------------------------------------------
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