After-Hours Daycare, Theatre of Cruelty, KKKlowning, Fake Revolution, Fake-over Artists, Music Militia, VooDoo+DaDa=DooDoo, Finger-Painting with our Menstrual blood, Molesting your Mind, Performance Art, Playing Dress-up, Breaking Your Brain Bubble Open with lots and lots of Glitter
Los Angeles bands who we can invade with our anarchistic performance art zombie clown pirates toe fungus. WHERE'S THE IMAGINATION IN THIS TOWN??????
Myspace Layouts at / Hit n run
Holy Mountain, Sante Sangre- Jedorowski films, American Beauty, Matrix, Fight Club, SLC Punk, Eyes Wide Shut, Reflections of Evil, Magnolia, disgusting Japanese porn
your face
Tropic of Cancer, The Tao of Poo Poo, Crap Poetry by Toilet & Log, Temporary Autonomous Zone- Hakim Bey, Technicians of Ecstasy: Shamanism and the Modern Artist- Levy, Fox in Socks- Dr. Seuss
Black Widows, Bunnies, Buddhas, Butthole Bondage Bitches and Potato Bugs