Member Since: 12/9/2006
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Chuck on his horse!
Here's Eric and his Jewels! haha
MEMBERS ARE: CHUCK "WAGON" MAULTSBY (The DEAN MARTIN of the DOUBLEWIDES)-Lead & Backing Vocals, harmonica, beer bottle, kazoo, tambourine, guitar (once), broken records, marracas, imatation train whistle, and toilet plunger. ___ ERIC "MICK" MELLEN-Guitar, Lead & Backing Vocals, harmonica and JAGGER Impersonations.___ SCOTT "BOOM" BISH-Bass Guitar, backing vocals.___ NEIL "THE STEEL" HARRY-Pedal Steel Guitar (aka, The Sewing Machine) and handgun.___ CHARTER MEMBER: ROLLAH "ASSTONE" ASTON-Keyboards, Lead & Backing Vocals, and bong. ___ CHARTER MEMBER: MIKEY "BLOOZBOY" HOLLOWAY-Drums, Lead vocal and harmonica once, and phone book ... ____Other Suspects known to associate with THE OLD BAND are: ERNIE "NETO" MENDOZA-Drums, Ralph Gilmore-Drums, BRIAN "THE BRAIN" CORKILL-Guitar, ROB "THE BLOB" FRANCIS-Keyboards, SMOKIN J QUIROS-Guitar.....and others who would rather not be mentioned...
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Influences: Influences?! Well... Everthing from DEAN MARTIN (My Hero and Role Model), to Bob Wills, to SLIPKNOT...My earliest memories of music ('53-'54) was living with my Grandparents (who had a TV!) in Manhattan Beach, California. Grandma loved Liberace, Grandpa liked Spike Jones.... My Mom really dug Elvis and Harry Belafonte in the Fifties, so I heard that a lot as a kid living in Las Vegas ('54-'60). Chuck Berry and Little Richard were tearing it up too! .... Then we moved to Del Rio, Texas ('60-'63) where WOLFMAN JACK was broadcasting on XERF outta Ciudad Acuna across the Rio Grande, so I heard a lot of blues (Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf, Bo Diddley, the real shit!) .... Then we moved to Hawthorne, California ('63-'64) where the Beach Boys actually grew up two blocks away and still hung out, so how could you not dig the Beach Boys! The English Invasion started around this time too, so you could get beat up for liking the Beatles in Hawthorne! The first time I heard The Rolling Stones (Not Fade Away), I figured they were one of the Black bands that the Wolfman would play. Then, the first time I saw a photo of The Stones I thought "Hey, they must be surfers with hair like that!", kinda confusing. The Surf bands were huge in SOCAL too, like Dick Dale, The Astronauts (from Colorado Springs?), The Chantays, The Surfaris.... Then we moved to Tucson, Arizona ('64-even now) where the English Invasion was really getting strong and I decided to become a Beatle! I hooked up with some like-minded classmates and started a band covering The Beatles, Stones, Dave Clark Five, Herman's Hermits, Gerry and The Pacemakers, Them, and such. We wore matching suits and ties until ... we opened a show for THE SPIDERS (from Phoenix who morphed into ALICE COOPER). I quit the cutesy "beatle" band and started the first ever Spiders tribute band and played what they were playing at the time, which included a lot of Yardbirds! We opened another half dozen or so shows for THE SPIDERS (I'm sure they were amused and repulsed by our cheap imitation) until they moved to L.A. to make it big. We were also doing our Spiders schtick at the same coffee house that the STONE PONIES were playing, until they moved to L.A. to make it big (that Ronstadt chick really made it big!). ....So, we're up to the late '60 now. We're signed to CAPITOL RECORDS, and gotta single out that skyrocketed to 192 on the Billboard Top 200, and contribute two songs to the HELL"S ANGELS '69 movie soundtrack. We're playing L.A. now and then (Whiskey A Go Go, Gazarri's) when one night we go to The Whiskey to see whoever happened to be there. Who happened to be there was this odd band with three, yes count 'em, three lead singers with a stupid name, Three Dog Night! THAT did it! We added two more lead singers and did the first Three Dog Night tribute band! ....Then Led Zeppelin hit it huge! So, about this time, I figure to hell with it!! I'll never be able to sing like this Robert Plant freak so what else is there? Around the early to mid '70s I tuned into the Country-Rock thing. Ya know, Commander Cody, New Riders, Pure Prairie League, Marshal Tucker. OK! Country can be cool, and ya don't have to get castrated to sing like these people...I'm in!... And Here I am! Let me share a quote with you.... "THE MUSIC BUSINESS IS A CRUEL AND SHALLOW MONEY TRENCH, A LONG PLASTIC HALLWAY WHERE THIEVES AND PIMPS RUN FREE, AND GOOD MEN DIE LIKE DOGS. THERE'S ALSO A NEGATIVE SIDE." Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (1937-2005)
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Sounds Like: A blend of COMMANDER CODY AND HIS LOST PLANET AIRMEN-NEW RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE-JIMMY BUFFET-KINKY FRIEDMAN-LITTLE DICKY AND THE GELDINGS-THE STONES -THE BROKE BACK MOUNTIAN BOYS-PETER & THE FOUR SKINS-SEYMORE BUTTS BAND-People Of Tomorrow-BIG DICK & THE WISHERS-Late Sunday Dreamers- ... (and for at least 30 seconds, AC/DC)......... There's been some folks that say we sound like two cats and a pair of tennis shoes in a clothes dryer......
Record Label: WAGON TRACKS RECORDS at: CD Baby & Website
Type of Label: Indie