Jeni profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I will be in Washington, DC this Saturday, July 12th for the REVOLUTION MARCH. Meet me in front of the WW2 Memorial at the OHIO Pillar at 9 a.m. so we can all march together. I LOVE Ron Paul!!!!! Read his book entitled: The Revolution a Manifesto.

Sarah is home and did discover an important cool!!!!! :)

This is what I wrote to you while she was away::::: Hope Sarah discovers something incredible :)My default pic is of our youngest daughter, Sarah, YogiTranscend, because she is away and this way she may see how important she is to me :) Sarah left this morning for an archaeological dig with her Anthropolgy class, and when I got on her profie to see her beautiful face, she had "Little Wing" playing. It made me feel so close to her; I love her so. I love blues rock and I love my friend, Sonny Moorman. Sonny does a version of the song, "Little Wing." As I was listening and looking at my precious daughter's profile, she was flying through the clouds towards her "only in a fairy tale" dream study abroad :) No she isn't studying a broad. See what she'll miss being away from me? Sarah and I used to hear Sonny play and breathtakingly sing, " Little Wing" all the time. That was beautiful; just as she :):)
Sarah plays guitar, writes, sings, draws and cooks. I miss it all; I miss her smiles. I haven't seen them in a while :)I know she will shine while away in San Salvador. She has lots to explore!

As you can see, she also loves the band, "noctaluca," absolutely, as I :):)

May 18, 2008:::: As Sarah will tell you,RON PAUL RULES!!!!! What a speech yesterday! Our oldest daughter, Erin, her hubby, our youngest, Sarah, her boyfriend, my hubby and I heard Ron Paul at Louisville's Palace Theatre...WOW!!!!! Did I behave? Ha! Perhaps I'll post a few pics soon. Erin got interviewed and Sarah had her book signed by he and his wife :) Going with us was the thing she wanted us to do as a family before her trip :) We all missed a friend's wedding, but we were in Kentucky for this, then took Sarah to the airport. Thank-God we already gave her a gift from us all. It was one they both will enjoy. By the way Mr. and Mrs. Boren, your wedding pic is very pretty.

I am making 2008 Let's Be Kind year. Just ask anyone who's talked to me lately and they'll say, "Uh huh!"
Ramblin' me :) Isn't that why you visit?

UPDATE::: March 25, 2008:::: I am more happy than a leapin' frog on a sunny day!!! Hooray!!!! This past Friday, March 21, 2008, We trudged to the waterfall with Satch, Layla, Amanda and their awesomely awesome friend Kevin :):) What an excitingly "fit" adventure!!!!! :):):)

Huhhmmm...huhhmmm...that's what a friend wrote last to me. I hope they will see I wrote that here. Anyway, I will be away from here for awhile. Happy Mother's Day to all. And if you attend, attended, teach or taught at MIAMI Hamilton, I hope you have the most beautiful summer!!!!! : ) : ) : ) I know our Miami student will :):)

I just want all of you to know I love Sonny and Marc so! I wish I could afford to take ya'all to Burbank's to have dinner sometime when they play, but I guess ya'all can go to see them without me anyway :)You should, and soon! : )

Pray for our friends Trey and Kristin Many others too. I'll fill ya in aoon. Off to get a few chores finished :)

Most of these were taken by me; just following in Dad's footsteps:)

Here is my life:


"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted and forgiving each other"

"Blessed be the humble for they shall inherit the earth"

"Let not you heart be troubled"

Instead, try hiking Kentucky hills! :)

Hi. Our family and yours need to stay calm and take time to listen to one another yet we need to give one another time to absorb what's being said and time to think it over.

Jeni is worth $500 on Own Your Friends!

On Good Friday, March 21, 2008: We found the waterfall, off the beaten path, thx to our Louisville friends, Satch, His Leapin' Layla(Hahaa), Amanda and their coolest ever friend Kevin :):) You all were amazing!!!!! There is no way, really, no way we coulda, shoulda or woulda tried without ya. about wrapped in plants and knee deep in water!!!!! It was magical. I'm still hiking with you in my daydreams :):) Now for our hammock camping adventure and rockin' jam sessions... I'm in ecstacy just imagining ;)

Sun., Mar.2nd:::It will soon be time to get together with Ken and Sue for fishin' and campin' fun :):):)

I think I'll spare ya the details of the running around I do, all the helping plus much heartache, since I know ya'all have your own. I'll bet you're glad. Matter a fact, I'll write all on a word document just for me and only write to you guys about simple things? Just a thought. For now, perhaps I can find a show of intelligence that interests me such as medical reality, hiking or anything related, organizing or many things to teach me something worth knowing. Wow. I saw a show on photographing canyons out west, viewing rainforest from air ballons and climbing from them to trees to study reminded me of a world renowned ant scientist I heard at MU, who is still a Harvard U professor. He travels the world and takes his students I guess for study abroad, especially to the rain forests. Our youngest daughter will be earning study abroad credits shortly with her anthropology class :) I love watching tribal shows and real hiking survival series. I'm "trying" not to think about rediculousness. That follows me wherever I go around here. Believe me when I say unless we're hiking it's nice to be home.

I have a lot to tell. Indeed I've made many mistakes and if you are still my friend, then great! It has made me realize how to be and also could have made you realize the same!!! :):) If I accepted or requested you, then that tells it all.

Wow! In July Erin wed Brian. Ha. Who wouldn't marry such a hunka Ninja? :):) You can see why in the pics :):) Thanks to Etha and Jim for voluntarily photographing the wedding!!! It must be because we have captured memories for others through the years :)

Um, I've been finding out lately that it's a good thing I treated people with kindness because I run into people knowing people I've known from the past and whoa! Who would have ever thought they would ever, ever run into anyone I know now?

My message is it's always best to do the better and most moral thing because it could come back atcha bigger than you could imagine! It's never too late to start acting right and being the better part of yourself ; )

Another thing is::: Don't lie. People should be big enough to handle and accept the truth no matter how untruthful it seems.

I just found out there is a really neat concept I wish we had when my girls were little:
Who's Shoes! Who's Shoes donates a portion of all sales to the Laura Recovery Center for missing children. You go Who's Shoes!

Jeni Date: Apr 25, 2008 6:53 PM

Subject: I wish I knew

Body: what to do or say. Bad things are in my way. I say I think life's too short.

Wanna play?

That's copyrighted ya know.

Written by me, Jeni :):)

My Interests

This are my friends who have inspired me to never give up physically or mentally! autoplay_song

"Let not you heart be troubled"Instead, try hiking Kentucky hills! :)

Hiked it, Liked It!

This is my magic hour and I "never" wanna let it go!":)noc:)Everythinga be alright:)

On occasion default pic is of us in blue ponchos. This was at Red River Gorge (Sky Bridge ) We are The BLUEBERRIES!!!!! Hahaa. All 6 of us wore these. It was hilarious. This was the day the wind almost knocked us into Clifty Wilderness. I know some who wished it woulda. Ha :)

Jeni is ihikehills loves and adores Erin and Brian, Sarah and Michael, and my hubby Don(father of Erin and Sarah):) and feels lucky they like me a little bit :)

We will soon hike with our friend Jim who has been discovering many OHIO historical places. We can't wait for the weather to allow such adventures :) We are blessed to have met him!!!

Oct. 2007::::: Jeni and family will always hike hills with our Kentucky friend, SATCH :):):) We feel disapointed in ourselves since He, along with Layla and his cousin Gene recently missed hiking with us, so here the story goes:

Body: Clifty Wilderness waterfall Current mood: restless Category: Friends Who I'd like to meet:~ Our KY friends ~ so deeply :( ~ Goofy US! ~ ~ 10-24-2007 ~ ~ We were off to find "their" secluded waterfall. Hiking this past Friday, October 18th, 2007, early in the morn., we shoulda gone "Further on down the road... Doodoo doo doo doo doo doo" Instead we went to ~ Turtle Back Arch and the next morning hiked to the start of Dog Fork; we thought.Um, we "now" know we were camping on Swift Camp Creek Trail above Turtle Back Arch. "I" thought it was T B Arch at first, but didn't know it actually appears to be in the middle of the creek; that's if you are looking from the stream above with the black rocks, at our camp site. That threw me off and I thought , oh, yah, we must be at our destination. Oh, boy, do "we" have egg all over our faces! I actually called a friend Sat. morn. who was possibly down there and said we were at their destination. Man! Then no cell battery or reception to call back and ask if we had hiked to Dog Fork Sat. morn., or where?Well, as we all know, something like this certainly can't break a "real" friendship :) But your friends can think, hmmmm. This friend was too important to have missed, and, well, at least the night before we called and left a message saying we had parked at Rock Bridge lot and hiked to our camp site and described the site clearly. Ha. Turns out we weren't where I thought and told them, but, "Hey!" we tried.~ 10-23-2007: We know "now" exactly where to find the waterfall our friend said we'd enjoy. I may give you directions. L-O-L :) ~or~ You could remember to bring your topo :) We had a small zoomed version of an exact trail they even marked so well for us!!!!! (on a topo) and I had in mind to super-size it before we left and bring the laminated RRGorge map. Ha, we forgot we actually have a really good, large topo and when my hubby got it out yesterday, boy, oh, boy did "we" feel about as dumb as a donkey dog. HaHaaaaa!! Oh, if you're reading this Layla, I sincerely apologize :) I love you guys, ya know I do ;):):) ~ ~ Jeni ~ ~~ ~ DIRECTIONS:::~ "Further on down the road Doodoo doo doo doo doo doo~ Oh, we just didn't see... doo doo doo doo dooFurther on down the road Doodoo doo doo doo doo doo~ Oh, we just didn't see... doo doo doo doo dooFurther on down the road Doodoo doo doo doo doo doo~ From now on we "will" be!!!!!!!!!!!! Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo dooDah dah!"~ 10-21-2007:::::We just arrived home from Dog Fork::::We think! L-O-L! ~ If you have precious friends and family, do whatever you can to make them so happy, if possible, because your time with them is like a rare gem to be worn on your heart. Yes, I did write this two seconds ago @ 10 45 p.m. because my family and I seem to need more quality time and communication and also, we missed out big time hiking with our KY hiking friends :( ~ ~ Jeni ~ ~

UPDATE::: March 25, 2008:::: I am more happy than a leapin' frog on a sunny day!!! Hooray!!!! This past Friday, March 21, 2008, We trudged to the waterfall with Satch, Layla, Amanda and their awesomely awesome friend Kevin :):) What an excitingly "fit" adventure!!!!! :):):)

This is Ian Montgomery. Check it out:

I'd like to meet:

~ If you have precious friends and family, do whatever you can to make them so happy, if possible, because your time with them is like a rare gem to be worn on your heart. Oct., 2007::::
Yes, I did write this two seconds ago @ 10 45 p.m. because my family and I seem to need more quality time and communication and also, we are missing our KY friend and relatives afar so deeply and missed out on meeting several of them for the first time :( ~ ~ Jeni ~ ~

I also have a friend who wrote something similar to me, so I used part of that. It sounded good!!! I'm certain that's just fine.

I feel all twirly whirly :) Here is a Cincinnati area band I have known for only about 5 years from Sarah. To my knowledge, as of January, 2008 they have a different lead electric guitarist. Perhaps we will meet him some day. Below is their earlier promo video. Take a listen:(deleted)New will be added soon.


You are now listening to Sarah, YogiTranscend, our youngest daughter, creating a school music project with her classmates and their music instructor, Brian Gosley ..s.
Sarah wrote the music and wrote and plays all 6 string guitar parts you hear. She wrothe this song, Minor Fuse and Brian Gosley wrote a bit of the key parts. Sarah wrote most of the melody and music and I have been listening to Sarah play this song on our piano for about 10 years. She wrote most of this song at about age 11.

////////////////////////////////////////////// City Beat Add in 2003: SONNY MOORMAN CD MASTERING Don't forget the important last step. State of the art 96K/24bit Mastering & Live Remote 96K/24bit Recording. 513-856-7294 [email protected]

Wanna go to Rock School? Come to Hicks Manor, Rt. 4 in Fairfield, just north of Jungle Jim's.

My fav band is::::: :)Our friends,"The Sonny Moorman Group"

They will be at BOGART's on April 1st, 2008... with Robin Trower. I think they start at 8:00 :):)SPECIAL NOTE:::::TUESDAY, APRIL 1st:::::::::::::::::::::
Tomorrow, April 1, 2008::::
Sonny Moorman Group is the guest band for Robin Trower at BOGART's in Cincy. SMG goes on at 8 p.m. Wowee!!!!! GO OUT AND SEE THEM. Tickets are about $25. bucks or so. Go onto Bogart's site for more info.

Other than SMG, I have to say my fav albums are Mahavishnu Orchestra's, "The Lost Trident Sessions"

and BRAND X's "Unorthodox Behaviour" <3 They RULE!!!!! <3

Brand-X-"The -X- Files" is so cool too. I love The -X- Files Theme.

I love listening to Blues,Jazz,Bluegrass,Rock and a combo of all ;)

We also know a wonderful man, Guitarist Satch, our hiking friend from near Louisville, Kentucky, one a my all time favorite musicians :):):) I will always remember our adventure on this beautiful Good Friday, 2008 :):)

My daughter, Sarah(YogiTranscend) and my hubby Don absolutely RULE on guitar. I don't wanna brag too much, but, um...

You are now listening to Sarah, YogiTranscend, our youngest daughter, creating a school music project with her classmates and their music instructor, Brian Gosley ..s.
I change up the music on occasion to feature others on my friend list.

Across the ocean: B & M musicians from Sweden

I do post for many bands. Sometimes I post for ones I don't personally know. Some are friends, such as Sonny Moorman, Cervo Jim, Aaron, K Ozz in DSV, Lisa, TJ A, Loyd, etc.

S o m e my family members or other friends know, such as :::You can check out "Noctaluca" on stage first hand this February 16th at Madison Theatre in Covington, KY.

noc r"auh"ks ;)

You'll have a hot time and a cool ride :)

They are fusiony jazzy rock, lotsa fun to be around and always seem to include everyone in the fun :) ///////////////////////// autoplay_song

Of course I did put up several other musician friends for you to see, so check 'em out when they play out :)

Jan. 10th:::Hahaa. Hi Gary. I KNEW you'd look us up on here :) Gotcha! Sarah will be home around 10ish and I'll tell her to call and that you inquired about her guitar and sent her an e-mail. God Bless :):)

When Sarah was 10 she started playing guitar so she could jam with her dad. For school orchestra she played cello then bass. Now she and her dad jam on guitar whenever they can between work and school :)

Hey, All, CLICK THIS:::Finn Arild:::::::::::::::::::::::::


Any NOCTALUCA band videos, APOCALYPSE comedy videos by Sergio, our family videos and my many Sonny band videos I recorded through the years from Jimmy and Mark to Marc and Jamie, but haven't recorded anyone for 2 years now. Got a bit tired. I didn't even record my daughter's wedding or take pics. So nothing personal to ya'all :) That's what friends are for and we have a lot of beautiful photos thanks to family and friends. Still awaiting the videos, but when they arrive they will be the best so I hear from anyone ever using that videographer. Hurry on, Kurtis! We cannot wait to see your groovy work :) UPDATE::: It is Jan. 21st, 2008 and we hear it will be soon. We cannot wait to see the wonderful video!!!


Les Stroud, Bear Grylls, Nigel Marven; anyone sharing outdoor adventures who gives survival tips, etc.

Anthony Bourdain and many as he :)

I was in a MOORE'S FITNESS commercial back, gee, was that in 1997? Thank Goodness I was in full attire and using a treadmill.


Been workin' on that with inspiration from my family and Satch :)



Who's Shoes donates a portion of all sales to the Laura Recovery Center for missing children. You go Who's Shoes!

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children 1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST)

Creator of Cincy Blues Heroes

You already know whether or not I love you if you have heard me verbally, seen it in my eyes or felt it in your heart.

My Blog

Jeni wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the My Photos album I found this in my friend Mike's pictures :):) HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mike on June 18th! :):)...
Posted by Jeni on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 06:10:00 PST


Regarding Sonny::::: Okay, ALL, so I love him, but don't you? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    Wednesday , JUNE 11. 2008::::: Marc,  Dave, and I are at:  Cardi's Bar & G...
Posted by Jeni on Sat, 12 May 2007 03:25:00 PST

OHMS / noctaluca

  ..TR vAlign=top> April, 25 2008 09:30 PM - Mad Frog 1 E. McMillan, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219 - $5.00 & $7.00 under 21The OHMS 10:00pm- 12:00pm, Popadosio 12:15-2:00am..FORM> .This Satur...
Posted by Jeni on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 08:32:00 PST

Satchs Waterfall

Hi. A personal friend of my family just took us to see his waterfall!!!!!  He is from the Louisville area in  KY. He plays guitar and drums(not air ones as me), draws, paints, is ...
Posted by Jeni on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 12:05:00 PST

Foxfire Climbing Wall

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 ..>..> ..TR>   About Me Category: Travel and Places It's Sept. 4, 2006...Just returned from Red River Gorge : ) Wednesday my hubby and I, Erin and Brian backpacked...
Posted by Jeni on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:05:00 PST

Label Showcase

Label Showcase May 31st at the Madison Theater! ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: patientZeroDate: Apr 21, 2008 6:20 PM Hey legion of patientZero battle hardened brothers and s...
Posted by Jeni on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 01:36:00 PST

Jordan and his sister, Selena

Jordan Rolfes on MTV's "MADE" tomorrow, Monday, July 31@4:30...EST...Cincy time : ) Jordan's BLOG... Wednesday, July 19, 2006 MADE Debut Current mood: excited Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities Hello. ...
Posted by Jeni on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 12:36:00 PST

noctaluca TONIGHT @ Madison Theatre, Covington, KY

Coming north of Cincy: Directions to see noctaluca tonight @ Madison Theatre: Coming from Fairfield/Hamilton: Take 275 West ... Go PAST Colerain Ave. Exit... Staying on 275 West, then carefully get in...
Posted by Jeni on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 01:49:00 PST


I am interested in at least putting pics of missingĀ children on my page. If you ever see any of them or have info. contact:National Center for Missing & Exploited Children1-800-843-5678 (1-800-TH...
Posted by Jeni on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:39:00 PST

Lost Sarah's bd pics ) :

Jul 8, 2006 1:06 AM Calling all psychics! Pics From Sarah's 20th BD party ) : Lost With Camera : ( Ooops! I lost Sarah's camera from her sister! They always say, "Mom, please try not to lose the camer...
Posted by Jeni on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 08:23:00 PST